All Daylily Listings

16-080display onlyBed G4wnm. 6.5” rose with dark eye. Tetraploid View
16-106display onlyBed N2. Pod lavender blue baby. 4 inch rose with extended Green throat, slight blue Halo, white edging. Nine buds, three Branches, 25 inches height. Diploid, medium season rebloom. Recurved. Wide petals.View
16-109display onlyBed G4. Pod panama Scarlet. 5.5 inch dark red with green throat darker eye, wire gold edge tetraploid three branch 12 bud medium to late season good rebloom 28 inches heightView
16-111$10Bed H4. Pod street urchin. 5.5 inch red with green throat darker red eye. tan edging, 2 branch 8 bud good rebloom tetraploidView
16-117display onlyBed L5. 7 inch double, pale yellow, dip, medium season, buds nineView
16-118display onlyBed G2. Pod seedling Johnson purple double. 5 inch, salmon double with lighter edges, purple eye and green to gold throat. 30 inches height. 4 branches, 15 buds, diploid. medium season. Rebloom View
16-119display onlyBed G3. 5” Red with Green throat and slight gold edge. 22 inches height. Medium season. 3 branches, 18 buds. TetraploidView
16-13display onlyBed G3. Pod Wild Wookie. 9.5 inch unusual form bright red with darker chevron Eye. 33” height. extended green throat, curls, 2 branch eight bud. Tetraploid.View
16-131display onlyBed L5. 6 inch pale yellow, green throat, yellow teeth and tentacles. 2 branches, eight buds, 26 inches high. Tetraploid rebloomView
16-137display onlyBed H4. Pod Spacecoast Sonata. 5.5 inch peach with green throat ruffled gold edge six branches. 28 inches high tetraploid 25 buds, good rebloomView
16-141display onlyBed P6. Pod baker orange ruffled seedling 6.5 inch gold with ruffled edge 20 inches high. Eight buds. Tetraploid. EarlyView
16-148display onlyView
16-150display onlyViolent purple with wire white edgeView
16-152$10Bed J5em. 5” gold orange. 2 branches, 10 buds. Pod Festive Fall. Hardy. Good Rebloom. Tetraploid 22” height. Ruffled edgeView
16-16display onlyIn pot by muscadine. Pod Seedling coffee to go 3.75 inch. reverse bitone with maroon, extended eye.4 branch, 20 bud, 24 inches high. Dip. Medium seasonView
16-167display onlyBed F5. Pod Somewhat Peculiar. 5.5 near white. Ee 8 buds 2 to 3 branch 30” heightView
16-169 Kay's Plum Persistent display onlyBed G3. Pod Kay red seedling. 5 inch purple with slate lavender blue watermark, green throat. 12 -18 buds, 2 to 3 branches, rebloom, tetraploid. 26 inches height reblooms all summerView
16-17display onlyBed H5. Pod little red dragon. 5” plum with near black eye. 6 buds. 18” height. ee tet. Good rebloomView
16-19display onlyBed G4es. 5” Raspberry with darker eye and edge. 2 branch, eight bud, tetraploid, Early, rebloom, 32 inches height Pod Peter Fernyhough. Has darker dotsView
16-20display onlyBed J5. Pod Merry Moppet. 5” pale yellow red eye and edge. Ee. 6 buds. 18” h. Opened well with 40° morningView
16-21display onlyBedK4. Pod Swaney Silk. 7” rose. Gr th. Wire gold edge. 28”. Ee. Tetraploid, opened well 60° morning, Two branches, 10 budView
16-22display onlyBed K4 SE. Pod Velvet eyes. 5” plum near black eye. Ee 22” height. 8 buds, 2 branches. Good rebloomView
16-23display onlyBed K4. Pod velvet eyes. 5 inch orange with darker and Edge. Eight buds. 22 inches high. Tetraploid. Has some spots Good rebloomView
16-25display onlyBed K4 SE. Pod Wish Fulfillment. 7” pink, wire gold edge. Ee. 3 branches, 15 buds. 28” height. Rebloom. TetraploidView
16-29display onlyBed G4. Pod star of India. 6.5” rose yellow appliqué eye. Ee 26” h. Tet.View
16-31display onlyBed K5. Pod Spacecoast Behavior Pattern. 5” rose. Yellow appliqué eye.Gold edge. Ee 22” heightView
16-37display onlyBed H4. Pod Somewhat Peculiar. 5,5 near white. 18” h. Three branch. 12 Buds. ruffled edge. Re-bloom in AugustView
16-43display onlyBed J 4. Pod Eleanor Roosevelt x Cinch. 4.75 inch pale pink yellow polychrome with thick ruffled gold edge 23 inches high six buds early tetraploidView
16-44display onlyBed G5. Pod Aztec head dress. 6 inch yellow with plum I and edge. Two branch, 10 bud, tetraploid, re-bloom, 28 inches highView
16-49display onlyBed L5. 5.5 inch medium pink with watermark green throat gold edge three branch 12 bud. Pod timeless romance. Tetraploid rebloomView
16-5display onlyBed k4. 5.5” pale peach ruffled edge, pod Somewhat Peculiar . 3 br 9 bud 18” height,EeView
16-52display onlyBed H3. Pod seedling mamas cherry pie. Rose with white edge 7.5 inches extended green throat. Tetraploid. Height 18 inches. Season mediumView
16-53display onlyBed G5. Pod Lavender Heart throb x Heman. 7.5” pink with teeth. 6 buds. 26” height. E good rebloomView
16-55display onlyBed H5se. 5” Gold double with maroon eye. 26 inches height. Three branch 15 buds, Medium season Rebloom. Pod coffee to goView
16-58display onlyBed J4. Pod Peacock Maiden x Fire Fly Frenzy. 8 inch pale yellow with pink edges. double. Height 30 inches bud 12 branching three. Diploid. MediumView
16-62display onlyBed H4es. Pod Panama Scarlet. 5.5 inch red with gold edge. Three branch 12 bud. 28 inches height. TetraploidView
16-65display onlyGood G2 lid. Pod Seedling velvet eyes. 5 inch orange-ish red with black eye. 26 inches height. Tetraploid. Medium seasonView
16-7display onlyBed L5. 6 inch cream to pale yellow. green throat, ruffled edge, 3-4 branches, 15 buds, rebloom. 28 inches high, tetraploid. Ee. Opened well at 48° morningView
16-71$10Bed H3. Pod Steve Trimmer. 7” rose with large watermark. Wire gold edge. 2 branches, 8 buds. 24” height. Tetraploid. Good Rebloom. View
16-75display onlyView
16-76display onlyBed G4. Pod Spacecoast behavior pattern. 8 inch unusual form with green throat and appliqué eye. Rose with dots. 28 inches high, early to mid, 4 branches. Superior rebloomView
16-82display onlyBed pot mus. 7.5” near white with green throat. Dip. 28” height. 3 branches, 6 buds. View
16-86display onlyBed K3. 4 inch flesh tone with near black eye and edge green throat 18 inches height. Tetraploid. Mid season. Buds eightView
16-9display onlyBedG4. Pod Mississippi Momento. 4 inch rose with maroon eye and edge. 2 branch, six bud, tetraploid, early, re-bloom, 20 inches heightView
16-96display onlyBed L5. 5” Palest yellow to ivory. Ruffled edge. 20 inches height. Two branch eight buds. Extra earlyView
17-105display onlyView
17-106display onlyPod Lillian's woman's touch. 6 inch near White, 36 inches high good scape diploid.View
17-109display onlyPale yellow UFView
17-111display onlyBed P6 nw. 6” ivory with plum eye and wire plum edge. 20”, 2 branches, 6 buds. Ee. TetView
17-113display onlyBed K5. Pod Seedling coffee to go. 3 inch raspberry with black eye recurved sepals. Five branch 20 bud. Dip. 28 inches height. Medium seasonView
17-116display onlyBed K4. Pod velvet eyes. 5 inch deep raspberry with blackeye and green throat 25 inches height, 2 branch, six bud, rebloomView
17-142display onlyBed N2. Pod seedling lavender blue baby. 6 inch pink unusual form white midrib extended green throat watermark the usual form recurved 28 inches height dip to branch eight but superior rebloom. New scapes all seasonView
17-143display onlybed h5 es. 4", pink with bright green throat.View
17-144display onlyBed G3sw. 5.5” dark rose with plum eye and wire edge. Early. 2 branches, 8 buds. 26” height. Tet. View
17-148display onlyBed H5. Pod: across the universe. 6 inch pink with green throat. White, midribs, thick gold ruffled edge. 3 branches, 16 bud. Good rebloom. tetraploidView
17-151$10Pod Mississippi Momento. 6" rose with large dark eye. Green throat 28 inches high Good rebloom. Tetraploid. Three branches 15 budsView
17-152display onlyBed G4. Pod look here Mary X heavenly angel ice. 7 inch pale yellow two cream unusual form curled see people deployed three branch 15 bud 38 inches height rebloomView
17-153display onlyBed P5. 6.5 pink double, unusual form. Pod parent Wilson Spider. 20" height, 2 branches, 10 buds. Diploid, rebloom View
17-169display onlyBed G2. 6 inch pale yellow with green extended throat unusual form recurved and some curls. Five branches 18 bud good rebloom. DiploidView
17-17display onlyBed H3. Pond NTS7 seedling 5 inch purple green throat yellow hi darker purple watermark and edge with wire gold edge 26 inches height, tetraploidView
17-171display onlyBed F5 se. Pod: Dorothy and Toto. 2 branches, 8 buds.View
17-172display onlyBed F5. Better by design by Dorothy and Toto. 6 inch Rose by tone double with lighter edges extended green throat to branch 8 buds medium season rebloomView
17-173display onlyBed G4. Pod thing of beauty. 5.5 inch. Soft pink with extended green throat, white midrib. Unusual form. 3-4 branches, 18 buds. 28” height. Diploid. Medium season. Rebloom.View
17-177display onlyBed P5. Pod busting loose. 9 inch yellow with white midribs and green throat three-way branching buds 12 medium season dip 30 inches heightView
17-182display onlyBedF5. Pod Spacecoast Francis Busby. 5 inch bloom, 28 to 40 inches high, pale orange/peach with coral eye and edge. Early/mid,Tetraploid, buds 12, 2 branches. Extra wide petals. Great rebloomer. Seedling 17-182. Penny has in Sally Lake Bed. In Yance Sally Lake 2024.View
17-184display onlyBed G3. Pod seedling flaming hoop. 7”red wire gold edge. 22 height 6 buds early tetView
17-186display onlyBed G3. Se. 5 inch rose green to yellow throat dark I can wire white and darker age 3 branch 12 bud 26 inches tetraploid. Rebloom View
17-189display onlyBed G5. 5 inch pale peach with large plum eye. white midrib. eight buds, diploid, 20 inches heightView
17-190display onlyBed K 4. Tired Suwanee silk. 6.25 inch pale flesh with Green throat at 4K purple and I and edge double edge with gold to branch 10 bud rebloom touch boyView
17-191display onlyBed H3. 5.5 inch peach with ruffled peach edge, green throat, some carvings, three branches, 12 buds, tetraploid. 26 inches heightView
17-192display onlyBed H3. Pod in TS7 settling. 6 inch pink with ruffled gold and 8 pounds 28 inches height tetraploid medium season Green throatView
17-197display onlyBed k5. Pod Artemio 6.6 pink gr th white midribs. Ee. 10 buds 28” ht.View
17-203display onlyBid M6. Pod lava flow. 5 inch orange with raspberry I for branch 16 but 28 inches high. Tetraploid Medium seasonView
17-205display onlyBed H2. Pod seedling King Kahunna.5 inch yellow double three branch 15 bud 32 inches high. Dip. RebloomView
17-206display onlyBed G3. 6” Purple with blue eye and edge. Double edge with white wire throat 2 branches, eight buds,tetraploid 28 inches high medium season rebloomView
17-207display onlyBH5sm. Pod coffee to go see evening. 5 inch peach double with rose hi. For branch, 20 bud. Medium season. Re-bloom. 30 inches height. DipView
17-212display onlyBed J4. Pod Granny Coot. 7” pink 6 budsView
17-212display onlyBed J4. Pod Granny Coot. 6” pink gr th. Wire gold edge 8 buds18” heightView
17-217display onlyBed Pod almost a rainbow x heavenly angel Ice.3.5” Very pale yellow to near white. green extended throat, white mid rib. 28 inches height, 30 bud, 5-7 branches. Extremely good foliage stays bluish green during the hottest part part of the summer. A great little landscape flowerView
17-218display onlyBed G3. 5.5 inch dark rose with maroon I and edge, three branch 15 bud, 30 inches height, tetraploid, earlyView
17-22display onlyBed K3. 5 inch Rose with dark plum eye and edge green throat tetraploid earlyView
17-223display onlyBed H5. Pod little rosy cloud. 5” pink bit one orange eye rose band. 32” heigh. Ee 120 buds. 6 branch RebloomView
17-224display onlyBed H4. 4.5” peach maroon eye edge. 15” h 6 buds ee Pod Songwriter. ?View
17-227display onlyBed H4. Pod space coast Senada. 6 inch Rose by tone green to yellow throat darker roast band and age with wire gold edge for branch 20 biuds 38 inches height tetraploid rebloomView
17-228display onlyBed G3. 4 inch pitch with red dye and edge with gold wire edge green throat to branch 10 bud 28 inches height tetraploid rebloomView
17-232display onlyBed H4. Pod Songwriter. 5.5 rose ruffled edge. 16”h. Gr th. EeView
17-29display onlyBed F5. 6 inch cranberry with gold edge green throat yellow eye. tetraploid. pod Spacecoast Francis Busby. medium season 28 inches height 10 budsView
17-32display onlyBed k4. Pod Sheza Heartbreaker, 6in pink 2 branches, 8 buds, 28”, eeView
17-38display onlyBed Frst. 3.5 inch red with darker eye and wire white edge. 4 branches, 18 bud. 25 inches high. Dip. Mid to late season.View
17-39display onlyPot by muscadine. 3.25 inch rows double with darker hi. Five branch 20 bud. 28” height. Dip. Medium seasonView
17-40display onlyPod: savanna skipper doodle, 42" height, eight budsView
17-43 Reddisplay onlyBed G4es. 5.5" red. Pod seedling Merry Moppet. 3 branches, 15 buds.View
17-44display onlyBed G3. 6 inch medium rose with dark plum I and edge, green throat, three branch, 12 bud, 26 inches high, early, tetraploidView
17-46display onlyBed G3 s. 6.5 inch ivory with ruffled gold edge. Three branch 15 bud. 30 inches height. Tetraploid. Pod Victorian lease. Median too late seasonView
17-47display onlyBed G3. 6.5” pale gold, Near black eye and edge, 8 buds, 28 inches high, tetraploid, medium seasonView
17-48display onlyBed H4. Pod Spacecoast Sprawler. 6 inch peach with metallic gold ruffled edge 24 inches height. TetraploidView
17-52display onlyPod Santa Fe Style. 8" yellow, edged rose with Gold ruffled edge. Tetraploid. Rebloom Seedling 17-52. Penny has in Sally Lake BedView
17-53display onlyBed G6 mid. 6.5 inch red with green throat. yellow eye and Wire gold Ruffled edge.Two branch, eight bud, 26 inches height. Tetraploid. Re-bloomView
17-54display onlyBed G3. 8 inch red unusual form spatulate extended yellow Eye, curled sepals 28 inches height eight buds medium season, tetraploidView
17-56$10Bed N5. Pod panama Scarlet x Point of View. 6.5” bright red. Tet. A visitors favorite View
17-57display onlyBed P6. Pod Celestial Flight. 5 inch Rose bitone with green throat and blue eye. 8 buds, medium season 22 inches height. Rebloom View
17-58display onlyView
17-59display onlyBed pod Velvet Eyes x Velvet Ribbons. 7" dark rosy red with burgundy chevron eye. Rebloom in September.View
17-6display onlyView
17-60display onlyPod Spacecoast Francis Busby. View
17-62display onlyBed H5. Pod Larry Grace. 5” peach orange edge. Pale red eye. 15 buds 28” h. Good rebloom eeView
17-63display onlyBed K6. 6 inch white green throat unusual form, 10 bud, 28 inches high, medium season, ruffled edge sepals curled very whiteView
17-66display onlyBed G 5. Pod Space coast Francis Busby. 7 inch red with ruffled edge. Buds sixView
17-67display onlyBed F5. Pod Aztec Headress. 6 inch pale yellow with green throat extended green throat plum eye plum wire edge 22 inches tall. Medium. TetraploidView
17-69display onlyBed H3. Pod velvet eyes. 7.5 inch raspberry with green throat and chevron maroon band, pinched sepals twist. 2 branches, 15 buds, 40 to 60 inches height, tetraploid. Picture was taken September 16. Rebloom View
17-7display onlyBed H5nem. Pod Mississippi Memento. 5 inch red with darker eye green throat and wire gold edge. Two branch eight buds 28 inches height. Tetraploid. early. has darker dotsView
17-71display onlyBed H4. 5 inch ivory with green to yellow throat ruffled edge, 4 branches, 16 bud. 28 inches high. Tetraploid. Rebloomed in AugustView
17-73display onlyBed H5. Pod Lacy all over. 6.5 inch pale yellow:peach green throat ruffled edge 4 branch 18 bud Tetraploid. Reblooms in August. EeView
17-76display onlybed p6m 6”View
17-77display onlyBed F5. Pod: Courting trouble. 5.5 inch pinkish tan with red eye and edge. eight bud. tetraploid. 26 inches height. medium seasonView
17-78display onlybed g2 e4 n7 6 branches. 6.5” loose double. Diploid. Johnson purple double seedlingView
17-80display onlyBed F5 midView
17-83display onlyBed K4 w mid. 7". Pod Swaney Silk. Rose with a red band.View
17-90display onlyBed K5. Pod Autumn Sojourn. 6.5 inch pale peach with thick ruffled edge. 3 to 4 way branching 15 buds. Tetraploid. 38 inches heightView
18-10display onlyBed K4. Pod SC Sprawler. 6.75” pink. Halo. Wire gold edge. Ee 19” height For branches 16 buds rebloomView
18-100display onlyView
18-108display onlyBed J4. Pod bluebird sky. 9 inch maroon unusual alarm with Green throat yellow my two branches six buds medium season rate 135 inches high tech reportView
18-109display onlyBed J4. Pod bluebird sky. 9 inch maroon unusual form green throat yellow by 34 inches height to branch six bud tetraploid rebloomView
18-113display onlyView
18-123display onlyBedG4. Pod Santa Fe style. 6 inch orange with green throat to yellow 26 inches height. Gold edge. Six buds, tetraploid medium seasonView
18-130display onlyBed p5. Seedling pod Spacecoast pumpkin power. 6.5 inch peach with ruffled edge. rebloom, TetraploidView
18-137display onlyDid K6 N. East. 5 inch purple double with gold I two branch eight bud. 24 inches high. Dip medium seasonView
18-139display onlyBed K6N. East. 3.5 inch purple double with green throat. five branches, 20 bud. Medium season. Dip.View
18-147display onlyBed K5. Pod Celeste deal flight. 5 inch Rose reverse bitone with patterned purple/blue eye 28 inches high, Dip 12 buds midseasonView
18-149display onlyBed K5. Pod celestial Flight. 4.5 inch rose with green throat blue eye lighter rose edge 8 buds two branches 24 inches height medium season diploid View
18-152display onlyBed M5. Pod snow blizzard. 6 inch ivory double two way branching 12 bud. Medium season. 28 inches high. Dormant. DipView
18-155display onlyBed L5. 7 inch pink unusual form with lighter edge, extended green throat, four branches, 18 buds, diploid, rebloom. Semi evergreenView
18-156display onlyBed K6. Pod delightfully yours. 6.5 inch, peach with ruffled gold edge and some teeth. tetraploid, medium season, three branches, 15 buds, 28 inches heightView
18-16display onlyBed K6ne. 6.6” gold yellow double. Pod king Kahunna Two branch 16 bud 28 inches height dip extra early replyView
18-168display onlyBed M5. Pod seedling Kay's big red. 7 inch red with bright green throat.20 inches high,two branches, seven buds, tetraploid, medium seasonView
18-17display onlyBed K6. Pod seedling king kahuna. 7 inch ivory double, crested, three branches, 15 bud, 35 inches high, dip, medium seasonView
18-174display onlyBed G5. Pod Hold on my friend. 7 inch peach/Rose Blend with orange and gold ruffled edge. Early. Tetraploid 26 inches heightView
18-176display onlyBed Q5 e edge s2. 6" near white uf with curls. 3 branches, 15 buds. Diploid, mid, rebloom. View
18-180 Rolling Oaks Daffodil Dreamdisplay onlyBed H2. Pod seedling of king kahuna. 5 inch bright yellow double with White, on the edges. Dip. Medium season. 3 branches. 18 buds. Rebloom. View
18-184display onlyBed M6. Pod Patsy Cline. 6 inch peach with Green throat red eye and double edge with red and gold extreme ruffles. eight bud 28 inches height tetraploid medium season rebloomView
18-189display onlyBed Q5. Pod Etoile. 7” peach, red eye and edge. double edge red and gold. Ee. 15” height. Tetraploid View
18-19display onlyBed L6. Pod whimsical witch. 3.5 inch pale yellow with blue high and wire blue edge. Eight buds. 20 inches height. Tetraploid medium seasonView
18-197display onlyBed K5. Pod Amanda’s Little Red Shoes. 7”. Pink yellow. Double 20” h. EView
18-199display onlyPink bitone. Extra early.View
18-201display onlyBed K6nw. 7 inch pale yellow unusual form double. 2 branch, eight bud. 28 inches height. Dip.View
18-202$8BedJ4. 5.5” Pod Mississippi Momento. Salmon with darker salmon band and edge double edge also has some white bright green extended throat eight buds 28 inches height good rebloomView
18-203display onlyBed K3. 5.5” rose with slate to pink watermark. Gold edge. Like Lavender Romance. 18” height early tet. Rebloom. 8 budsView
18-210display onlyBid G3 N. West. Pod Seedling calls four paws. 7 inch coral with green to yellow throat. Heavy substance and wide pedals and sepals. 2 branch 10 bud 24 inches height. Tetraploid. Medium seasonView
18-212display onlyBed J6. 6 inch near White unusual form. Three branch 12 bud 26 inches height green throat dip medium season rebloom. Poly View
18-26 White Polydisplay onlyNear white. Poly. Early/mid season. Diploid.View
18-32display onlyPink double with stripe on sepalsView
18-33display onlyBed K4. Pod Steve Martin. 6 inch peach with maroon I and wire edge, green throat. 33 inches height, early, four branch 16 bud. TetraploidView
18-40display onlyBed N4. Pod Townsend peach seedling. 5.5 inch light orange with slight red halo, extra ruffled edge, eight buds, two branches, good rebloom 28 inches height tetraploidView
18-41display onlyBed G4. Pod Tennessee treasure. 5.5 inch bright red with green throat slight white partial midrib 20 inches height buds 10 medium season tetraploidView
18-47display onlyBed P5 Pod Rosemary Dixon Seedling. Rose double, Reverse bitone. Slight white edge on some petals. Green throat. 6 inch, darker Eye, 3 branch 18 buds, medium season. 27” height, diploid, bud builder. Unique purple color on sepal edges occasionally.View
18-48display onlyBed N6. Pod Heavens declaring. 5” Rose with double edge of blue and wire gold. green throat pattern blue eyeView
18-5display onlyBed G5. Pod chaotic symmetry. 4.5 inch pink rose bitone pink midribs green appliqué Eye, 25 inches height tetraploid medium seasonView
18-54display onlyBed G4. Pod SC Behavior pattern. 5” coral dark eye edge gr th. Ee 8 budsView
18-56display onlyBed G2. Pod is purple seedling. 6 inch violet/rose bitone with purple eye wire gold edge, green throat 20 inches height, two branches, 6 budsView
18-58display onlyBed H5. Pod Jody’s Yaught. (Garden name)x velvet Ribbons. 7” maroon UF green extended th. 30” height eeView
18-6display onlyBed F5. Pod Courting Trouble. 5” pale peach dark maroon eye edge. Ee 24” hView
18-61display onlyView
18-62display onlyBed m6. Pod Spacecoast Francis Busby. Rose red with a green throat, ruffled white and gold edge and lighter watermark. 6.5", 20 inches high. tetraploid medium seasonView
18-7display onlyBed G 3. Pod ceiling flaming hoops. 6 inch bright red with tan edges green to yellow throat three branch line bud 30 inches height tetraploid rebloomView
18-70display onlyBed G3. Pod seedling king kahuna. 5 inch pale yellow double with ruffled edges. White midribs, 24 to 30 inches height. Medium season. Diploid, 3 branches, 15 buds, creasted, fragrantView
18-72display onlyBed K3. 6 inch pink with green appliqué eye, wire gold edge. 32 inches tall. tetraploid,good rebloom eight buds.20 percent polyView
18-77display onlyBed M5. Pod: p scarlet. 6” redView
18-86display onlyView
18-90display onlyBed N5. Pod Panama Scarlet. 6.5 inch bright red with green throat, sepals recurved,28 inches high, two branches eight buds, tetraploid, medium seasonView
18-95display onlyPod Little Red Dumples. 4 inch maroon double with darker eye. 2 branches, 10 bud. Dip. Medium seasonView
19-103display onlyBed K6. 7 inch near White with Green throat and white midribs. 33 inches height, medium season, good scape, three branches and 15 bud. Medium season. diploid View
19-104display onlyBed and six N. East. Pod Spacecoast Francis Busby. Three branch 15 bud 6 inch salmon with lighter watermark cream ruffled edge. Tetraploid. 28 inches height. View
19-107display onlyBed L5 Pod Seedling King Kahuna. Ivory double. Diploid View
19-108display onlyBedJ6SE. 7 inch near white unusual form, pinched pedals, curled sepals. 34 inches height. Three branch 15 bud. Medium seasonView
19-110display onlyBed 6. Pod Spacecoast Francis Busby. 4.5 inch orange with ruffled tan edge two branch eight bud 25 inches height. Tetraploid. Medium seasonView
19-113display onlyBed p5. Pod king kahuna. 5.5 yellow double good scape re-bloomView
19-113 Red SC Frances Busbydisplay onlyBed p5. Pod parent Spacecoast Francis Busby. 6.5 inch red with gold edge. Touch up lineView
19-114$10Bed Q5. 6" light orange with red eye and edge. Green to yellow throat. 2 branches, 8 buds. Multiplies well. Evergreen. 22" height. Buddy's Betsy X unknown View
19-119display onlyBed J6. Pod Emmas curls. 6 inch unusual form double ivory too pale peach six bones 28 inches high medium season giftView
19-123display onlyBed H6. Pod :-) ladies X rose F Kennedy. 4.75 inch rose pale pink by tone extended green throat white mid rib darker I three branch 15 bud rebloomView
19-124display onlybed L6sw edge. .Pod seedling from spacecoast sprawler.6 inch coral orange with ruffle gold edge green throat eight buds,22 inches height, tetraploidView
19-137display onlyRow 6. Bed n? SeView
19-140display onlyBed H6 S. mid. 8 inch new year white with curls. Two branch. 10 bud. Pod is white look here Mary SeedlingView
19-141display onlyView
19-142display onlyBed G4. 6 inch salmon with gold ruffled edge green throat watermark 33 inches high tetraploid rebloom. Three branches. 18 budView
19-145display onlyBed P6. Pod king kahuna. 5 inch peach double, crusted, to branch, 10 birds, 28 inches heightView
19-153display onlyBed G5. Pod chaotic symmetry. 6.5 inch coral with darker chevron eye or band. green extended throat. unusual form, curled sepals, wire gold edge. 2 branch, eight bud, tetraploid,rebloomView
19-16display onlyBed Q5. Pod seedling 16-37. 6.5" ivory, white midribs. 4 -7 branches, 20-30 buds. Rebloom. Very slow increase View
19-17display onlyBed H3. Pod Trump Card. 5” pink. Ruffled edge. Gr th. Rose eye. Ee 15”h. 4 branch’s 20 budsView
19-18display onlyView
19-19display onlyBed M6. Pod Everybody loves earnest. 2.5” tan extended gr th. Rose eye. 26” height. 6 budsView
19-2display onlyBed g5. Pod lavender heartthrob. 5”lavender wire gold edge appliqué eye. Halo. EeView
19-20display onlyBedJ6. Pod Look here Mary. 8 inch Near white unusual form. Three way branching 12 bud early. Good rebloom 28” height Diamond dusted. Sepals curl.View
19-23display onlyBed K6. 6 inch near White unusual form. Green throat. Three way branching 12 buns 24 inches height dip medium season. Curls on sepalsView
19-24display onlyBed L6. Pod Swanee silk. 6.5 inch Rose with white edge. Tetraploid 28 inches height. EarlyView
19-25display only3.75" ivory double. Created. 12 buds, 3 branches. 24" height. Diploid View
19-26display onlyBed P3 pod unknown. 7” peach unusual form double. gr th reddish orange eye. White midrib. double 30” h. Buds 16. EeView
19-3display onlyBed L6. Pod 16-7. 6” near white ruffled edge. Tet. Ee 28” h. 8 budsView
19-38display onlyBed p6ne. 6" purple uf with pink watermark. Green throat, white midrib. Wire white edge.View
19-4display onlyBed M1. 6 inch Rose with plum eye. White midrib, extended green throat 20 inches height. Diploid,extra earlyView
19-41display onlyBed J 6. 5.5” Hose and hose pale peach double to branch 10 bud 26 inches high pod parent seedling of king kahuna dipView
19-42display onlyBed L6. Pod 16-37. 8” maroon tet. Three branches, 18 bud, mid season 32”-39 height. Ee. Gr th.View
19-45display onlyBed L6. Pod 16-11. Dip. Pink gr th rose eye. Lighter edges. Ee 6 branches 20 buds, 25” h, 4” bloomView
19-50display onlyBed H6 mid. 6 inch bright red, three branch 12 bud. Tetraploid. Rebloom. 28 inches height. Hearty. Good landscape plantView
19-51display onlyBed N6. Pod Lillians woman’s touch. 5.5 yellow unusual form with curls good scape five way branching 18 buds medium season dip. 34” heightView
19-52display onlyBed L5 Rose bitone with Black Eye. diploidView
19-53display onlyBed L6. Pod seedling 16-7. 5” Near white with ruffled edge. Three branches. 12 buds 22 inches height tetraploid mediumView
19-55display onlyGood F5. 6 inch bright orange-ish red with ruffled gold edge green throat. 20 inches high, six buds, pod Spacecoast Francis Busby,medium season tetraploidView
19-64display onlyBed H3. Pod seedling mamas cherry pie. 6 inch red with extended green to yellow throat pale yellow midribs recurved branches three boats 14 mid season tetraploid 34 inches heightView
19-65 Lavender Galaxydisplay onlyBed M6. Pod Celestial flight. 4.4 inch, lavender Rose bitone, green throat, large blue/purple eye, 15 buds, two branches, bud builder, 26 inches height, diploid. medium season, evergreen, Rebloom. Bud builderView
19-68display onlyBed L6. 5.5 inch salmon bitone with gold edge tetraploid 24 inches height early mid seasonView
19-7display onlyBed g5. 3” mauve, good scape. 18” high dip, pod little red dumplesView
19-71$10Bed P2. Pod parent Bella Sera. 6 inch pink with pale Lavender eye, Double edge is pale blue to lavender and wire gold edge. 28 inches height. Three branches, 15 buds, tetraploid medium, season , re-bloomView
19-73display onlyBedN6 nw. Pod almost a rainbow by heavenly angel Ice. 5 inch, near white. Quilled sepals, check %. Green throat. Three branches, 12 bud. Dip. 24 inches height. Medium seasonView
19-76display onlyBed N6. Pod celestial flight. 4.5 inch Rose by tone with blue on my green throat eight but 20 inches height dip medium seasonView
19-77 Smiling Ladies X RFKdisplay onlyView
19-78display onlyBed M6. Pod Oxymoron X cosmic kaleidoscope. 5 inch deep rose with extended Green eye. Buds six. 20 inches height. Early to mid. DiploidView
19-83display onlyBed K4. Pod Swaney Silk. 7” pink darker eye ruffled edge. Ee 8 buds. 20” heightView
19-85display onlyBed L6. Pod king kahuna. 6 inch pale peach double. green th. 3-4 branches, 15 buds. 28 inches high. dip medium season rebloomView
19-86display onlyBed M6nw or bed L6 w edge n4. Pod 17-101. 6” Gold self. ruffled edge. 26 height, 5 way branching 30 bud. Tetraploid. Medium seasonView
19-87display onlyBed H 6. 7 inch pink with ruffled gold edge green throat eight bones 25 inches height. Medium season tetraploidView
19-91display onlyBed K6.Pod king kahuna. 6 inch pale yellow double with ruffled edges and green throat. 32 inches height three branches 15 bones medium season dipView
19-97display onlyBed ?6. 3 branches, 20 buds. 36" height. Mid season. Tet? Makes a pretty, long blooming clump.View
19-98display onlyBed J6. Pod Townsend deployed ceiling. 6 inch pink double with yellow I six but it’s 28 inches height medium season. DeployedView
20-042 Delightfuly Yoursdisplay onlyBed F5 sw. 5.5 pink with ruffled gold edge. 3 branches, 12 buds. 25" height. Tetraploid. Rebloom View
20-1display onlyBed k6. Pod Happy Halloween. Peach re eye. 6”, tet. 12 bud 3 br. 28” h. Ee RebloomView
20-10display onlyBed G6. Pod 16-10 little rosy cloud orange uf sd. 7” 26 buds 28” h. Ee lavender with rose band 7 way branchingView
20-100display onlyBed H6. Pod coffee to go sibling. 7 inch Rose double green throat 30 inches high dip medium seasonView
20-101display onlyBed L6. Pod Vino De Note. 5 inch near black with green throat, gold eye, two branches 10 buds. 28 inches height. medium season. tetraploidView
20-102display onlyBed J6. 7 inch near White unusual form green throat White, made ribs 32 inches height. Dip. Medium season. 15 buds 3 branches diamond dustedView
20-106display onlyBed G6 Pod whistle Blower. 6 inch peach double, unusual form. three branches 10 buds. 34 inches height. medium season. Diploid View
20-107display onlyBed J5. Pod Johnson purple double. 6 inch pale peach with coral edges and red eye green throat three branches 10 buds 30 inches height. Diploid . Medium seasonView
20-108display onlyBed F6. Pod double talk 6.5 inch gold to orange two branches 10 buds 30 inches height medium season dipView
20-109display onlyBed F6. Pod Caroline man 4.75 cranberry with ruffled gold edge green throat three branches 16 bud bud builder 30 inches height medium season tetraploidView
20-11display onlyBed J6. Pod Merry Moppet. 4” pale peach red eye edge. Wire gold metallic edge. 6 buds. 18” h. EeView
20-110display onlyBed P5. Pod Celestial Flight. 4.5 inch Rose bit one green throat blue eye six bud. Medium season, 26 inches height, dipView
20-111display onlyBed Q1. Pod ceiling X space coast black sensation. 6 inch near black with yellow ruffled edge. Six buds. Green throat. Medium season. Tetraploid. 28 inches heightView
20-113display onlyBed J6. 5.5 Pale yellow unusual form with curls. Green extended throat. 30 inches height. diploid, medium season. Rebloom View
20-113display onlyBed P6. 5.5 Dark purple with green throat pale yellow wire edge 28 inches height. Medium season. 10 bud. TetraploidView
20-114display onlyBed H6. Pod kiss this guy. 5 inch rose with yellow to green through extended blue I dark rose pencil mark 24 inches height. Dip. Medium season Three branchView
20-115display onlyBed H6. Pod in excess. 6.5 yellow pink double with green throat ruffled wire yellow edge 34 inches height two branches 10 bud medium season dip. DormantView
20-116display onlyBed J 6 9 inch yellow with green throat and lighter midrib medium season dipView
20-118display onlyBed J6. Pod celestial flight. 5 inch Rose by tone green throat blue I ate third 26 inches height medium season dipView
20-119display onlyBed F6. 6.5 inch pale peach with green fruit orange purple guy and edge double edge gold ruffled 26 inches height. Tetraploid. Medium seasonView
20-12display onlyBedK5. 6” rose dark plum eye edge. 28” h. Ee. Tet. Pod Spacecoast Behavior Pattern.10 budsView
20-120display onlyBed F6. Pod 18-178 Seedling Lillians woman’s touch. 4.5 inch pitch double 28 inches height 20 bud three-way branching dip medium seasonView
20-121display onlyBed N6. Pod so let’s steal White,. 4 inch Rose BIItone Green throat blue eye eight bud 25 inches height medium season dipView
20-122display onlyBed H6. Hard copy to go by fire fly frenzy ceiling. 7 inch pink with green throat White, made ribs dip meeting season 24 inches height 8 buds 2 branchesView
20-123display onlyBed G6. 7.5” Pale yellow with green throat. White, mid ribs, ruffled edge. Six bud. 26 inches height. Tetraploid. early season rebloomView
20-125display onlyBed F6. Pod seedling pink busting loose by Halloween green. 4 inch pitch with extended green diamond triangle shaped my throat rather read on my 12 buns three branches 26 inches height dip medium seasonView
20-126display onlyBed K6. Pod space coast Francis Busby. 6.75 inch orange with ruffled edge green to yellow throat darker watermark. Tet. 10 bud. 2 branch. 35 inches height. Medium season. RebloomView
20-127display onlyBed H6. Pod If I only had a brain. 4.5 inch purple double. yellow eye, three branches, 12 buds. 25 inches height. Dip. Medium season. RebloomView
20-128display onlyBed Q6 Pod celestial flight. 4.5 inch light rose with Green throat, extended purple appliqué eye. 30 inches high. Medium season. Dip. 10 budView
20-129display onlyBed K6. Tired seedling king kahuna. 4.5 inch rose with dark my three branch 18 but 35 inches height. Dip. Medium seasonView
20-129display onlyBed P6. Pod coffee to go. 4.5 inch rose with pattern 29 inches height 12 birds. Dip. But builderView
20-13display onlyBed G6 pod Whistle Blower. 4” red double. Ee. 12 buds. 3 branches 28” height dipView
20-130display onlyBed G6. Pod sibling lavender blue baby with teeth. 4 inch rose with Green throat blue eye, recurved, 10 bud. Dip. 29 inches height. Medium seasonView
20-131display onlyBed k6. 4.75” Purple/rose by tone with near black guy. 34 inches height for branch 15 bud medium season dipView
20-132display onlyBed F 6. 5 inch cream to tan double with rose edging on sepals. green throat, three branch, 12 buds. 30 inches height medium diploid, rebloomView
20-133display onlyBed F6. Pod smiling ladies. 6 inch pale purple with extended green on my mind, 26 inches height to branch can bud medium season dipView
20-135display onlyBed g2. Pad see you doing. 5 inch rose with darker purple-ish my green throat wire gold edge five branch 18 bud 28 inches high tetraploid good rate bloomerView
20-135display onlyBed J5 Pod white deployed seedlings 6 inch pale yellow on usual form recurved 38 inches high three branch 15 bud medium season rebloom dip. Double?View
20-136display onlyBed G4. Pond pocket change ceiling. 3 inch very pale lavender to near white green throat yellow by 30 inches high for branch 15 bud medium to light season dipView
20-136display onlyBed K2. 5 inch pink with heavily ruffled gold edge yellow hi Green throat to branch 10 bud 27 inches high. Medium to light seasonView
20-137display onlyBed F5 sw Pod seedling of coffee to go. 5 inch purple double with white edge with tiny saw teeth. 28 inches height. 3 branch,12 bud, medium to late season. diploid View
20-139display onlyBed G5. Pod so you doing coffee to go. 4 inch hot pink you F green throat for branch 28 inches high. Dip. Medium season. RebloomView
20-14display onlyBed H 6. 4.5 pink uf curls. Extended gr th plum chevron ee dip 12 buds 22h. EeView
20-140display onlyBed M6. Pod seedling Look here Mary. 5.5 inch unusual form. 10 bud, 2 branch, 30 inch height. medium season. diploid. rebloom. peach unusual form with curls and Green extended throatView
20-141display onlyBed H5. Pod American freedom 6.25 inch peach with Green throat very ruffled darker peach metallic edge eight bud 18 inches high medium season dipView
20-142display onlyBed F6. Pod seedling of double talk. 5 inch yellow double unusual form eight bud 28 inches height dip medium to light seasonView
20-143display onlyBed H 3. Pod seedling maroon six. 9 inch purple unusual form with darker Chevron on my green throat tetraploid 34 inches high medium too late seasonView
20-145-2display onlyBed G5. Pod little Rosie cloud. 4 inch pale yellow to ivory with green throat 30 inches height five branches 20 bud. Diploid RebloomView
20-145 Rolling Oaks Rose Tiaradisplay onlyBed G2. 5 inch deep rose with purple bluish Eye and edge. Double edge has wire metallic,silver edge. Green throat, 30 inches high, 4 branches, 16 buds, rebloom. Tetraploid. Evergreen. View
20-146display onlyBed G6. 6” Pink with yellow extended throat and dark Rose and I and edge. Double and has gold teeth six bud to branch 26 inches height tetraploid View
20-147display onlyBed N2. 6 inch dark rose with bluish/purple hi Green through wire pale yellow age 26 inches height three branch 12 bud tetraploid good rebloomView
20-15display onlyBed F6. 4.5” rose Darker eye. 30” h ee dip pod seedling king kahunna. 5 branchesView
20-150display onlyBed L6. Pod thing of beauty. 5 inch near white double. 2 branch, 14 bud, bud builder. 26 inches height. rebloom, medium season dipView
20-151display onlyBed p6. Pine ceiling almost a rainbow X heavenly angel ice. 6 inch pale yellow two near white unusual form green throat sepals curl 28 inches height. Three branch 15 bud dip medium season rebloomView
20-152display onlyBed K6. 9 inch pale yellow green throat white mid rib three branch 15 bud 32 inches height. Dip. RebloomView
20-153display onlyBed H6. 5 inch near white double. 2 branch, six bud, dip. 28 inches height, rebloomView
20-154$10Bed j3. 5” Palest peach with large red eye and red wire edge. green throat. 2 branch, 10 buds, 26 inches height. tetraploid. rebloomView
20-155display onlyBed G4wn. Pod seedling shores of time X life’s simple pleasures. 5.25 inch dark rose with darker eye. green throat. ruffled gold edge. three branch,12 bud. good rebloom 25 inches height. TetraploidView
20-156display onlyBed G4’s. 5.25 inch pale peach with red eye an edge and green throat. 28 inches height, 2 branches, eight buds, rebloom ,Tetraploid . Extra earlyView
20-158display onlyBed H3. Pod Wilson spider X heavenly angel ice 8 inch pink with Rose Chevron eye, extended green throat white midrib 2 branch, 10 buds, curls dip rebloom 38 inches heightView
20-159$8Bed L5. Pod lavender blue baby X purple cartwheels. 6 inch dark rose with bluish by green to yellow throat slight wire edge 26 inches height to branch 10 bud rebloom DiploidView
20-16display onlyBed F6 3.5” maroon double. Gr th. Pod Breshears American Revolution seedling. Ee. 15 height.View
20-160display onlyBed G2. 9" orange unusual form. 2 branch, 8 Buds, 26" height View
20-161display onlyBed H6. 7” With green throat and white mid rib three branch 10 bud 28 inches high rebloom dipView
20-162display onlyBed H5. 4.5 inch peach double with darker on my green throat 30 inches height six branches 20 bud. DiploidView
20-163display onlyBed H5. Pod Ebony Pauls. 4.5 inch purple with darker my green throat white wire edge three branch 12 bud 28 inches height. Tetraploid. RebloomView
20-164display onlyBed J6. 5 inch red green throat wire white edge tetraploid to branch eight bud good rebloom nice shade of redView
20-166display onlyBedG6. 2.75” Green throat pale yellow halo seven branch 25 bud rebloom dip. Pod 16–4 little Rosie cloudView
20-167display onlyBed J4. Pod life’s simple pleasures. 6 inch rose with darker rose band. Double edge dark rose and gold to branch eight bud good rebloom green throat tetraploidView
20-168display onlyBed L 2. 6 inch pink with green throat and watermark 30 inches height tetraploidView
20-169display onlyBed H3. Pod Spacecoast Tiny Perfection. 4.5 inch orange with green throat, gold eye and slight wire gold edge. Three branch 12 bud. Tetraploid. Good rebloomView
20-17display onlyBed G3. Poe Sd Kay’s big red. 9”violet red. If. 20” height. Ee Yellow ext th. Pinched.View
20-170display onlyBed G3. Pod true devotion. 4.5 inch pale peach with green throat and thanked rose halo gold ruffled edge for branches 15 and rebloom 26 inches height. TetraploidView
20-171display onlyBed H4. Pod Spacecoast Tiny Perfection. 4 inch peach, green throat, ruffled peach edge. 6 branches, 25 buds. tetraploid rebloomView
20-172display onlyBed G6. 3.25” Rose with extended green throat and darker rose band five branches 20 birds dipView
20-174display onlyBed Q5. 3 inch white with blue, patterned eye. Pod: West Farms double princess. Diploid, RebloomView
20-175display onlyBed K5. Pod space coast behavior pattern. 5.25 inch rose by tone with darker I triangular green extended throat double edge with maroon and white edging to branch eight bud rebloom tetraploidView
20-176display onlyBed h3. Pod Yaya girl by heavenly angel ice. 6.5 inch pink with extended yellow dye green throat ruffled edges curled Super Bowls double unusual form. Four branch 18 bud 30 inches height rebloomView
20-177display onlyBed F6. Paul and Suburban daddy Jon by space coast black sensation 6 inch near black with wire gold edge green throat yellow guy to branch eight buns tetraploidView
20-178display onlyBed J6. Pod Mary mop it. 4.5 inch Shrimp color with green to yellow throat slight darker halo gold ruffled metallic edge. Tetraploid. Four branch. 20 bud. Rebloom tetraploid 28” heightView
20-179display onlyBed K2. 5 inch pink yellow polychrome green throat yellow on my dick ruffled gold edge three branch 16 bud bud builder rebloom 22 inches high. TetraploidView
20-18display onlyBed G6. Pod Compass Point South. 5” pink double. Plum eye. Ee 5 branches 20 budsView
20-180display onlyBed G4. Pod Mississippi Momento. 5 inch rose with green to yellow throat large raspberry eye and raspberry edge three branch 10 bud tetraploid 28 inches high rebloomView
20-181display onlyBed H5. 6” Rose with purple eye, yellow to green throat, white mid ribs, slight purple edge. 2 branches, 10 buds, 30 inches high. Dip. Rebloom. Extra early. View
20-182display onlyBed J6.sw. Pod Mark's Bouquet. 4.25 inch ivory with green throat and bright red eye. Rose Stippled. 3 branches, 12 bud. 22 inches high. diploid. Dormant. Extra early.View
20-182display onlyBed G4. 4.5” Pale yellow to banana cream. Green throat ruffled edge for branch 18 bud 28 inches height. TetraploidView
20-183display onlyBed p3. Pond little Peter piper. 3 inch pale peach green throat dark rose band white midrib ruffled edge. Pinched petals. Six branch. 25 bud. Dip. RebloomView
20-184display onlyBed G5. Pod seedling lavender heart throb by he-man. 6 inch pink bitone with ruffled gold edge with some teeth. Green throat yellow extended I with slight watermark. Three branch. 12 bud. 32 inches height. Tetraploid. Re-bloomView
20-185display onlyBed K2. Pod Panama scarlet. 5.25 inch red with green throat, slight watermark pale yellow wire ruffled edge 26 inches height, four branch. 18 bud. Rebloom tetraploidView
20-186display onlyBed L6. 5.5 inch salmon orange with red eye and edge green to yellow throat two branches eight bud. Good rebloom. Tetraploid. Had scapes in late August. EeView
20-187display onlyBed H5. Pod Mississippi Momento. 5 inch dark rose with near black I and edge. Three branch nine bud. 26 inches height. Tetraploid. Rebloomed in AugustView
20-188display onlyBed G2. 7 inch pink unusual form with extended green throat and dark rose Chevron band. Three branch. 10 bud. Dip. Blooming in AugustView
20-19display onlyBed F6. 5” coral with salmon appliqué eye. Pod. So 17-83 Swaney Silk. 3 branches. 16 buds ee 36” heightView
20-20display onlyBed G6. 6.75” pink rose eye and wire gold edge. Ee. Tet. 5 branches. 17 buds. White midribsView
20-21display onlyBed G4. Pod ms momento. 5” rose maroon eye edge. 8 buds. 18” height. Tet. EeView
20-22display onlyBed N6. 9” maroon slight darker chevron extended gr th. White midribs. 34” height, ee.View
20-23display onlyBed G6. Pod 17-62 Larry grace. 4.5” peach gr eye. Maroon eye. Wire double edge maroon and gold. 22” height. Ee 5 branches,18 budsView
20-24display onlyBed G6. Pod Steve Trimmer. 5.5” peach yellow appliqué,salmon eye wire edge gold and salmon. Ee 28” heightView
20-25display onlyBedH6. Pod Lava Flow. 5” orange red eye gr th. Wire red and gold edge. Ee 3 branches 10 buds. 28 height. EeView
20-26display onlyBed F6. 5” near white ruffled edge. 3 branches, 12 buds. EeView
20-27display onlyBed F6. Pod while dip. Seedlings. 6” pale yellow UF. Extended green th. 18 buds. 6 way branching. Ee 38” heightView
20-28display onlyBed G6. Pod seedling 16-6. 7” creme ruffled edge. 3 branches 10 buds. 28” height. EeView
20-29display onlyBed J4. Pod Granny Coot. 7” salmon wire gold edge. Gr th. Ee 20” height. 8 budsView
20-3display onlyBed f6. Pod 16-149 little red dumples. 4” dark plum black eye. Good scape eeView
20-30display onlyPod Lavender Blue Baby seedling with teeth. 6” Rose with a blue eye and green throat. Bitown. Two branches 10 bud, dip, 40 inches height. Early. RebloomView
20-31display onlyBed L6. Pod 17-94. 6.5 gold ruffled edge. Ee 10 buds. 32” height. TetView
20-32display onlyBed. Pod seedling lavender heartthrob x Heman. 7.5 pink,Teeth. Ee. TetraploidView
20-33display onlyBed J6. Pod Emma’s Curls.5.5 yellow, waxy Extended green throat. Heavy substance. Curls. Buds nine. 20 height e dipView
20-34display onlyBed. Pod 16-34 seedling star of India. 9” raspberry extended green th. E 30” height mid seasonView
20-35display onlyBed J6. Pod Green morning glow. 3 inch, dark rose with dark eye and green throat. white midrib, 22 inches height. Early, diploid View
20-36display onlyBed G6. Pod Pod space coast black sensation. 5.5 inch. 20 inches height. Tetraploid. EarlyPurple with double edge of dark purple and goldView
20-37display onlyBed J6. Pod little Peter piper. 3 inch 18” high diploid rose with darker plum eye, earlyView
20-38display onlyBedK5. Pod spacecoast behavior pattern. 4.5 inch peach with dark plum eye and edge. 3-4 branches, 15 buds. 22 inches height, early, rebloom. tetraploidView
20-39display onlyBed F6. Pod 18-3 tall purple spider seedling, 6.5” maroon gr th wire gold edge. Em 32 heightView
20-4display onlyBed L6. Pod lava flow. 5” orange red eye and edge. Ee 12 buds. 30 in high. Teeth and tentaclesView
20-40display onlyBed J6. Pod Aztec Headress. 5 inch yellow with pattern, 8 buds, 22 inches height. TetraploidView
20-41display onlyBed G6. Pod Emmas curls. 8 inch unusual form with curls yellow extended green throat 22 inches height diploidView
20-42display onlyBed H6. Pod circle of fire. 5 inch purple with metallic gold edge. Tetraploid. Buds10. 25 inches height. Early mid. Rebloom in September View
20-43display onlyBed F6. Pod seedling 18-82 space coast Francis Busby. 6 inch maroon/dark red yellow eye, gold edge three branches 15 buds, 25 inches height. Early to mid. TetraploidView
20-44display onlyPod L6. Pod 16-69. 6 inch dark purple with white edge yellow throat 20 inches high tetraploid medium season. 8 budsView
20-45display onlyBed L6. Pod seedling. 9 inch red unusual form with curls yellow green throat burns 627 inches high. Medium seasonView
20-46display onlyBed H6. Pod 16 Dash eight. 6 inch near White self with green to yellow throat. 25 inches height. Tetraploid. Eight butView
20-47display onlyBed M6. Pod oxymoron x RFK. 4.5” rose With extended green triangle throat. 15 inches height, eight buds. diploid,medium seasonView
20-48display onlyBed h6. Pod all about eve. 6 inch coral double wire edge, 22 inches height. Tetraploid. Medium season. Three-way branching. Nine budsView
20-49display onlyBed H6. 4.5 inch pink double with extended green throat. 25 inches high. Three-way branching, buds 12. Medium season.Diploid View
20-5display onlyBed J4. Pod Martina Verheart. 5” red darker eye. Ee. Opened well with 40 degree night. 10 buds. 20 h.View
20-50display onlyBed G6. 5 inch Rose with lighter edge extended green throat. slate patterned eye, 20 inches height. Medium. Diploid. Pod seedling lavender blue babyView
20-51display onlyBed K5. Pod Amanda’s little red shoes. 7.5 inch Rose double with yellow Eye, scape 26 inches height, buds 18, branching 4, diploid, mid seasonView
20-52display onlyBedJ4. Pod parrot tattoo. 6 inch pink with gold edge extended green throat rose by 28 inches high. Tetraploid. Six buds medium seasonView
20-53display onlyBedG4. Pod Santa Fe style. 6 inch gold with ruffled edge.slight white edge, eight buds,20 inches high, tetraploid, medium seasonView
20-54display onlyBed K6. 6” pale yellow Unusual form. Green throat white midrib curls 20 inches high. Dip. MediumView
20-55display onlyBed N5. Pond animal scarlet. 6 inch cranberry purpleish with green extended throat and watermark. Eight buds. Tetraploid. 28 inches height medium season. Similar to Lexington AvenueView
20-56display onlyBed J6. 6” Pale peach/ivory with slight rose halo. 6 in. double, 34 inches height, wire glittery gold edge. Branches five. 18 buds. Medium seasonView
20-57display onlyBed J6. Pod seedling pocket change. 4 inch white unusual form, three branches nine buds,20 inches height. Dip. MediumView
20-58display onlyBed G5. Pod dancing summer bird. 9.5 inch pale yellow unusual form green extended throat three branches line but it’s 24 inches height. Dip. MediumView
20-59display onlyBedG6. 6 inch rose pink with extended green throat white bedrooms 6 inches good skate 25 but medium season. 6 way branchingView
20-6display onlyBedH6. Pod Lava Flow. 4.25” gold ruffled edge. Gr th. 5 way branching 25 buds. Ee 27” hView
20-60display onlyBed. 6” Near White, with ruffled edge. Two branches. Six bud. Tetraploid. Medium seasonView
20-61display onlyBed K6. 7.5” white. Unusual form. Three branches, 10 bud, Green throat, White, mid inches height. Medium season. DipView
20-62display onlyBed J6. 9” Pale yellow. Two branches. 10 buds, White, mid rib. Dip. Medium seasonView
20-63display onlyBed K6. 5 inch pale yellow pleated ruffled edge. Carvings. Six buds. 22 inches height. TetraploidView
20-65display onlyBed P6. Pod coffee to go. 4 inch, black eye. 21 inches height three way branching 16 buds. Dip. Medium seasonView
20-66display onlyBed H5. Pod great White,. 6.25 inch near White, with ruffled edge green to yellow throat 20 inches high three branches nine buds. Medium season tetraploidView
20-67display onlyBed K6. 5.5 inch dear White,, deployed, 30 inches height, 5 to 6 way branching, 24 buttons, medium season, dipView
20-68display onlyBed M6. Pod is seedling. 8 inch black spider green throat, yellow eye. 30 inches height, eight buds, medium season, tetraploidView
20-69display onlyBed H6. Pod seedling 17-84 look here Mary 8 inch near White dip medium season eight buds 26 inch heightView
20-7display onlyBed G6. Pod 16-9 Mississippi Momentum. 5.5”flesh pink with large maroon eye and ruffled edge. Ee 21”h. 6 budsView
20-70display onlyBed H5. Pod God save the queen. 6.5 inch red with white ruffled edge green throat 26 inches height tetraploid midseasonView
20-71display onlyBed G2. 8 inch Rose with darker on my green to yellow throat slight wire metallic edge. May be a dip. Medium seasonView
20-72display onlyBed N6. Pod seedling. 10 inch violent unusual form. 38 inches height medium season tetraploid extended yellow to green throat 8 budsView
20-73display onlyBed K6. 4 inch burgundy double,crested. dip, 24 height, medium season, 12 budsView
20-74display onlyBed K6. Pod sibling busting loose white. 5 inch pink unusual form double, six buns, 18 inches high, medium see you soon, dipView
20-75display onlyBed J6. Pod seeding, near White, 9 inch white unusual form, spatulate, three-way branching, 12 buds, medium, season , dip., diamond dustedView
20-76display onlyBed H6. Pod little mistake, 4 inch yellow undertones medium season, tetraploid, 24 inches high, three branches 16 budView
20-77display onlyBed P5 Pod seedling 17-62 (Larry Grace seedling) x space coast black sensation. 6 inch dark maroon. 25 inches height, three branches,12 buds. medium season. tetraploidView
20-78display onlyBed F6. Pod 18 Dash 149 celestial flight ceiling, 4.5 inch Rose by tone with large slate blue high, 34 inches height, dip, medium season, branches fiveView
20-79display onlyBed G6 6” purple ruffled edge. Three branches 15 bud 34 inches high tetraploid medium seasonView
20-8display onlyBed F5. Pod Eye of Truth. 7” Uf maroon chevron extended green th. 10 buds, Ee 24” -32” h. EeView
20-80display onlyBed F6. Pod seedling 16-109 (Panama Scarlet seedling) x space coast black sensation. 5 inch maroon with green throat and wire gold edge. 3 branch 15 buds. 32 inches height. medium season. tetraploidView
20-81display onlyBed J6. 5 inch red Devil with White, and Joe’s 24 inches tall dip medium seasonView
20-82display onlyBed P6. 6.25” ivory double. Pod Johnson purple double seedling. 30 inch height,12 buds, 3 branches. diploid. medium seasonView
20-83display onlyBedQ6nw . Pod Johnson purple double seedling . 7 inch ivory unusual form double. 18 inches high dip medium season eight butView
20-84display onlyBed K6. Pod Look here Mary. 8 inch white unusual form. 34 inches height, buds 10. medium season. dip. Sepals curlView
20-85display onlyBed J6. Pod ceiling of ceiling purple pen will Scarlet. 5.5 purple with green to yellow throat bluish on my wire pale yellow edge medium season tetraploid 20 inches height two branches eight butView
20-86display onlyBed K6. Pod double talk seedling space 6.5 inch yellow two pill peach double medium season dip 42 inches height12 budsView
20-87display onlyBed J6. 5” Dark rose double with green throat and large blue eye. 12 buds, 20 inches height medium season. Diploid View
20-89display onlyBed H6. Pod 17 Dash 87. 6 inch pink by tone with extended green throat darker my slight gold edge white mid rib, medium season. Branches to Bud’s seven 26” heightView
20-9display onlyBed H5. Pod Ms. Momento. 5” plum with dark eye edge and wire gold metallic edge. 16” h. Ee 8 budsView
20-90display onlyBed N6. Pod celestial flight. 4 1/2 inch Rose by tone green to yellow throat blue on my three branches 15 bud deployed medium season 30 inches highView
20-91display onlyBed N6. Pod celestial flight. 5 inch dark rose by tone with the extended green throat blue dye to weigh branching 12 buns 25 inches height dip medium seasonView
20-92display onlyBed N6. Pod almost a rainbow. 3 inch Rose by tone with darker I extended green throat lighter edges three branches 12 but it’s 24 inches height medium dipView
20-94display onlyBed K6. 5.5” Purple double 12 but green throat 28 inches height deployed medium seasonView
20-95display onlyBed J6. Pod landslide sakes alive. 6.5 dark rose unusual form double with yellow by 24 inches height eight birds medium season dipView
20-96display onlyPod thing of beauty. 5 inch ivory double pale pink Madrid three way branching medium season dip 25 inches high 14 butView
20-98display onlyBed G6. Pod making an impact. 6 inch maroon double with Green eye and partial wire white edge 12 buds. 28 inches high. medium season dipView
20-99display onlyBed Q6sw. 5.5” Double cranberry white midribs and partial white edge. 26 inches height. 24 bud. medium season dip. pod seedling coffee to go. DormantView
21-001display onlyBed F1. Pod seedling (Compass Point South x ink). 5" near white with blue patterned eye. Diploid, early.View
21-002display onlyBed Pod Mississippi Momento Seedling. 6 inch bloom flesh peach with a green throat and dark plum eye and ruffled edge, three branches 12 buds 32 inches height. Tetraploid early seasonView
21-003display onlyBed F6. 4” In the room, four branches, 16 bud, maroon with gold hi, 28 inches high, early season dipView
21-004display onlyBed K6. Pod Seedling (look here Mary X heavenly angel ice). 7 inch ivory spider with curls and green throat, white midrib. Chocolate colored buds, 30 inches height, three branches, 12 bud, diploid. earlyView
21-006display onlyBed F5. 4 inch light coral with a red band and green throat, 4 branches 15 bud, dip, early, 28 inches heightView
21-007display onlyBed J4. Pod peacock maiden ex firefly frenzy. 8 inch pink unusual form double with green throat and white midrib 23 inches height two branch eight bud. Dip. EarlyView
21-008display onlyBed G5. Pod little red Dumples 3.5 inch Siana or brownish rose with raspberry eye and green throat. 4 branch, 20 bud, dip, re-bloom, 20 inches high. Early, opened well with 60° morningView
21-009display onlyBed F5. 5.25 Ivory with ruffled edge. Green throat. Tetraploid. 25 inches height. Two branch, eight bud, ee View
21-010display onlyBed F4. 4.5 inch grayish lavender with maroon eye and green throat. Three branch, 12 bud, diploid.View
21-011display onlyBed H5. 5.5 inch dark raspberry with black eye and urge yellow throat. Two branches, eight bud, 28 inches height. Tetraploid. POD Mississippi MomentoView
21-012display onlyBed F5. Todd lavender blueberry toothy seedling. 4.5 inch rose with a blue eye white Madrid 22 inches height to branch 10 bud. DiploidView
21-013display onlyBed at six. 5 inch raspberry double with green I. 4 branch 12 bud. 28 inches height. DipView
21-014display onlyBed K4.Pod velvet eyes. 4 inch orange with maroon I and green through. 20 inches height. Tetraploid. Two branch, i8 bud re-bloomView
21-015display only7" pink. 3 branches, 12 buds, 32" height. Medium season. Rebloom View
21-016display onlyBedM6. Raspberry unusual form, pinched petals. 2 branches, 8 buds, 36" height View
21-017display onlyPod Mark's Bouquet. 3 branches, 9 budsView
21-018display onlyBed Q6 sw. Mauve with darker spotsView
21-019display onlyBedF6. 5.5” pale yellow/peach. Double 3 branches, 12 buds. Ee dip. 20” heightView
21-020display onlyView
21-021display onlyBed H6 west end north. 5.5 inch near white with recurved pedals. Three branch. Nine bud. 32 inch height. Dip. Medium seasonView
21-022display onlybed K6. Pod holiday flourish. 5 inch blood red with bright green throat. two branch,eight bud,26 inches heightView
21-023display onlyBed J6 south. 7 inch pale ivory with green throat white midrib. Diploid. 3 to 4 branch, 18 bud, 42 inches high, early mid seasonView
21-025display onlybed F6 ne. 3.5 inch purple with maroon eye, green to yellow throat. 4 branches, 16 buds, 29 inchesView
21-026display onlyBed M6. Pod Spacecoast Francis Busby. 6.5 inch bright red with green to yellow throat and lighter watermark. Ruffle gold edge with angel wings. 30 inches high. Two branch. 10 bud. Tet. Mid seasonView
21-027display onlyBed H6es.View
21-028display onlyBed H6 North Center. 4.5 inch burgundy with near black eye and edge. 32 inches height, 3 branches View
21-029display onlyBed G6 s midView
21-030display onlyBed F6 middle. 8 inch unusual form. Pale yellow with green throat. Curled sepals. 48 to 50 inches height. Six branch. 30 bud. Dip. Medium seasonView
21-031display onlyBid L6 N. West. Pod Seedling 16 Dash seven. 6.5 inch pale yellow with pink undertones. Carvings, green throat. Ruffled gold edge. 4 Branch, 16 bud, tetraploid. 32 inches high. Medium seasonView
21-032display onlyBed till six mid west. 5 inch read with wire pale yellow edge. Green to yellow throat. Three branch 12 bud 28 inches height. Mid. TetraploidView
21-033display onlyBed J6. Pod Seedling king kahuna. 6.5 inch pale yellow double, 30 inches height. Two branch six bud, dip. Medium seasonView
21-034display onlyBad H6 north west. Pod Seedling of he-man. 8 inch purple with yellow teeth. Yellow throat. 2 branches,10 buds, Medium season. tetraploidView
21-035display onlyBed N6. 5 inch ivory with green throat, blue eye and edge. 25 inches height. POD Cindy’s tie dye. Tet. Medium seasonView
21-036display onlyBid F6 north west. Pod jazzy tune. 6.5 inch rose with lighter watermark, wire serrated gold edge. Double. Two branches, Seven buds. Tetraploid. Rebloom View
21-037display onlyBed Q6se. 6 inch near black with wire gold edge. Green to yellow throat. 28 inches height, 2 branches, 8 buds. tetraploid, medium seasonView
21-038display onlyBed G6 N. West 6 inch deep rows with darker hi wire gold edge with angel wings. Three branch, 15 bud, tetraploid, medium season. 35 inches heightView
21-039display onlyBed F6 N. West 6 inch dark orange-ish red with darker than edge. Metallic wire gold edge. Three branch 12 bud tetraploid medium seasonView
21-040display only3" double View
21-041display onlyBed G2 West Center. 7 inch coral bright green throat with slightly darker eye. Six bud. 2 branchView
21-042display onlyBed n6. Pod Seedling coffee to go. 4.25 inch mauve with dark eye, green throat. 27 inches high. Six branch, 25 bud. Diploid. Early/mid season. RebloomView
21-043display onlyBed in six N. West 4 inch mauve with large maroon eye. 26 height. 2 Branch, eight bud. Dip Early mid seasonView
21-044display onlyBed Qne. Pod whistle blower. 6 inch peach with dark red eye and spots. Double. Two branch 10 bud. Dip early midView
21-045display onlyBed G6 north West. 5.5 inch dark rose double with white serrated edge. 28 inches height, three branches, 15 buds. medium season, dip. View
21-046display onlyBed P6 south east corner. 4.5 inch purple double. Two branches, six buds. Diploid,medium seasonView
21-047display onlyBird F6 north middle. Pod rolling Raven. 6 inch black with green to yellow throat. Two branch 10 bud. Tetraploid. 35 inches height. Medium seasonView
21-048display onlyBid M6 3.5 inch pink double green throat good scapeView
21-049display onlyBed G5. Pod Chaco Canyon. 6 inch purple with curls. Two branch 12 bud 32 inches high. Medium season dipView
21-050display onlyBed F6nw. 3.5 inch rose with large maroon I, green throat, white edge. Dip. 26 inches height. Two branch. I8 bud. Medium seasonView
21-051display onlyBed in six. Pod celestial flight. 4 inch pinkish lavender with large purple guy and green throat. Six branch 25 fired. Dip. Medium see you soon. Re-bloomView
21-052display onlyBed F6 north and. Pod Seedling Johnson purple double. 7 inch peach yellow blend double. Hose and hose style. 4 branches, 18 bud. Dip. Medium too late season. 32 inches height.View
21-053display onlyBed H6 south west. Pod look here Mary White seedling.6 inch near white, unusual form. Six branch 20 bud. 36 inches height. Dip. Medium seasonView
21-054display onlyGood F6. Pod Seedling king kahuna. 3 inch rose with darker I and green throat. For branch. 20 bud. 30 inches height. Dip. Medium too early season.View
21-055display onlyBed F6 S. West. 6.5 inch near black with green to yellow throat. Wire gold edge. 38 inches high. Two ranch 10 bud. TetraploidView
21-056display onlyBed J6 N. West. Pod can kahuna Seedling. 6 inch pale yellow double. Crested. Three branch 15 bud. Dip. 36 inches height. Medium season.View
21-057display onlyBed G4 so west. Pod so you’re doing king kahuna. 3 branch. 15 bud. 28 inches height. Banana yellow double 6 inches. Medium season dipView
21-058display onlyBed F6 north east. 4.5 inch rose double with white ruffled edge. Crested. Green throat. Three to 4 branch,15 bud. Diploid. 28 inches height. Medium seasonView
21-059display onlyBed N 6 SW. 4.5 inch rose with large blue eye and wire edge. 2 branches, 10 bud. Tetraploid. pod blue beatView
21-060display onlyBed G6 north middle end. 5.5 inch dark maroon with gold edge. 2 branch 10 buds, medium season. 28 inches height. tetraploidView
21-061display onlyBedH6 north east. 7 inch pink unusual form. double with white Midrib and green to yellow throat. Three branch,15 bud,36 inches height. Medium season. Diploid. WispyView
21-062display onlyBeard H6 NW. 4 inch purple with near black geye and lighter edge with wire white edge, green throat. 30 inches height. Two branch, 10 bud, medium season. DipView
21-063display onlyBed F6 Mid. Pod Seedling Mississippi Momento. 6 inch pale peach with large deep pink eye and ruffled edge. Two branch. Eight bud. Tetraploid. Medium seasonView
21-064display onlyDid L6. 6 inch gold with raspberry pie and age. Two branch tune bud. 28 inches height. Medium season. Tetraploid.View
21-065display onlyBed M6n end. Pod Spacecoast Francis Busby x Velvet Throne. Dark blood red, 6 inch with gold edge and lighter watermark. Two branch. Six bud. Medium season. Tetraploid. 22” heightView
21-066display onlyBed F6. 5 inch gold with Green eye. Eight branches 25 bud. 40 inches height. Dip. Green throat. Medium seasonView
21-067display onlyBed M6 east middle. Pod celestial flight. 5 inch near white with large purple guy. Two branch. 10 bud. 32 inches height. Medium season. Dip View
21-068display onlyBed J6. Pod Seedling white dip. 5.5 inch near white recurved green throat, 42 inches height, three branch 15 bud. Dip. Medium seasonView
21-069display onlyBed N6m. Pod so let’s do the flight. 4.5 inch rose with large purple eye and green throat. For branch. 16 God. Dip. Medium season. Height 25 inchesView
21-070display onlyBed G6 north middle end. 5 inch plum with metallic gold edge green to gold I. Three branch. But builder. 15 bud. 28 inches height. Medium seasonView
21-070display onlyBed G6 north middle end. 5 inch plum with metallic gold edge green to gold I. Three branch. But builder. 15 bud. 28 inches height. Medium seasonView
21-071display onlyBed 6 yard. Pod Seedling wonder of it all. 6 inch pink bitone with purple band and gold edge. Two branch eight bud, 34 inches height. Medium seasonView
21-072 now 24-088display onlyGood G6 W. med. For a .5 inch rows with blue eye extended green throat lighter edges. To branch eight bud. Dip, medium seasonView
21-073display onlyBeard F6 south east. 3.5 inch violet purple double with green through. Two branch, 10 bud, bud builder, 30 inches height. DiploidView
21-074display onlyGood L6 mid. 7 inch right read with green throat recurved sepals. 2 branch 12 bud 42 inches height. Tetraploid. Mid season. Polin parent heavenly united we standView
21-075display onlyBand K6 north east. Pod Francis Busby. 6 inch raspberry with ruffled tan edge. Green to yellow throat. Three branch, 10 bud. Tetraploid. Medium season. 25” heightView
21-076display onlyDid P6 W. end. 3.5 inch malls purple double. Two branch, six bud 20 inches height dip mediums youView
21-077display onlyBed p6. Pod Spacecoast Francis Busby. 7-8" inch rose red with white ruffled edge green throat. Two branch six bud. Tetraploid. Medium seasonView
21-078display onlyBed J6 east end middle. 5 inch dark maroon with wire beige edge yellowthroat to branch eight bud. Tetraploid 28 inches height medium seasonView
21-079$10Bed H6 mid north. 6.5 inch ivory with recurved sepals ruffled edge. 32 inches height. Three branch. 15 bud. Dip. Medium season. Extra hearty. Great landscape daylilyView
21-080display onlyBed F6 south west. 7 inch peach with white Madrid. Bree branch. 18 bud. 50 inches height. Deployed. But builder. Medium seasonView
21-081display onlyBed J2 south east. 5 inch near white with purple eye and double edge of purple and gold. Two branch. Eight bud. 28 inches height. Tetraploid. MidseasonView
21-082display onlyG6 pot. 3.5 inch ivory with green-ish yellow throat. Two branch eight bud. 25 inches height. Dip. Re-bloom mid seasonView
21-083display onlyBed J6e. 4 inch peach with red eye and edge. Double edge has gold on outside. Two branch, eight bud, 20 inches height. Tetraploid. Late seasonView
21-084display onlyBed j6sw. 6 “ pale peach. Pod white dip seedling. Recurved paddles and seatbelts. Three tired. 35 inches high. Deployed. Medium season rebornView
21-085display onlyBed F6 be. 6 inch near white with extended green throat. Diamond dusted. Thick substance. Six ranch. 25 butts. Dip. Median season. 38 inches heightView
21-086display onlyBed F6east end north. 5 inch peach double. Hose and hose. Two branch, 16 bud, bud builder. 28 inches height. Dip. Mid season. Fast multiplierView
21-087display onlyBed F6 south east. Pod Seedling 17 Dash 47. 6 inch ivory with lavender I and double edge of lavender and metallic gold. Green to yellowthroat white midrib to branch 12. Ud. 32 highView
21-088display onlyBed K6 SW.. 5.5 inch rose with black eye. Two branch, six bud. Medium seasons, dipView
21-089display onlyBed k6sw. Dip good scapeView
21-090display onlyBed L6. Pod 16-7. 5” Near white with ruffled edge. For branch. 16 bud. 23 inches height. Tetraploid. Medium season. RebornView
21-091display onlyGood app six north mid. 7 inch yellow to pale ivory double. 34 inches height. Two branch 10 bud. Medium season. DipView
21-092display onlyBed L5 was. 5.5 inch ivory with large maroon eye and maroon edge. 30 inches height. 2 branches, eight bud. Extra early. TetraploidView
21-093$8Bed L6 mid east. 6 inch blood red with wire gold edge green throat. 2 Branch. 12 bud. 35 inches height. Tetraploid. Medium season.View
21-094display onlyBed F5. Pond Indian sky? 7.5 inch pale yellow unusual form pinched sepals. Eight branch 25 bud. 31 inches height. Dip. Mid late seasonView
21-095display onlyBed K5 south West. 6 inch dark red with ruffled gold edge. 4 ranch. 18 fbuds 28 inches height. Tetraploid. Late season.View
21-096display onlyBed F6. 6 inch pale gold durable with slight rose hi. 2 branch, eight bud. Late season. 30 inch. DipView
21-097display onlyBed J6 mid. 5 inch pale rose pink with large purple and blue dye with green throat. Two branch. Eight bind. 34 inches high. Dip. LateView
21-098display onlyBed g6nw. Pod parent seedling 17 Dash six to Larry Grace. 4.5 inch peach with dark pink high and edge. Double edge has some gold tentacles. Two branch. 11 bud. Bud builder. 22 inches height. Medium season re-bloom. Touch reportView
21-099$5Bed L2. Pod So lovely. 6 inch pale yellow wide petals recurved. Three branches 15 bud. 28 inches high. Diploid. Late season. Extra hardy View
21-100$8BedG5. 6 inch pale yellow with pinched pedals and recurved sepals. 2 branch, 16 bud. Bud builder. 34 inches high. Medium season. Dip. Very hearty, good landscape plantView
21-101display onlyBed h6nmid. 4.5” Dark rose double with green throat. Crested. Two branch, 16 bud. Bud builder. Diploid. Mid season. Rebloom. Pod parent little red dumples seedling. 33” heightView
21-102display onlyBed h6se corner. 5.5” Maroon with green throat and slight wire tan edge. 28 inches height. Medium season re-bloom. Two branch 12 bud. But builder. Pod parent Star of India SeedlingView
21-103display onlyBed H6ome miss. Pod coffee to go see you doing. 5 inch pale yellow Dash pink overtones double. Five branch. 20 buds. 26 inches height. Median season, re-bloom. DipView
21-104display onlyBed G6n2. Pod 16 Dash for little Rosie clouds seedling. 3” Pale yellow with dark rose by. Green throat. Three branch, 15 bud, 16 inches height. Dip medium season replyingView
21-105display onlyBed F6nmid. Pod time tested.3.5 inch near white with large purple eye and green throat. 33 inches height. Two branch 12 fired. Bud builder. Dip.View
21-106 white Double display onlyBed j5se. Pod pocket change. 5.5 inch near white double.30 inches height. 5 to 7 branches, 25 bud. Dip. Medium season. Re-bloom. First early spring blooms we’re not double.View
21-107display onlyBedF5. Pod Santa Fe style. 6 inch pale peach with coral read by and edge. Two branch, 10 bud, 28 inches height. Tetraploid. Medium season re-bloomView
21-108display onlyBed L6ne. Pond trump card. 6.5 inch pale rose with green throat and blue guy and inch. Double edge has wire gold. Two branch, 10 bud, 26 inches height. Medium season rebloom bloomView
21-109display onlyBedH6sw end. Pod Seedling Suwanee silk. 6 inch bright red with green throat. Five branch. 20 bud. 32 inches .medium season re-bloom. TetView
21-110display onlyBedG5se. Pod coffee to go. 3.25” dark plum and black eye. 24-30” height. 5 branches, 30 buds. Dip Rebloom View
21-111display onlyBed H4 em. 8 inch bright yellow spatulate green throat three branch 15 bud, 36 inches height. Shoestrings xOK you’re married. Dip. Late seasonView
21-112display onlyBed H6ne. Pod all about eve. 6.5 inch pink with green throat. 3 branch 13 bud. 30 inches high. TetraploidView
21-113display onlyBed F6se. 4.25” Dark plum purple double. Two branch, 10 bud, 26 to 30 inches high. Re-bloom. DipView
22-001display onlyBed e6nw. Pod 18-4 king Kahunna seedling. 3.6 inch rose with bright green throat maroon Eye, wire White edge. 23 inches height. Three branches. 12 buds. Diploid medium seasonView
22-002 Lindsay Isheedisplay onlyBed E6 sw. Pod Lindsey is she. 6 inch near white double. Two branches eight buds 25 inches high. Deployed medium to early seasonView
22-003display onlyBed E6sw. Pod creative legacy. 5 inch P double two branch six wide 16 inches height. Mid seasonView
22-004 Pink Ruffled Lacedisplay onlyBed E6M. Pond pink ruffled lace. 7 inch pale peach double. Two branch, eight buds, 26 inches height. dip. Mid season View
22-005 white 16-37display onlyBed E6seq. 5.75” white with ruffled edge. Pod 16-37 somewhat peculiar. 19” height 2 branch 6 bud tet mediumView
22-006 display onlyBed F6ne. Pod 16-37 Larry Grace. 5.25” pale peach. Wire gold edge. 28” height. 6 branches, 20 buds. Early. Tet. View
22-007 Broken Colordisplay onlybed k6 n mid. Color changerView
22-008display onlyRed, uf with curls. 7.5", 40” height, 2 br 8 bud mid. Tetraploid View
22-009display onlyBed 4” mauve dbl. 3 br 12 budView
22-010display only4.75” salmon dbl. 26”View
22-011display onlyBed. white 5” 25 h pod 16-8 2 br 8 budView
22-012display only8" purple double. 2 branches, 8 buds. 28" height. Tetraploid View
22-013display only pink ruff edge 7” 2 br 8 bud bed k3en 20”View
22-014display only6” white 10 bud 24”View
22-015display onlybed e6se Pod Halloween green. 3.5 inch red with bright triangle green throat and darker band. 20 inches height. MediumView
22-016display only 8’ yellow bed e6 Ed. 20” heightView
22-017display onlyBedH6sw. 4.75 l non 26 h 2 br 7 bud midView
22-017 whitedisplay onlyBed m6ne. Pod 16-7. 5.5” ivory with a pale yellow wire edge. 4 br, 20 buds, 28” height tetrapods m. RebloomView
22-018display onlyBedH6se. 4.5 2 br 8 bud 21” medView
22-019display only 7” cranberry double 2 br 14 bu 29”. DipView
22-020display only4.5 bloom, 24 height, bed k6 sw. white edge. Diploid View
22-021display only5.5 27 3 br 12 bud white edgeView
22-022display onlyView
22-023display onlybed e6 nw. 6 branchesView
22-024display onlyBed E6 nw. 4 branches, 25 budsView
22-025display onlyBed G6 SE. 7”, 6 budsView
22-026display onlyPod seedling Busting loose. 6", 25" height, peach double. five branch 18 bud dipView
22-027display onlyBed P6. 14 bud builder 4.4", 36” height. Creme edgeView
22-028display onlybed h6 s8 e4. very white 3 branches, 5.5, 36" heightView
22-029display onlyBed J4 swView
22-030display onlybed e6se. 2 branches, 10 buds, 3.5", 22" height. Diploid View
22-031display onlyBedH6 en. 4.75 white. Tet., 2 branches, 8 bud S, Rebloom. Near whiteView
22-032display onlyBed E6. 6", 7 buds, w branches, 21". pod pink trifled lace. bed e6 s.View
22-033display onlybed H4 E s. 6 “, 28", 5 branches, 21 budsView
22-034display onlybed g6 nmid. Pod: sc Francis busby. 2 branches, 19 buds, 26"View
22-035display onlyBed G6 SW. 6” cranberry double, 2 branches, 8 buds, diploid, 30". pod: making an impactView
22-036display onlyBed E6en. Pod Twitter Bug. 4.5 or 4.75, 3 branches, 18 buds. Diploid, mid seasonView
22-037display only bed ?6midw 4.25 mauve purple double, darker eye.4 branches, 13 bud. 24" height, dip., mid season View
22-038display onlyBed H6en. 6.5 near white UF double, 3 branches, 15 buds. 27" height. Diploid. Mid season.View
22-039 Salmon Double display onlyBed J6ws. Pod Mark's Bouquet. 5" salmon double. 4 branches, 18 buds, 30" height. Medium season. Diploid View
22-040display onlyPod: Spacecoast Francis Busby. 6" orange red. 2 branches, 8 buds. 26" height. Tetraploid.View
22-041 display onlyBed H6. Pod Celestial Flight. 4", 5 branches, 20 buds. Diploid. 26" height. Medium season.View
22-044display onlyBed q6 4.5” rose bitone double with darker eye. 4 branches, 18 buds. 31” height. Diploid. Medium season. View
22-045 purple Cheer Doubledisplay onlyBed L6nm. 4.25” flesh pink double with cranberry eye. Ruffled edge. Pod Purple Cheer. 2 branch, 10 buds. 30” height. Medium season. DiploidView
22-046 purple doubledisplay onlyBed F6sm. 6” purple double. Pod seedling of Johnson seedling. 28” height. 3 branches, 15 buds. Medium season. Diploid Rebloom View
22-047 red doubledisplay onlyBed M1nw. 6” red double. Green eye. 3 branches, 13 buds. Tetraploid. RebloomView
22-048 Purple Doubledisplay onlyBed K6nm. 5” purple double. 3 branches, 12 buds. Diploid View
22-049 Red bitonedisplay onlyBed M 6 nm. 5.5” orange red bitone. 2 branches , 8 buds. Great repeat bloomer. Tetraploid. View
22-050display onlyBed G4’s. 6" maroon. 2 branches, 10 buds. 28” height. Tetraploid. Rebloom View
22-051$10Bed H3sw. 5” rose pink with green throat. Wire, white edge 2-3 branches. 8-12 buds. 22” height. Tetraploid Rebloom View
22-052display onlyBed G3em. Pod: Townsend seedling. 6” salmon red. Gold edge. White midribs. 4 branches. 12 buds. Tetraploid. 34” height. Rebloom View
22-053$9Bed G3m. Pod Bursting Loose x Heavenly Angel Ice. 6” bright pink. 38” height. 4 branches. Bud builder. 18 buds. Rebloom. Diploid. Good landscape plantView
22-053 red$8Bed g4se. Pod Lovely Ladybug. 4.5” red with triangular green throat. Lighter edges. 2 branches 8 buds. 26” height. Tetraploid. Rebloom. View
22-054$10Bed H3sm. 5” peach double. Pod Spacecoast Tiny Perfection. 2 branches, 8 buds. 26”. Tetraploid. Rebloom. View
22-055$10Bed G2es. 6” rose with ruffled edge. 2 branches, 8 buds. 22” height. Rebloom. Tetraploid View
22-056display onlyBed H6ws. 4” pink bitone. 3-4 branches, 20 buds. Diploid 30” heightView
22-057display onlyBed F6wn. Pod Lindsay Ishee. 6” pale peach/pink crested double with extended green throat. 2 branches, 6 buds. 22” height. DiploidView
22-058display onlyBed H5wn. Pod Double Cranberry Ruffles. 5” dark rose double. 2 branches, 8 buds. 21” height. Diploid. Good Rebloom. Makes small fansView
22-059display onlyBedg6wn. 4.76” maroon with darker eye. 6 branches, 25 buds. Diploid. Bud builder. Rebloom 26height View
22-060display onlyBedG5ne. Pod Laughing Skies. 10”Uf. Rose, darker eye. Extended green throat. 28” height. 2branches, 6 budsView
22-061display only BEd H6ws. 3.5@ dark rose with darker eye. 5 branches, 22 buds. Diploid. View
22-062$8Bed G5’s. Pod Dancing Summer Bird x Heavenly Angel Ice. 6” near white, UF Spatulate. 2 branches, 6 buds. Dip., Rebloom , 26” height. Makes small fansView
22-063display onlyBed H3en. Pod Townsend seedling. 6” pink with watermark and ruffled yellow edge. 3 branches, 9 buds. 28” height. Tetraploid. Rebloom. View
22-064display onlyBed pool. Purple Uf with good scapeView
22-065display onlyBed H6. 8” peach Uf. Extended green throat. 3 branches, 12 buds. Dip. Rebloom. View
22-066display onlyBed P1es. Pod Spacecoast Sea Shells. 4.5” flesh pink with darker sepals. Purple eye and edge. Double edge has gold ruffles/teeth. Tetra. Rebloom. 3 branch, 9 buds. 22” height. View
22-067$8Bed G6se. Pod Lovely Ladybug. 5.5” red, green throat. White midribs. 2branches, 8 buds. 32” height. Tetra Rebloom Wire gold edgeView
22-068display onlybed f6ws. 6.5. RFKView
22-069display onlyView
23-001display onlyKaren Stephen's x unk. View
23-002display onlyred 6” pod hold on my friendView
23-003display onlyBed E6?. Pod: Spacecoast Francis BusbyView
23-004display onlyPod: Spacecoast Francis BusbyView
23-005display only4" whiteView
23-006display only6", 6 bud. Pod: FaithView
23-007display onlyPod: FaithView
23-008display onlyPod: Faith. Near white uf View
23-009display only5.5 near white, 6 budView
23-010display onlyp kitty wells 6.5”View
23-011display onlyBEd g6 w2 s2View
23-012display onlyPod: cowtown cutie View
23-013display onlybed n6 6”View
23-014display onlyNear white. 7"View
23-015display only7" doubleView
23-016display only7”bed f6 enView
23-017display onlyBed g6 en. 7" pink double View
23-018display only Bed G2. 6.5 pod Kennesaw blue sapphireView
23-019display onlyPod: Spacecoast Francis Busby. 5"View
23-020display onlyRed, gold edgeView
23-021display onlyBed G1 wView
23-022display onlyBed G2 wn. pod boundless beauty. 7 inch.View
23-023display only6"View
23-024 Blackdisplay onlyView
23-025display onlyView
23-026 Blackdisplay onlybed f5 sw View
23-027 Black display onlyView
23-028display onlyBed F5 or G5. Double. Rebloom. Dormant. Early to mid bloom.View
23-029display onlyB Positive x unkView
23-030display only5", 6 buds. Yellow spider with green throat View
23-031display onlyDoubleView
23-032 display onlypod 17-82 land sakes alive. 6.5”, tallView
23-033display onlyDouble, rose with darker veins View
23-034display onlyPollen: Rose F KennedyView
23-035 Blackdisplay onlyView
23-036 Blackdisplay onlybedf6seView
23-037display onlyStippled double. 6"View
23-038display onlyDouble, orange red. 6"View
23-039display only7& 3/4", POD, Suburban, Judge Harrell x Roxy Roo. 29” height 2 br 8 budsView
23-040display onlybed f6es. 6.5”View
23-041display onlyBed Q6View
23-042display onlybede6nme. 5.5” 2 branch 19 bud View
23-043display onlysmiling ladies by rose F Kennedy. Six buds. 8.5”View
23-044display only3 branches, 30” height, 6” recurved, deep red.View
23-045display onlybed h6ems. Dark rose with a dark plum eyeView
23-047display onlybed h6en. 6.6”, near white , 2 branch, 8 budView
23-048display onlybed k6sm. 6.5” stripes on sepalView
23-049display onlybed e6 E mid. Red doubleView
23-050display onlySpots, doubleView
23-051display onlyNear white ufView
23-052display onlyView
23-053display onlybed g5wm. Purple doubleView
23-054display onlyView
23-055display only10"View
23-056display onlyView
23-057display onlyView
23-058display onlyOrangish red bitoneView
23-059display onlyBed E6. 3" purple double View
23-060display onlybed g6semView
23-061display onlyPiglet x unk. 6" near white, red eyeView
23-062display only6.5", pink large dark plum eye and edgeView
23-063display onlybed g1 n4 w 10. Pod B Positive. 7” red. Wide petal 3.5” across. 8 buds. View
23-064display only5" yellow with ruffled edgeView
23-065display onlyView
23-066display only bed g6mw, 2.5" Double. RedView
23-067display onlyView
23-068display onlyBedH6 sm 5”View
23-069display onlybed h6. 3”View
23-070display onlybed 6se, 6"View
23-071display onlyBed G1 Ms edge. show winner ratio 1 1/8 x 3.5 or 4. Won Best in Show Gulf Coast 2023. View
23-072display onlybed h6en 4.5”View
23-073display only9.5” yellow bed j6 mmView
23-074display onlybed g1 s3 mid. 4.5", 10 budsView
23-075display onlyBed G1. Piglet x unk.View
23-076display onlyRed double View
23-077display onlyView
23-078display onlyBed G1. Pod Lillian's Eye am on Fire. PurpleView
23-079display onlybed h6 nw 6”View
23-080display onlybed j6 sw 7” whiteView
23-080?display only5” pod Spacecoast black sensationView
23-081display onlyBed H 6 w 1/3 from n.6.75 30” pod 16-37View
23-082display onlybed h6 sw corner 6” pod across the universeView
23-083display onlypod 16-30 5.5”View
23-084display onlybed g6 es . 6 bud top branchedView
23-085display onlyBedH6 ms. 6.6”View
23-086display onlyBed G1 m. pod sirus star 9” red View
23-087display onlyBedH6 nm. 5” yellow, large purple eye. pod here’s to you Bill RobinsonView
23-088display onlybed g6 es. 4 branches, 16 buds, slight trumpet shape. 4.25 ", 29 height View
23-089display onlybed G4 nmid east View
23-091display onlyBedK56 sme. 6" redView
23-092display onlybed G5 es. 5”, pink with gold ruffled edge. like delightful yoursView
23-093display onlyBest seedling 2023 HADS show. Dormant View
23-094display onlybed h6 en. 6.5”, very white. 10 buds, 2 branches, 28”View
23-095display onlybed g1 nm edge. pod Sedona square x Congo EyeView
23-096display onlybed h 6 se. 4”, 6 branches, 25 buds, 38” height? Probably 28"View
23-097display onlyView
23-098display onlybed g1 se 7.5”. Near white, ufView
23-099display onlybed g6 wn. 5.5 near whiteView
23-100display onlybed k6 wm . 4.5”, 32", 4 branches, 20 buds. pod Holiday FlourishView
23-101display onlybed j6 em. 2 branches, 10 buds, 30” height View
23-102display onlyBed G1. pod Lillian's Rainbow at DawnView
23-103display onlyBed G1View
23-104display onlyBed G1. Orangish red double View
23-105display onlyBed h6 wn. 4.5” peach doubleView
23-106display onlybed L6 wn. 4.4”, near white, lavender undertones. 3 branches, 15 budsView
23-107display onlybed g2. 6”, 3 branches, 39”, pod creative legacyView
23-108display onlybed g2. 6”, 38” height. piglet x cosmic aftershock. 2 branches, bud builder, 15 buds. Near white, large purple eyeView
23-111display onlyBed G1View
23-112display only11” Uf , 34”, 3 branches. Pod: look here Mary View
23-113display only7” pink white edgeView
23-114display onlyBed G1. 6.5 Uf purple white wire edge ,4 branches, 15 buds, 28”View
23-115display onlybed G2. 6” double. Pollen parent: Big FussView
23-116display onlybed e6 m. 4.5" pink double, 2 branches, 8 buds. Pod: Seedling King Kahunna View
23-117display onlyBed K6. Metallic edgeView
23-118display only4” peach double, 3 branches, 15 budsView
23-120display onlyBed G1 n w4. Pop: Roxy RooView
23-121display onlybed g2. 5”, 4 branches, 26” heightView
23-122display onlybed e6 ne. pod cel flight. 2.75” double, 6 budsView
23-123display onlybed e6 ne. 5.5 black, 2 branches,19 buds, 30”View
23-124display onlyBed G2 nw.View
23-125display onlyView
23-126display onlybed g2. Pod:Tasmanian devilView
23-127display onlyBed J6View
23-128display onlyView
23-129display onlyOrange UF. Pod: seedling Wild Wookie. View
23-130display onlyView
23-132display onlyBed H6View
23-133display onlyBed J6View
23-134display onlybed j6 e edge s 5. Great scape. trumpet shapeView
23-135display onlyBed E6 en. 4.5"View
23-136 Big red double display only bed e6 mid n. Pod Kay’s big red. 7". Double. Orange red. Very hardy. Tetraploid View
23-137display onlybedh3 me 36" height. 2 branches, 8 budView
23-138display only5.5" 3 branches, 20 buds. daddy’s heart x can’t beat thisView
23-139display onlybed g6 SE. 8.5” burgundy, 2 branches, 8 buds. Unknown x GigantorView
23-140display onlyView
23-141display onlyBed f5 3 branches, bud builderView
23-141display onlyBedH6 nw 3.25 double. Pod: marks bouquet, 28, 2 branches, 8 budsView
23-142display onlybed g2. 4.5", 5 branches, 20 budsView
23-143display onlybed g2 n mid w. 6” patsy cline x HansenView
23-144display onlybed G2 sw. 3 branches, 15 buds, 6” bloomView
23-145display onlyBedH6 es. Red uf, curlsView
23-146display onlyView
23-147display onlyBed G6 nw. 3.5" yellow, ruffled edge. 3 branches, 15 buds. Extra early. Opened well on cool morning.View
23-148display onlyBed H6 n mid?. 3.75" double, rose, white midrib. 3 branches, 15 buds. 27” height. Pod: Compass Point South. Extra early. Opened well on cool morning. View
23-149display onlybed e6 r mid., 2.5 ft from edge. 4.5” double, pink, white midrib, maroon eye, darker pink spots. ee 3 branches, 12 buds. Opened well on cool morning.View
23-150display onlyBed G2 e. 2.75” pale yellow with maroon band. 2 branches, 8 buds. Extra early. Pod: Catch Me if You Can. Opened well on cool morning.View
23-151display onlybed g2 se of mid edge. 17-182 x Congo eye 6” View
23-153display onlybed h6 5” pale pink double 4 branches View
23-154display only23-154 bed j6 wn. 4”, 3 branches View
23-155display onlybed g2, 7” rose. Dark purple eyeView
23-156display onlybed g2 ne. 8” . 2 branches, 8 budsView
23-157display onlyBed g2 ne. Pollen buddy’s miss t. 9”, 2 branches, 10 budsView
23-158display onlybed g2 En mid. 6" double. Pod Double Hot Lover, 3 branches, 15 budView
23-158display only24-158 bed g2 nw. 3.5” 6 bud View
23-159display onlyBed G1 E edge. View
23-160display only bed g2 wn. 5” purple double, 2 branches, 8 budsView
23-161display only23-161 Bed g2 se side of middle 7” pink, 2 branches, 10 buds. pod 17-92 pink hero. Diploid View
23-162display onlybedh2 5.5” 2 branches 10 bud. UF, spatulate. Very black eye.View
23-164display onlybed G6 s side of mid. 5.5” 3 branches. Angel wings. Pale yellow. Early/midView
23-165display onlybed g6 be. 6” double with spots 3 branchesView
23-166display onlybed g2 east side of middle, 4.3", 2 branches, 10 budsView
23-168display onlybed g6 mid 6”. Ivory with ruffled edgeView
23-169display onlybed g6 e n of mid. Pink with extra large plum eye and edge.View
23-170display onlybed p6 isle. 4", pod active flirt 4”View
24-001display onlybed G1 es. 5” 30" height, 5 branches.View
24-002display onlybed g1 E mid 6.6" 49” View
24-003display onlybed g1 ws. 6” 3 branches View
24-004display onlybed g6 w2 s8. 7" View
24-005display onlybed g1 e mid 5 ft e edge. 4.5” 28” 3 branches View
24-006display onlybed g1 n mid edge pod 16-102. 2.99” 2 branchesView
24-007display onlybed g1 wn. 6” 2 branches, 6 budsView
24-008display onlybed g1 a mid. 2.9” 30 8 branches 36 budsView
24-009display onlyBed J2 n mid edge. 3.5View
24-010display only24-010 bed g1 s mid edge. 5” 28 2 branches 10 budView
24-011display onlybed e6e5 s 6. 4” 6 budsView
24-012display onlybed h6 n5 w3. 5” lab 8 budsView
24-013display onlybed G6 pot mid. 8 budsView
24-014display onlybed J2. 3.75View
24-015display onlybed f6 n7 w 4. 7”View
24-016display onlybede6 e3 s 5 . 4” , 2 branches, 8 budsView
24-017display onlybed e6 e2 s20. 5” 3 branches, 13 buds, 35”View
24-018display onlybed e6 e1 n4. 6”, 8 budView
24-019display onlybed e6 ne edge. 4” 2 branches 8 buds. Pod: here’s to you Bill Robinson View
24-020display onlybed e6 w s of mid 3 ft from w edge. 4.25. 2 branches View
24-021display only24-021 or 24-022 Bed g6 s of mid mid. 5", 6 budsView
24-022display onlybed g6 mid. 6.5, 7 budsView
24-023display onlybed g6 w3 n8. 5”, 3 branches View
24-024 Beardeddisplay onlyBed P6. Bearded. Wooster Minecraft x View
24-026display onlybed g1 w2 n2. 5.5” double,10 buds, 36”View
24-027display onlybed G1 s3 e4. 7” peach double, 32 ", 3 branches View
24-028display onlybedf6 n1 w2. 10 buds, 6", 35" height View
24-029 Watercolor display onlyBed g6 w3 s5. 4.75" lavender, 3 branches, 35” height. Diploid View
24-030display onlybed n6 w3 n10. 5.5", 3 branches View
24-031display onlybed k2 w n corner. 6”, teeth, 19 budsView
24-032display onlybed g1 n3 mid. 5.5”, 6 buds. Pod: Seedling Larry GraceView
24-033display onlybed g1 n1 e 10. 6", 6 buds, 32", pod: Light WorkerView
24-034display onlyView
24-035display onlyBed G1View
24-036display onlyBed g1 s5 w19. 4.3”, good scapeView
24-037display onlybed g1 s2 e 8. 3.8” , 8 budsView
24-038display onlyBed g1 s4 e 10. 4.75", 30”, 10 budsView
24-039display onlybed g1 w 7 n5. 5.5”, 28" height. Pod: Double Hot LoverView
24-040display onlybed g1 w6 mid. 7", 6 budsView
24-041display only3 branches. Pod: Out of Africa 30”View
24-042display onlybed g1 s4 e9. 5”, 8 budsView
24-043display onlybed m6 w3 s8. 5.5", 8 buds. Dark rose with white edge. Wide petalsView
24-044display onlybed F6 w edge n2. 4”, burgundy with black eye. 3 branches View
24-045display onlybed n6 w1 s5. 4.5", 10 buds. pod: Celestial Flight. Diploid View
24-046display onlybed g1 e1 n 5. 299”, 2 branches, 10 buds. Pod Houston 9View
24-047display onlyView
24-048display onlybed m6 w1 s9. 5.5" red, 8 buds View
24-049display onlybed e6 n7 mid. Pod: King Kahunna seedling. 28" height, 5”, 4 branches . Diploid View
24-050display onlybed E6 e3 s6. 6" purple with green throat and darker eye. 6 branches View
24-051display onlybed g6 w 1 s 3View
24-052display onlyBed g1n2 w5. 7”, 10 buds, 36”View
24-053display onlypot q6. Pod: Queen of the Underworld. 3.75”, 8 buds, 26”. Mid season, evergreen, tetraploid View
24-054display only24-054? Bed g6 e3 mid. 3 branches View
24-055display onlyBed g1 n3 w4. 3 branches, 49"View
24-056display onlyCreatedView
24-057display onlybed g1 n1 e 12. 3-3.5”, 5 branches, 28", 22 budsView
24-058display onlybed g1 w4 n 5. 7” red, pod: B Positive View
24-059display onlybed g1 s2 e 10. 4.5” , 4 branches View
24-060display onlyBed g1 s edge e12. 3.5”, 2 branches, 14 buds, bud builder. Superior rebloom. Diploid View
24-061display onlyBed ?. Great scapeView
24-063display onlyBed j6 s7 mid. 6 branches , 4”. Diploid View
24-064display onlyBed g1 n4 w6. 7.5”, 8 buds. Pod: Buddy's Black EyeView
24-065display onlybed g1 s edge e5. 4.5", 3 branches, 13 buds. Tetraploid View
24-066display onlybed g1 e2 n 3. 6", 4 branches. Orange doubleView
24-067display onlybed p6 mid. 6.5”, 2 branches, 12 buds. Near whiteView
24-068 Red Doubledisplay onlybed g1 s2 e r. 5.5 2 branches View
24-069display onlybed g1 e5 mid. 5.5” black, 3 branches, 36”View
24-070 display onlyBed Front rectangle s edge. Lavender with candelabra scape. Great rebloomer. Pod: Coffee to Go. 8 branches, 4” lavender View
24-071display onlybed e6 ne corner. Purple double View
24-072display onlybed g1 w2 s 2. 5.5” near black. 3 branches View
24-073display onlyBed E5 mid west edge. 2.87", great scape. Dormant View
24-074display onlybed g1 s3 mid . 4.5 ", 10 buds, yellow with large dark eye. Parent: Deep Impact View
24-075display onlybed j6 s4 w 4. 12 buds, yellow poly with extended green throat View
24-076display only Bed K5 s2 e3. Coffee to Go seedling. ugly, but...8 way branching! View
24-077display onlybed g1 e9 mid. 5”, 3 branches, 30”. Pollen: Here's to You Bill Robinson. Bitone, green throat View
24-078display onlybed h2 s2 e 3. 7", pod: Busting loose yellow doubleView
24-081 Bed G1display onlybed G1 s3 e 6. 9.5”, 3 branches. Pod: Rolling Oaks Star GirlView
24-082display onlybed j4 w edge. 6" peach, pod: Mistrell's FireView
24-083display onlybed g1 s edge e10. 4.4”, 3 branch. 28”. pod 16-148 God Save the Queen seedlingView
24-084display onlybed g5 w edge n 9. 4.3”, 5 branches View
24-085display only bed e6 s edge e3. 3.3”, 12 buds. Pod: A Little Bit Famous View
24-086display onlybed g1 e2 s3. Pod: B Positive. 6.25”, 36" 24 buds, 5 branchesView
24-087display onlybed g5 s10 mid. 5” double. pod: seedling Double cranberry rufflesView
24-088display onlyBed G6 W. mid. 4.5 inch with blue, eye extended green throat, lighter edges. 2 branches, 8 buds. Dip, mid season. New # 21-072 now 24-088View
24-089display onlybed h6 w3 n8. 6”, 3 branchesView
24-090display only24-090 bed g1 s5 w12 by 23-029 cross?View
24-091display onlyBed e6 e edge n 3. 6”, htybr ,4 branchesView
24-092 Zebra Stripes display onlybed g1 n Ed e12. 4.25", 5 branches View
24-093display onlyRed with gold edge View
24-093 doubledisplay onlybed g1 w19 mid. View
24-094display onlybed g1 w5 s 3. 4.5" stippled, pink double, pod Simply Mauvelous View
24-095display onlybed g1 n4 w5. 7.5”, 48”, 3 branches. Pollen parent Big FussView
24-096display onlybed g1s3 w10. 5 branches, 3.5” , loose pink double, 36”View
24-097display onlybed pq6 isle. 2.87", pod: Halloween green View
24-098display onlybed p1 e Ed s4. 6”, 32", 3 branches. ruffled pink diploid View
24-099display onlybed L2 w3 n6. 5.5", 4 branches. Pod: prince Michael. 30”View
24-100display onlybed g1 s3 w12. 8", 16 buds, bud builderView
24-101display onlyView
24-102display onlybed p4 w edge mid. 6”, 2 branches, 12 buds bud builder, 36”View
24-103display onlybed g1 w4 s2. 6", 4 branches View
24-104display onlybed g1 n5 w 20. 2 branches, 12 budsView
24-106display onlybed p6 w end n7. 4.4”, 6 branches, 18-21”, 21 budsView
24-107display onlybed e6 e2 s6. 7”, 3 branches , 24”View
24-108display onlybed g1n4 w12 3 branches slight creating. 3/25 may be dead. Tag slightly offView
24-108display onlybed e5 w3 s3. 2.6”, 3 branchesView
24-109display onlyBed E6. Pod: A Little Bit Famous View
24-110display onlybed j6 ws. 5.5”, Uf double, 3-4 branches , 18 buds, 32 height View
24-110 purpledisplay onlybed e6s10 mid. 2 branches, 10 buds. View
24-111 peach double display onlybed g6 w3 s6. 6", 3 branches View
24-112display onlyView
24-112display onlybed g1 e5 w5. 6.5" red, white edge, 3 branches. Pod: Colonial Jim s x B Positive.View
24-113display onlyView
24-114display onlybed e6 n7 e4. 5" waxy yellow with green throat, 8 budsView
24-115display onlybed G2 E. 6”, double.View
24-117 double display onlyBed e6 e2 n5. 5”, double, 40”View
24-118display onlyBed G3 mid. 7" peach, 36” height, 4 branchesView
24-119display onlybed e6 n5 e3. 3 branches, 4.5" doubleView
24-120display onlyBed pool. 2.9", red with dark eye. Pod: Little Red DumplesView
24-121 peachdisplay onlybed e6 e1 n8. 6.5" peach with plum eye. 2 branches, 17 buds, bud builder, 34”View
24-122display onlybed e6 w edge n8. 6”, 2 branches, 12 buds, waxy, 30”, mid seasonView
24-123display onlyBed H6 e5 s7. 4 branches. Near whiteView
24-125display onlybed g1 e edge mid. 2.6", 3 branches, 15 buds, 22”. Pod: Catch Me If You CanView
24-126display onlyBed h2 w edge n7. 6”, 4-6 branchesView
24-127display onlybed e5 e edge s2. 2.9”, 4 branches. Pod: A Little Bit Famous View
24-128display onlyBed pool. 5" pink, 5 branches, tallView
24-129display onlybedf6 e edge n7. 5” near white, waxy substance, 6 branches 28”View
24-130display onlybed h6 e edge n7. 2 branches, 12 buds, 39”View
24-131display onlybed g1 n1 w 6. 5”, 3 branches, 11 buds, 24 h. Purple with white ruffled edge, pink watermarkView
24-133display onlybed?. 5.5" pink with gold ruffled edge. 3 branches, Townsend sod?View
24-134display onlybed g6 s9 mid. 6.5", hot pink, double, 3 branchesView
24-135display onlybed g1 s1.5 w12 . 3.5”, 4 branches, 25”View
24-137display onlybed e6 e1 n8. 7" pale yellow double. UF? extra tall bloom. View
24-138display onlyBed h6 w4 n 5. 5” salmon double, 3 branches View
24-139display only24-138 24-139? bed g1 e1 s 5. 2.9", 8 branches, lacks substance. Pod: Catch Me if You CanView
24-140display onlybed g1 e12 n5. 4", 4 branches, 32"View
24-141display onlyPolka dots View
24-142display onlybed g1 n6 e12. 5” pod: 17-82 land sakes alive. 3 branchesView
24-143display onlyBed h4 w edge mid. 6.5", yellow double, 4 branches. Pod: rosemary Dixon. View
24-144display onlybed e6 w3 n7. Near white, ruffled edge. pod 16-8View
24-146display onlybed h6 middle w.9. 3 branches, 12 budsView
24-147display onlybed g1 s2 e16. 3.8", 2 branches, 19 buds View
24-148display onlybed f6 e1 n1. 6", 3 branches, 12 buds, 32”View
24-148display onlybed g1 e edge s5. 3”, 2 branches, 10 buds. Pod: tool man TimView
24-151display onlyBed G6 w3 s4. 5.5", 2 branches, 15 buds, Uf, bud builder. Pod: Orange Velvet View
24-152display onlyView
24-152display onlyBed H6w1 s3. 6.t", 14 buds, 2 branches, bud builder, 31-35” height View
24-155display onlybed g1 e edge n 4. 20 buds. Pod: catch me if you can. double View
24-155 notdisplay onlyBed e6 n2 e3. HtybrView
24-156display onlyView
24-156display onlybed g1 w edge mid. 6 buds. Pollen: Big FussView
24-157display onlyView
24-157display onlyView
24-157display onlybed g1 n3 w 9. 6 budsView
24-158display onlybed f6 e4 n6. 5.5", 8 buds. Slate blue edgeView
24-159display onlybed g1 s5 e7. 4.4”, pod 17-106 lil wn touch. 42" height, 2 branches, 16 buds, bud builderView
24-162display onlybed h6 s edge mid. 7”, 8 budsView
24-163display onlyBed G5 n8 mid. 2 branches, 8 buds, 20”, pod: laughing skiesView
24-164display onlybed j6 w3 n 8. Pod: merry moppet keep for bud count. mini, 9 branches trumpet shapeView
24-165display onlybed e6 n20 mid. 6 budsView
24-166display onlybed g2 east side of middle, 4.3", 2 branches, 20 buds View
24-166display onlyView
24-167 doubledisplay onlyBed j6 e 5 n5. 8 buds, 28" heightView
24-168display onlyBed e5 s edge w5. Dark rose with black eye. Pod:A Little Bit Famous View
24-169display onlyBed f5 w edge s 8. 3.25, 3 branches. Pod: Tool Man Tim.View
24-169display onlybed f5. 3.25", 3 branches. Pod: Tool Man TimView
24-170display onlybed g1 west edge s5 6 budsView
24-171display onlybed j6 e2 n2. 4.5", 8 budsView
24-172display onlyBed K5 ne corner. 3 branches. Yellow uf double.View
24-173display onlyBed g1 w8 s5. 6 buds, 6.5" View
24-174display onlybed g1 e5s5. 5.5”, 6 buds, near blackView
24-175display onlybed g1 n 4 e 6. 5.5”, 4 branches, 35” height View
24-176display onlybed g3 w4 mid. 6", 3 branches, gold teethView
24-177display only6”, 35”. Pod: King Kahunna seeding View
24-178display onlybed h5 w4 s 7. 4.4”, 5 branchesView
24-179display onlyBedH6 w4 n10. 6", 8 buds, 28”View
24-180display onlybed g1 4 e16. 7" orange with ruffled gold edge. Pod: patsy cline x Hansen View
24-181 reddisplay onlybed g1 s1 w4. 7” red white edge. Pod: B Positive View
24-183display onlyg2 n edge e 3. pink dip. keep for scape View
24-184display onlyBed h6 n4 mid. 4.5", 5 branches, 35”View
24-185display onlybed f6 e edge n5 . 5" 6 buds. pod delightfully yoursView
24-186display onlybed e5 e2 s 11. 7", 8 buds. pod sc the green mile View
24-187display onlyg5 s7 mid. 4.5” purple, 19 budsView
24-187display onlybed g1 n7 e 10. 8”. buddy’s dieter x buddy’s miss tView
24-189display onlybed n6 n edge e4. 7.5" pink, uf, double, 3 branches, 9 budsView
24-191display onlybed g6 w2 s 8, 6” 6 buds. 34". 1 small fanView
24-191display onlybed p5 sw corner 4.25", 5 branches, 28”View
24-192display onlybed j4 w1 s2. 6.5”View
24-193display onlybed f6 w5 n7. 5", 3 branches. Near whiteView
24-194display onlyBedG4 w3 s8. 5.5", pod Panama scarlet, 3 branches, 12 buds, 39” View
24-195display onlybed e6 w5 s 10. 7.5”, 6 buds. Pod: Light WorkerView
24-197display onlybed g1 s edge e4. 5", 4 branches, 35”. Check scapeView
24-197display onlybed e6 r5 mid. 5”, 4 branches. whimsical witch? FragrantView
24-198display onlybed e6 s10 e edge. 4.4”, 20 buds. signs of bearding slight View
24-200display onlybed g1 sw corner 5.5", 6 buds.pod: Tasmania devil. TeethView
24-201display onlybed g1 n3 e7. 5.5", 3 branchView
24-202display onlybed e6 w5 s 12. 7", 6 buds . Pod: Light Worker View
53$5Bed L5. Pod Tommy star. 4.5 inch rose bitone green throat. pink appliqué eye. Six bud two branches 20 inches high. dip. Makes small fans.View
54display onlyBed G4. Hard space coast behavior pattern. 6.5 inch Rose by tone green throat purple to Slate my gold edge to branch 10 bud tetraploid rebloom medium to light. Double edge of purple/slate and goldView
57display onlyBed K5. Pod Peacock Maiden. 8 inch purple double, 36 inches high, dip,medium seasonView
63display onlyBed P2. 5” rose red with Green throat. White midribs. 28 inches height. 4 to 5 branches. 20 bud. Tetraploid. Good re-bloom. Very hearty.Great landscape plant. Pollen parent moment in the sunView
68display onlyBed M1. 6 inch red double with green to yellow throat wire white edge three branch 15 bud tetraploid good rebloom 25 inches heightView
70display onlyBed H2. 5” plum with near black eye and edge. Tet. Ee 20” h. 6 budsView
73display onlyBed J2. Jim Baker seedling. 5.5” inch pink with thick gold edge. 25” height Three branch 12 bud, rebloom. Medium. Tetraploid. Green throat. Reblooms in September View
77display onlyBed G2. Pod seedling shores of time. 5.5 bright orange-ish red with darker hi and green to yellow throat 20 inches high tetraploid medium seasonView
88display onlyBed 4.5” Dark orange double, green throat yellow eye. 4 to 5 way branching 25 buds, 30 inches height. Tetraploid. Good rebloomView
93display onlyPod Lavender Heartthrob x Heman. 7-8" coral with extended yellow eye. Yellow edge with teeth. Tetraploid View
96$12Bed J2 Townsend Seedling, dark plum with a darker eye and edge. green throat, six bud, 25 inches height, bloom 6 inches tetraploid early season. rebloom bloomView
Abalone BitePierce-G.$22Bed P5. 1 AvailView
Abalone IslandGuidry-D.$12Bed P4. Small fans. 1 availView
About North Shore Daylily Society (NSDS) Hammond, Louisiana display onlyNSDS maintains a public daylily display garden at the Tangipahoa Parish Convention and Visitors Bureau at 13143 Wardline Road, Hammond, La. There are 80 different cultivars and details/pictures are included here. Peak Bloom is usually May. Some may be in bloom from early April through July. Contact for club information/meeting details: [email protected] The club meets about 4 times per year. The yearly membership is $15 single or $20 per couple. 2024 CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Meeting dates for this year: ​February 17​ April 27 September 28 November 9 Annual Potluck Celebration MEETING LOCATION Unless otherwise noted in the club newsletter, all meetings will be held in the Hoover Conference Room of the Tangipahoa Tourism Visitors Center building, 13143 Wardline Road (on west side) at I-55 in Hammond. General Meeting Sign-in begins at 9:30 a.m. NSDS Meetings begin at 10:00 a.m. View
Abraham Darby display onlyDavid Austin roseView
Absolutely StellarPierce-G.display onlyView
Absolute RipperHansen-D.display onlyBed p5View
Ace of PentaclesHansen-D.display onlyView
Aces FullHansen-D.$15View
Across The UniverseTrimmerdisplay onlyBed L4View
Acting on ImpulseRogers-C.$12View
Active FlirtSalter-E.H.display onlyView
Ada's Flowerdisplay onlyView
Adele Maguiredisplay onlyView
Adrianna S.display onlyView
A Few Good MenBell-T.display onlyBed Frhm. Small to medium fansView
Affair D'AmourKirchhoff-D.$12Bed octagon by M2. 4 availView
African DawnWaldrop$25Bed P3View
Afternoon TruffleKirchhoff-D.$15Bed N5View
After the FirePetit$18Bed m2. 2 avail. View
After the RiotDavisson-J.display onlyBed p5 BeardedView
A Gift for TrevaEller-N.display onlyView
Airy DelightJoiner-J.$18Bed N5View
AiyanaHansen-D.display onlyLeft frontView
AldersgateTemple$10Bed J3View
A Legacy of JoyJoinerdisplay onlyView
Alexander's Ragtime BandKirchhoff-D.display onlyBed.Frhm View
Alias Peter ParkerLambertson$8Bed N1View
Alien DNASelmandisplay onlyView
A Little Bit FamousCline$25Bed P5. Unknown x seedling (coffee to go x unknown) 3" dark rose with maroon band. Green throat. 6 branches, 25 buds. Slate edge. Medium season. 26" height, great Rebloom. Diploid. Reported to be dormant in Northern Virginia. View
All About EveKirchhoff-D.$15Bed P4View
All Branched OutEller-N.$12Bed p4 Bed k2View
Allen Bushdisplay onlyA great perennial that blooms all summer here in zone 8. Chrysogonum virginianum 'Allen Bush' green and gold A native groundcover, this plant is known for both its foliage and flowers with toothed, light green, triangular leaves and dark yellow, slightly notched, star shaped flowers that bloom well above the foliage and have contrasting brown stamens. The flowers bloom abundantly in the spring and fall, but tend to die down in the heat of the summer except in the cooler zonesView
All Grown UpJoiner-J.display onlyView
All The Day LongBell-T.display onlyBed p3View
Almond PuffStamile$15Bed J3View
Almost A RainbowAnderson-H.display onlyBed N5View
Along Came AmandaHerrington-T.display onlyView
Alpine RufflesStamiledisplay onlyBed L2View
Altered StateCarr$10Bed P2View
Always AfternoonMorss$5Bed k6pot. 2availView
Amadeus display onlyView
Amalfidisplay onlyView
Amanda's Little Red ShoesEller-N.display onlyBed P4 View
Amaryllis Seedlings Mixeddisplay onlyView
Amazing Belledisplay onlyView
American Dreamdisplay onlyView
Amethyst Cream TruffleKirchhoff-D.$15Bed N5View
Amethyst IslandTownsend-Traxlerdisplay onlyBed L4View
Amethyst PrismPierce-G.display onlyBed M2. 2 avail. View
Amethyst TearsReeddisplay onlyView
Amy Maguiredisplay onlyView
Amy MichelleBrown-C.$12Bed M1 FrpalmView
Ancient WhispersSalter$15Bed L3View
And God SaidBest$12Bed M4View
Angela BumgardnerBumgardnerdisplay onlyView
Angel AndresRossiedisplay onlyRight edgeView
Angel BaySalter$20Bed M2. View
Angel CupsJoiner-J.display onlyBed N3View
Angel In OzHerrington-K.$20Bed p4View
Angels in AmericaMarchant$25View
Anna Marie ConcertoMunson-R.W.$10Bed N3View
Ann BowdenSalterdisplay onlyView
Anne BoleynRidderdisplay onlyView
Antique Noveau Seedlingdisplay onlyBed K5. Pod antique Noveau. 5.5” Pale pink with green throat gold edge 23 inches height. To branch. Six bud. Tetraploid. Good rebloom. Blooming and putting up new scapes in late AugustView
Apache BeaconRoberts-N.$12Bed N5.View
Apache BeaconRoberts-N.display onlyLeft backView
Apache JunctionSalterdisplay onlyBed m2. 1 availView
Aphroditedisplay onlyView
Apopka Pink PearlHarrydisplay onlyBed FrswView
Apple MountainPierce-G.display onlyView
Appliqué PrismPierce-G.display onlyView
Apricot FantasySalter$25Bed P3 View
Arcane PatternSalter-E.H.display onlyBed P3View
Arms To HeavenRoberts-N.$8Bed M5View
Arno's Bow TieKorth-P.-Korth-L.display onlyView
ArtemioBomar$8Bed octagon by M2. 1 avail. View
Artistic LicenseDeVitodisplay onlyView
Asheville Pink LadySelmandisplay onlyView
Ashton's GigglesPhelps$15Bed J2View
Ashwood FireboltNorris-R.display onlyView
Audrey HepburnKirchhoff-D.$20Bed J5View
Augie Augie AugieKendigdisplay onlyView
Aunt LeonaSmith-FR$15Bed J5View
Aunt Polly's PaddleCarter-M.display onlyView
Autumn ConcertoStamile-Piercedisplay onlyBed P4View
Autumn's ArrivalSalterdisplay onlyView
Azalea Red-whitedisplay onlyView
Aztec HeaddressPetit$12Bed J5View
Baby Blue EyesShooter-E.display onlyBed K3View
Baby Boomers BabyHerrington-T.$10Bed FrstView
Baffin Bay BeautyCarpenter-J.$10Bed K3View
Baker1display onlyBed J2. 5 inch peach with red eye and edge. 16 inches height. Six bud. Medium season. TetraploidView
Baker Peach Seedling$12Bed K5. 4.5” Pale peach with green throat red halo gold ruffled edge for branch 18 bud. 26 inches height. Tetraploid. Good rebloom. Very hearty. Great rebloomer hereView
Balanced on the Blade's EdgeSalterdisplay onlyBed P4View
Bali BlenderSalter-E.H.display onlyView
Bali WatercolorStamile$15Bed L2 Fr swView
Bama BoundWebster$10Bed Frhm. Small to medium fansView
Bambi with GravyElliott-S.$30Tiny flower. Fans are smallView
Bamboo FanHansen-D.display onlyView
Banana BreezeTrimmerdisplay onlyBed L5View
Banana Cream CupcakeHerrington-T.$18Bed P1View
Banana PancakesTrimmerdisplay onlyView
Banana SmoothieGeorge-T.$30Bed J5. 1 availableView
Banana Split CupcakeHerrington-T.display onlyBed L2View
Banded BroadbillLambertsondisplay onlyView
Bandit BaySalter-E.H.$15Bed L3View
Bandito RojoSanta Lucia$15Bed J2View
Barbara MandrellKirchhoff-D.$20Bed M5View
Barbara SheetsCrochet$15Bed L5View
Barbara WattsKirchhoff-D.$30Bed J5. 1 availableView
Barbie In PinkPetit$15Bed J5 View
Barcelona NightMorssdisplay onlyView
Barry GoldwaterKirchhoff-D.display onlyView
Bart RobertsStamiledisplay onlyBed L4View
Bat SignalReeddisplay onlyView
Bayou Gambler?display onlyDouble, 12-18" heightView
Bays Mountain SunshineHolmes-S.$15View
Bee-Jaydisplay onlyView
Behind the BushCampbell-D.display onlyView
Bela LugosiHanson-C.display onlyBed FrpalmView
Bella IsabellaPetit$16Bed L2View
Beloved CountryWilddisplay onlyView
Benitodisplay onlyView
Berry CheesecakeRogers-C.display onlyBed J5. 1 available View
BertieSalter-E.H.display onlyBed m2View
Best Kept SecretKirchhoff-D.$8Bed N4View
BettylenHeemskerkdisplay onlyView
Betty's PickRoberts-N.$10Bed octagon by M2. 5 avail. View
Beyond the BlondeScott-E.display onlyLeftView
Beyond the EdgeBrazeltondisplay onlyView
Big Bad WolfHansen-D.$20Bed M5View
Big Boy ButterflyPierce-G.$25View
Big BucksBell-T.$20View
Big FussJoiner-J.$25Bed p5 Bed N4View
Big KissJoinerdisplay onlyBed frpalmView
Big Mac AttackGrace-Smith$15Bed N4View
Big Red Riding HoodBrazeltondisplay onlyView
Big Red WagonStamiledisplay onlyBed J3View
Big SurStamiledisplay onlyBed FrswView
Bill Bob and EarlSalterdisplay only2021 National giftView
Bill NorrisKirchhoff-D.$12View
Bites Like a Thousand TeethDeVitodisplay onlyView
Bit Of BlueStamile$15Bed K5View
Black AmbrosiaSalterdisplay onlyBed p4View
Black ArrowheadRoberts-N.display onlyView
Blackberry Cupcake Herrington-T.display onlyView
Black Cherry MagnumHansen-D.display onlyView
Black IceRoberts-N.$6Bed M5View
Black Maroondisplay onlyView
Black ParrotsTrimmerdisplay onlyView
Blanche Bond MemorialPowell-K.display onlyBed N4View
Blazing CannonsWaldropdisplay onlyBed M5View
Blinged OutClinarddisplay onlyView
Blossom Grandisedisplay onlyView
Blow Your HornHansen-D.$15View
Blue BayouHansen-D.$15View
Blue BeatStamiledisplay onlyBed H2View
Blue Eyed BlondeHansen-D.$15View
Bluegrass MemoriesPreuss-T.$20Bed K3View
Blue Moon RisingSalter-E.H.$12Bed N5View
Blue oasisSalter-E.H.display onlyBed p5View
Blue RacerStamile-Piercedisplay onlyBed FrswView
Bluesy BluesLambertsondisplay onlyBed FrstView
Blushing EscapadeNorris-R.display onlyView
Bmlwhuf$10Bed p5. White spider seedlingView
Bob Millers VolsRossiedisplay onlyRight edgeView
Bold LegacyHouston$12View
Bolero EyesCarpenter-J.display onlyView
Bonibrae the FreakMatthiedisplay onlyView
Bonny MaeSpalding-W.display onlyLeft edge mid. Name?View
Boo CrewSalterdisplay onlyBed FrswView
BoogerDurio$12Bed H2View
Booger Bottom BlessingYancedisplay onlyGuest plant for National 2021View
Booger Bottom SunshineYancedisplay onlyGuest plant for National 2021View
Bordering on WeirdGoudeau$8Bed N2. 5 avail. View
Born On The BayouJaques$25Bed L5View
Born To ReignEmmerich$15Bed K5 Bed J3View
Bottom Dollar BabyCarpenter-J.$10Bed L4View
Boundless BeautyStamile$25Bed J5. Very limited. 2 avail View
Boys of SummerDouglas-C.display onlyView
B Positive Cline$30Kay Cline,2021.Bed p3,q5 Pod Spacecoast Francis Busby. 7.5 inch red with ruffle gold glittery edge. Buds 12. Three branches 22 inches high. Tetraploid. Mid season. Great rebloomer View
Bradford pinkdisplay only6 inch pale pink green on my slight bluish pencil mark double edge wire gold and bluish 28 inches height 10 but medium season touch your boyView
Brain StewHansen-D.display onlyMidView
Brake LightAnderson-H.$12Bed M5View
Branch on FireTerriodisplay onlyRight edgeView
Branch On FireTerriodisplay onlyBed P4View
Brave Kemo SabeSalterdisplay onlyView
Breakfast at Tiffany'sMunson-R.W.display onlyView
Breakfast With SantaTrimmer$20Bed K3View
Brent GabrielGuidrydisplay onlyBed Octagon by M2. Very popular. Held for increaseView
Brer Rabbit's BabyRoberts-N.display onlyBed M2. Very small fans. 1 avail. View
Brer Rabbit's BabyRoberts-N.display onlyLeft BackView
Bright Blaze of MagicSalterdisplay onlyBed p3View
Bright In The NightDeVitodisplay onlyView
Brightness WithinDeVitodisplay onlyView
Bring It OnPetit$15Bed J3View
Broadway LegendStamile-G.$18View
Brookwood Black KittenSharpdisplay onlyBed L2View
Brookwood Lee CauseySharp$18Bed L4View
Brown DeliciousGossarddisplay onlyView
Browns Ferry MergerDouglas-C.display onlyView
Bruce YbergHansen-D.display onlyView
Bryce CothernRossiedisplay onlyRight edgeView
Bryce CothernRossie$15Bed P3 View
Buddy's AbileneHall-J.$15Bed M4View
Buddy's BetsyHall-J.$15Bed P5View
Buddy's BettyHall-J.display onlyBed Q5. Display only. Guest plant 2021 National. James Hall, 2022. SEV 4 WAY BRANCHING 6 1/2" BLOOM 28 " SCAPE20 BUDS. will poly View
Buddy's Big MamaHall-J.display onlyBed Q5. Display only. Guest plant 2021 NationalView
Buddy's Billy RayHall-J.display onlyView
Buddy's Black EyeHall-J.display onlyBed N4View
Buddy's BoogerHall-J.display onlyView
Buddy's Bryson Lee - NotHall-J.display onlyBed M5View
Buddy’s CalistaHall-J.display onlyView
Buddy's Call Me RedHall-J.display onlyView
Buddy's Cinnamon and SpiceHall-J.display onlyView
Buddy's Double CircusHall-J.display onlyBed FrpalmView
Buddy's Double JoanHall-J.display onlyView
Buddy's Double Onedisplay onlyBed Q5. Display only. Guest plant 2021 National View
Buddy's Double Twodisplay onlyBed Q5. Display only. Guest plant 2021 National View
Buddy's GloriaHall-J.$18Bed L5 Fans small, blooming sizeView
Buddy’s I Got Whatdisplay onlyView
Buddy's InezHall-J.display onlyBed Q5. Display only. Guest plant 2021 NationalView
Buddy's JanisHall-J.display onlyBed FrhmView
Buddy's KaylaHall-J.display onlyView
Buddy's KimberlyHall-J.display onlyView
Buddy's Long ToothHall-J.display onlyView
Buddy's LoriHall-J.display onlyView
Buddy's MeganHall-J.$18Bed Frsw Bed J3View
Buddy's Michelledisplay onlyView
Buddy's Miss THall-J.$40Bed Q5. View
Buddy's PinkieHall-J.display onlyBed P3 View
Buddy's RaynaHall-J.display onlyView
Buddy's RomanHall-J.display onlyBed Q5. Display only. Guest plant 2021 National View
Buddy's ShaunHall-J.display onlyView
Buddy's TinaHall-J.display onlyView
Buddy's ToothyHall-J.display onlyView
Buddy's Victoria JadeHall-J.display onlyBed N4View
Buddy's Wild and WonderfulHall-J.$12View
Buddy's Yellow BirdHall-J.$12Bed FrswView
Buds at the BeachDouglas-C.display onlyBed J5View
Building on TraditionSalter-E.H.$25View
Built to EndureSalter-E.H.display onlyView
Bull DurhamElliott$8Bed p1View
BulletproofDeVitodisplay onlyView
Bungalow BurstMeadows-Ma.display onlyView
Burgundy BlushNethertondisplay onlyView
Burgundy Flairdisplay onlyView
Burnt HickoryWaldropdisplay onlyBed M4View
Bursting LooseJoiner$12Bed N4View
Butterfly's EnvyJaquesdisplay onlyView
Butterscotch RufflesHarlingdisplay onlyLeft frontView
ByronStamiledisplay onlyView
Calico PrintKropfdisplay onlyView
California Gold RushTrimmer$15Bed L4View
Cameron's GlorySattelmeierdisplay onlyView
Cameroon NightTrimmerdisplay onlyView
Cameroon NightTrimmerdisplay onlyMidView
Canary CascadeCline$5Bed L5 K5View
Candy QueenSalter-E.H.$15Bed FrhmView
Can'T Touch ThisDeVItodisplay onlyBed H2View
Cape Horndisplay onlyView
Carla RuthDeVito$18Bed P2View
Carnival KingHerr-D.$15Bed Q6View
Carolyn MannKinnebrew-J.$15Bed L4View
Carolyn MannKinnebrew-J.display onlyMidView
Carolyn's CurlsHerr-D.display onlyBed pp5View
Carpenter ShavingsKropf$6Bed Frst. Makes small fansView
Carved ComplexityPetitdisplay onlyBed J5View
Catch Me If You CanHouston$35Great scape!View
Catered EventYance$20View
Cathryn RossieRossiedisplay onlyRight edge backView
Celebrating GoldMurphy-J.P.$15Bed FrstView
Celestial FlightSalter-E.H.$15Bed L3View
Chacahoula Firedisplay onlyView
Chaco CanyonRoberts-N.$10Bed N2. 10 avail. View
Champagne DayPryor-J.display onlyView
Champagne on IcePierce-G.display onlyView
Chan Dom VongthirathHansen-D.$18View
Change of FortuneSalterdisplay onlyView
Chantilly PinkMunson-R.W.$6Bed N3View
Chaos ChoreographySalter-E.H.display onlyView
Character CountsSalterdisplay onlyBed L3View
Chariot Of CloudsEmmerichdisplay onlyBed J2View
CharmcasterGossarddisplay onlyView
Charming Ethel SmithTerrydisplay onlyLeftView
Charming Ethel SmithTerry$8Bed N4View
Chasing CloudsDeVitodisplay onlyView
Chasing ShadowsCarrdisplay onlyView
Cheddar PopcornGossard-D.display onlyView
Cherries in the SnowSalterdisplay onlyView
Cherry Smash CupcakeHerrington-T.display onlyView
Cherry SwizzlerStamiledisplay onlyBed J5View
Chestnut MountainSalterdisplay onlyLeftView
Chickens on the PorchHerrington-T.display onlyView
Children PlayingHansen-D.$20View
ChillaxOwen-P.display onlyView
Chinese MelodySalter-E.H.display onlyView
Chips and SalsaLopp-T.display onlyView
Chocolate RaisinsHoustondisplay onlyView
Chorus Of AngelsSalterdisplay onlyBed L3View
Chosen LoveMaxwell-T.display onlyView
Christmas In OzHerrington-K.display onlyBed N4View
Christmas WishesSalter-E.H.$10Bed G6potnView
Christopher Johndisplay onlyView
Christy AndresRossiedisplay onlyLeftView
Cimarron KnightSalter$5Bed M4View
CinchTownsend-J.display onlyView
Cindy's EyeSalterdisplay onlyView
Cindy's Tie DyeScott-E.display onlyBed H2View
Cinnamon FacesSattelmeierdisplay onlyBed G3View
Circle Of FireGrace-Smithdisplay onlyBed L4View
City of Ruinsdisplay only 'City Of Ruins' (Patrick O'Connor, R. 2007). Seedling 03-15. LA, 24" (61 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards reddish rose; style arms fleshy cream, linear rose markings, cream edge; falls reddish rose narrowly edged white, loosely defined yellow green arrowhead signal, more distinctly green toward center. 'Lemon Zest' X 'Tickfaw'. Zydeco 2007View
Clark GableKirchhoff-D.$25Bed N4View
Classic RomanceSalterdisplay onlyView
CleoHayward$8Bed p5View
Cline 13$12Lillian's Women's Touch X Unknown. 7" golden yellow. Unusual form, doubles 20%. 38" height. 3 branches, 15 buds. Very hardy. Evergreen. Diploid.View
Cline 14display onlyBed N2 NW. 6" pale peach with red ruffled edge and red eye. 3 branches, 15 buds. Tetraploid. EEView
Cline-15display onlyBed N2. 4 1/2 inch orange with large red eye. 2 branches, 8 buds, tetraploid, mid season. HardyView
Cline-2display onlyBed P2. Pod parent Bella Sarah. 6 inch rose with bluish watermark wire gold edge. To branch, 10 but, 28 inches high, tetraploid, medium seasonView
Cline 4.5 Burgundy display onlyView
Cline 5display onlyBed J4emid. 5 inch pink with green throat and ruffled gold age. Three branch 15 bud. 28 inches wide. Rebloom Tetraploid TetraploidView
Cline-6$12Bed L2 N. West 6 inch coral bitone with green to yellow throat. Three branch 15 bud. Medium season. 28 inches height.View
Cline-7display onlyBed M4 mid west. 5 inch ivory with green throat, 2 branches, six buds, 22 inches height. Multiplies quickly. Near white with peach undertonesView
Cline-8display onlyBed 'M4. 6 inch pink with purple Eye and edge, orange/ yellow throat. Two branches, 10 bud. 26 inches high. Tetraploid. Medium seasonView
Cline-9display onlyBed P2. Pink with bluish lavender I and double edge lavender and gold. Three branch. 15 bird. 28 inches height tetraploid pod parent Bella sera medium seasonView
Clint's Delight-mintDouglas-H.display onlyView
Clothed In GloryGrace$12Bed FrswView
Cloud ChaserGossarddisplay onlyView
Clyde Reese JrReese-R.display onlyView
Coach's Pale RiderGeorge-J.display onlyBed L1View
Cobalt RingsPetitdisplay onlyBed FrswView
Coconut GroveTrimmer$20Bed J2View
Coffee FrenzyCline$12Bed Frst Frhm Bed L5 Bed J3View
Coffee To GoAnderson-H.display onlyBed N5. A top performer hereView
Coit TowerStamile-Piercedisplay onlyBed L5 Bed H2View
Colby CoventryMaryottdisplay onlyView
Cold Dreaming DawnSalterdisplay onlyView
Collected MemoriesGoldman-Hansen$18View
Collectors ChoiceMunson-R.W.$8View
Colocasia Waikikidisplay onlyRoyal Hawaiian, Taro, Elephant earView
Colonel Jim ScheurichCarpenter-Carpenter$25Bed M4 1 availView
Colossal PeachBell-T.display onlyView
Compass Point SouthAnderson-H.display onlyBed N5View
CondillaGrooms$10Bed L3View
Congo EyedHansen-D.$100Bed FrhmView
Conway BitoneZahlerdisplay onlyBed J2View
Conway Red LightZahlerdisplay onlyView
Conway RufflesZahler$25Bed J3View
Conway SnowZahler$25View
Cool ComposurePierce-G.display onlyView
Coral Tree$8Bed L2. Pod cause for Pause. 6.5 inch salmon with slightly darker eye, green to gold throat. three branches, 15 bud. 38 inches height. Good rebloom. Very hardyView
Core ValuesHansen-D.$18View
Cornucopiadisplay onlyView
Coronation DreamPetitdisplay onlyView
Corsican NightSalter$20Bed FrhmView
Cosmic AftershockSalter-E.H.display onlyBed P3View
Cosmic SensationSalter$15Bed J2View
Cotillion MaidenPetitdisplay onlyBed N3View
Country RoyaltyBumgardner$25View
Count Your AssetsDeVitodisplay onlyView
Course Of ActionHansen-D.$8Bed J5View
Courting TroubleSalterdisplay onlyBed FrswView
Court of HoneySalterdisplay onlyView
Court of MidnightSalterdisplay onlyView
Cowtown CutieHansen-D.display onlyBed N5 great bud count. 1 availView
Creative LegacyJoiner-J.$20Led P4View
Creature of the NightReeddisplay onlyView
Crimson BeaconNetherton-J.$15View
Crimson EmberCline$50Bed G6. 6.5" Reddish Orange with large crimson/maroon eye and wire edge. Reddish orange band. Green to yellow throat. 30 inches high, 2 branches, eight buds. Tetraploid , early, rebloom. Evergreen. Rebloom. Pod: seedling 16-23 Velvet Eyes x unknown. Seedling 21-005View
Cross BonesPierce-G.$30View
Crowning FireStamile-Piercedisplay onlyBed J2View
Crown of MidnightSalter$45View
Crows FeetHansen-D.display onlyLeftView
Cupid's HeartHoustondisplay onlyMidView
Curcuma Elata - Giant Plume Ginger$5Curcuma elata blooms late spring, almost always in bloom by Mother’s Day Blooms emerge on separate stalks BEFORE foliage and are clearly visible Blooms can be 6 inches in diameter and are longer. Blooms are a hot pink and darker than ‘Hidden Ginger’ Plants grow 6-8 feet in height, twice as tall as ‘Hidden Ginger’ Leaves are much longer and wider and begin with a faint red stripe which mostly fades over summer. Rhizomes are among the largest in the genus and produce only a few much larger branches or ‘Fingers’ Rhizome interior color is light yellowView
Curious CutieSalter-E.H.$10Bed L3View
Curly CutieHerr-D.display onlyView
Cybister La Pazdisplay onlyView
Cybister Limadisplay onlyView
Cynthia LuciusDouglas-C.display onlyView
Daddy's HeartGoudeaudisplay onlyBed H2View
Dallas DynastyHansen-D.$18View
Dance Magic DanceSalter-A.display onlyView
Dancing LionsBenzinger$8Bed octagon by M2. L1 1 avail. View
Dancing On AirStamile$18Bed N5View
Dancing SummerbirdKing-Lamone$10Bed k2View
Dancy NancyKirchhoff-D.$12Bed J5View
Dangerous KnightSalter-E.H.display onlyView
Daniel Howard NorrisNorris-R.display onlyView
Daphnedisplay onlyView
Daring DilemmaSalterdisplay onlyLeft View
DariusHarris-H.display onlyLeftView
Dark MonkeyGossard$9Bed M5View
Dark Moon RisingHarry-P.display onlyView
Dark StormShooter$18Bed FrstView
Dark WonderStamiledisplay onlyBed FrstView
DaryaStamiledisplay onlyView
Dash DashZahlerdisplay onlyView
Daughter of DestinySalter-E.H.display onlyLeftView
Daughter of Magic seedlingdisplay onlyBed N3 5” Pink bitone with green throat and darker band. Two branches,10 buds, tetraploid ,Scape in AugustView
Daylily Seed Planting Methoddisplay onlyThis method works great in zone 8b. I have made a couple of improvements. I use Promix BX for the top layer of seed starting mix. I cover the pots with a sheet of poly instead of individual bags. View
Debary CanaryStamiledisplay onlyBed J5View
Debutante DoubleKirchhoff-D.$15Bed P3View
Decatur Double DandyDavidsondisplay onlyView
December WeddingPetitdisplay onlyBed M2. Frhm 3 avail. View
Deep Dark DuckEllerdisplay onlyView
Deep ImpactPeroni$22Bed Frsw. Small fansView
Defying SerenityEller-N.display onlyBed J3View
Delightfully YoursSalterdisplay onlyBed L5View
Delta BluebirdSullivan-D.$7Bed N4View
Delta BluesStamiledisplay onlyView
Denise CothernRossiedisplay onlyMid rightView
Depends On The WhetherElliott-S.$20Bed FrstView
Desert IcicleRoberts-N.$8Bed J5View
Desired EffectPierce-G.display onlyView
Destined To SeeGrace-L.display onlyView
DewarPetit$12Bed M4View
DGD at 60Hansen-D.$30View
Diamantina Regaldisplay onlyView
Diamond Balldisplay onlyView
Diamonds For DivasPetitdisplay onlyBed L5View
Diane's Reblooming Reddisplay onlyView
Dietmar's WisdomElliott-D.$222023 fall Penny for club. 2020 guest plant for National 2021View
Different Direction Smith-Harry-P.display onlyView
Dime Store MagicSalter-E.H.display onlyBed FrhmView
Dire WolfHansen-D.display onlyView
Divinely BlessedCarpenter-J.display onlyBed N3View
Dixie BluesStamile-G.display onlyBed Frsw. Small fansView
Dixie BoyJoinerdisplay onlyMidView
Dixie County display only'Dixie Country' ( Kirk Strawn, R. 1993). Seedling 50-1985. LA, 28" (72 cm), Late bloom. Standards violet blue (RHS 90); style arms slightly lighter violet blue (90D); Falls violet blue (89B), yellow (9A) signal. 'Lafitte's Retreat' X collected 'I. hexagona' from Cross City, Florida. Bois d'Arc 1996View
Dixieland FiveHerrington-H.display onlyView
Doll Brazell's ChoiceHansen-D.display onlyView
Donna MeadMead-C.display onlyView
Don't Tell MomHansen-D.$15View
Doris and DavidDeVitodisplay onlyView
Dorothy And TotoHerrington-K.$30Bed K2. View
Dottie's RompersHansen$7Bed L3View
Double BackHansen-D.display onlyView
Double Banana SplitGossard-D.display onlyBed P3 View
Double Berry BlitzGossard-D.display onlyView
Double Blazing BusbyGossard-D.display onlyView
Double Blue BloodGeorge-T.display onlyBed FrstView
Double Cherries DuetStamile-G.-Piercedisplay onlyBed M2. 3 avail. View
Double Crawdad$15Pod Parent - Pamela. 4-5" bright red double. K. Cline, 2022View
Double DealingWard-S.G.display onlyBed K5View
Double Dealing DavidSalterdisplay onlyView
Double DeckerThomasdisplay onlyView
Double Dog Dare YouGeorge-T.display onlyView
Double ExplosionGossard-D.$15Bed P3 View
Double FiguresElliott-S.$20Bed FrhmView
Double Glass of WineGossard-D.$50View
Double Hot DreamsGossard-D.$45View
Double Hot LoverGossard-D.$18Bed FrhmView
Double ImageStamile$15Bed Frsw Bed J3View
Double KnitWard-S.G.$15Bed J5View
Double MeMiles-J.display onlyView
Double OjaiGould$10Bed n4View
Double Peach CharmerBrown-B.display onlyView
Double PomponMiles-J.$6Bed Frst Makes small fansView
Double Rays of SunshineGossard-D.$20Bed FrhmView
Double Red WhirlwindGossarddisplay onlyView
Double ReturnsRobersondisplay onlyView
Double River WyeKropf$5Note: very small fansView
Double ScreamerGeorge-T.display onlyView
Double SunburstGuidrydisplay onlyView
Double Sunshine DragonGossard-D.display onlyView
Double TalkWheeler-B.$10Bed L3View
Double TroubleWebsterdisplay onlyView
Doublettdisplay onlyView
Double VariableHansen-D.display onlyView
Doug WarnerPetitdisplay onlyView
Dowager EmpressKirchhoff-D.display onlyView
Dragon FlightHansen-D.$15View
Dragonfly DawnTrimmer-J.display onlyView
Dragonfly TattooTrimmer-J.display onlyBed M4View
Dragon's PlaySalter-E.H.$30View
Dr DoomGossard$15Bed Frhm. Small fansView
Dressed in LaceScott-E.display onlyLeftView
Drop Of CoffeeAnderson-H.display onlyBed M5View
Dr Robert BurkhartPierce-G.display onlyView
DubyaMurphy-J.P.display onlyView
Duke EllingtonTrimmerdisplay onlyView
Dutch Yellow TruffleKirchhoff-D.display onlyBed M2. 2availView
Dynamic DetonationHansen-D.display onlyView
Earldisplay onlyExtra large 7-8" bloom. Mid to late seasonView
Early Early TruffleKirchhoff-D.$18Bed J2View
Early FragranceCarpenter-J.$15Bed octagon. 1 avail. View
Ebony PoolsStamile$10Bed M1View
Echoes of GreenBrazelton-M.display onlyView
Edith's Choicedisplay onlyView
Egyptian JewelSalter-E.H.$15Bed FrhmView
Eleanor RooseveltGrace-Smithdisplay onlyBed P4View
Electric RedPetitdisplay onlyBed L5View
Electric SlideHansen-D.$40View
Elfin SunshineHolmes-S.$6Bed M2. Fans smallView
Eli MonsterMurphy-J.P.$10Bed p5View
Elizabeth's Kentucky CupcakeHerrington-T.$20Bed FrhmView
Ellen ChristineCrochet$10View
Ellis PowellCarpenter-J.$20Bed N2 1 availView
Eloquent CayStamile$17Bed L4View
Eloquently EdgedCarpenter-J.$15Bed J5View
Elusive HappinessRice-J.$15Bed FrpalmView
Elvasdisplay onlyView
Embellished PinkHansen-D.display onlyView
Embrace DiversityHansen-D.$22View
Emerald StarburstDoorakiandisplay onlyView
Emerald TarantulaPierce-G.display onlyBed P2View
Emerging PatternsPierce-G.$45Bed FrpalmView
Emma's CurlsFalck-J.$15Bed p5. Makes smaller fans.View
Endowed With CharmCarrdisplay onlyBed J5View
Enola ValerieWhite-Smithdisplay onlyView
Entwined In The VineEmmerichdisplay onlyBed L2View
Ernest Markhamdisplay onlyView
Estelladisplay onlyNoted for its unique color, Amaryllis 'Estella' (Hippeastrum) is a cheerful beauty with trumpet-shaped, bright purple-pink flowers, up to 5 in. across (12 cm), adorned with a crisp white starburst and a chartreuse throat. Bottom picture is Estella. Top is Rembrandt Van RijnView
Etched EyesKaskel$10Bed N4View
Eternal IoSalter-A.display onlyView
Eternal NightSalter$20Bed P3View
ÉtoileHolley-S.$15Bed J2View
Evening MajestySalterdisplay onlyView
Evermore GreatfulNorris-R.display onlyView
Everybody Loves TimSalter-E.H.display onlyBed P3 View
Every Friday NightDeVitodisplay onlyView
Exotic GownMillikan-B.display onlyView
Exotic GownMillikan-B.display onlyRight frontView
Exotic Stardisplay onlyView
Exotic StarfishGossarddisplay onlyBed j5wn. Small fans. Too dormant here.View
Eye CatchingStamile$10Bed M3View
Eye Of TruthGossard$15Bed L5. Fans are small here but blooming sizeView
Eyes right JonesWilkersondisplay onlyBed p5View
Faber SabreOwen-P.display onlyBed FrstView
Faded GloryHarry-P.$15View
Fae ForgedSalter-E.H.display onlyView
Fairhope Artist ColonyFalck-J.$20View
Fairhope Lavender TowerFalckdisplay onlyView
Fairy FirecrackerHudson$10View
Fairy Meaddisplay onlyView
Fall Eclipsedisplay onlyView
Fancy BorderStamiledisplay onlyView
Fancy FaceCarpenter-J.display onlyBed G6potView
Fashion BugJoinerdisplay onlyBed P3 View
Fashion IconHarry-P.display onlyView
Faubourg Marignydisplay only2011, O'Connor 'Faubourg Marigny' ( Patrick O'Connor, R. 2011) Seedling 08-10. LA, 36 (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards and falls pale blue over white ground; style arms white; orange dagger signal. 'Bywater' X 'Beale Street'. Zydeco 2011View
Favored OfferingYancedisplay onlyView
Feliz NavidadCarpenter-J.display onlyBed H2View
Feminine FingersJoiner-J.display onlyBed P2View
Femme De JoieHayward-M.display onlyBed FrpalmView
Femme De Joie Seedling display onlyBed front palm. 2 br 19 bud 8-9” 40”View
Fencing MasterMunson-R.W.$8Bed Frpalm View
Fertile Myrtle RPPowell-K.display onlyView
Finding My AngelGossard-D.$40View
Fire AgateStamile$20Bed M2. 5 availView
Firecracker FinaleStadler$5Bed L3View
Firefly FrenzyJoiner-J.$30Bed K3View
Fires Of FujiHudson-B.$15Bed M1View
Fireworks ExplodingShooter-E.$12Bed N5View
First EncounterMaryottdisplay onlyView
Five Inch HeelsHansen-D.$15View
Flamed Amadeus display onlyView
Flamenco Queendisplay onlyView
Flames of FallSalterdisplay onlyView
Flash of MischiefPierce-G.display onlyView
Flat Out FabulousHarry-P.display onlyBed N5. Makes small fansView
Flattering ImitationSalter-E.H.display onlyView
Floating FluteHansen-D.$15View
Florence May Maguiredisplay onlyView
Flore PlenoStout$4View
Flossy May Two$57-8" peach/pink double. Doubles 80%. Hearty and multiplies fast. 24" height! 2 branches, 10 buds. Peacock Maiden x Firefly Frenzy. Diploid. Medium season, rebloom.View
Flower WolfGossarddisplay onlyView
Fluttering BeautyJoiner-J.display onlyView
Fly By MidnightSalterdisplay onlyBed L2. View
Fly Me to the MoonPetit$12Bed m2. 3 availView
Focus on the StormHansen-D.display onlyView
Follow Your FancyDeVitodisplay onlyView
FootlongPierce-G.display onlyBed Frsw. Makes small fansView
Forever AngelMorris-D.display onlyView
Forever FlossieHerrington-H.display onlyView
Forever RosalieTerrio$15Bed K5View
Forever RosalieTerriodisplay onlyMidView
Forty Second StreetKirchhoff-D.$12View
Frances JoinerJoinerdisplay onlySmall to medium sized fansView
FrankenflowerHansen-D.display onlyView
Frank GladneyDuriodisplay onlyBed FrhmView
Frankie's FantasyMercer-R.display onlyView
Frank's Star Of BethlehemGrace-Smithdisplay onlyBed M5View
Frank TeeleSalter$10View
Franziska Maria display onlyView
Freedom's TriumphCarpenter-J.$15Bed K3View
Free The NightDeVito$15Bed N4View
Free Wheelin'Stamiledisplay onlyBed L5View
Fried RiceHansen-D.$18View
Friend Songdisplay onlyView
Frilly BlissJoiner-J.$8Bed J3View
Fringing Coral ReefHansen-D.$22View
Frost BurnedSalter$20View
Frosted Vintage RufflesBegnauddisplay onlyBed L5. small fansView
Fully BlessedWaldropdisplay onlyView
Fully ChargedHansen-D.display onlyView
Funny Facedisplay onlyView
Future DesignJoiner$12Bed N5View
G053021 orange$12Bed L6 e4 s10. 5 inch orange with ruffled gold edge. Two branches, 8 buds. Tetraploid, medium season, 26 inches heightView
G19-1display onlyBed K5. 4.5 inch. Pod Blues Music. Flesh with dark plum eye and edge. 18 inches high tetraploid. Rebloom. Fast multiplierView
G210530r$5G6 mid east. 4.5 inch red with maroon eye, green throat. 2 branch, 10 bud, bud builder. 25 inches height. Tetraploid. Medium season. Great landscape daylilyView
G210530Rdisplay onlyOrange with red eye. Pod:seedling Happy Halloween View
G21530-2display onlyBed H6. East end middle. 6 inch bright red with green to yellow throat and recurved petals. Two branch, seven bud, medium season, tetraploid, 30” heightView
G21530P$8Bed K6 north West. 5 inch dark rose with purple eye and wire purple edge, green throat. 2 branch 12 bud, bud builder, 28 inches height, medium seasonView
G2279$8BedH2sw. Pod unknown x Thin Man. 8-9” red with orange ish edge. 2branches, 19 buds. 26” height. Good Rebloom. Tetraploid View
Gadsden GoliathReinke$4.5Bed M4. Small fansView
Galactic GreenPierce-G.display onlyView
Gary ColbyPetitdisplay onlyBed FrswView
Gary's Consternation display onlyFuture registration by Tracey Stewart. 6" deep mulberry, pink/red. EE, Ev, ext., 11 buds, 3 branches, 25" heightView
Geechee Ho-DownJoiner-J.$15Bed p5View
Gemini JackTrimmer$12View
Geneva After BurnerHansen-D.$15View
Geneva BlueprintHansen-D.display onlyView
Geneva ChainsawHansen-D.$10Bed N5View
Geneva FiretruckHansen-D.$8Bed N1View
Geneva SunshineHansen-D.display onlyView
Gentle ShepherdYanceydisplay onlyView
Gerbera Daisydisplay onlyvarieties of Hello! Series Gerbera Daisies. (Gerbera jamesonii 'Magentamen'View
Gervasedisplay onlyView
Ghost GiftsSalterdisplay onlyView
Ginger JarMunson-R.W.$4.5Bed N3View
Give Me EightReinkedisplay onlyView
Glazed Porcelain TruffleKirchhoff-D.display onlyView
Gleam Of TimeJoinerdisplay onlyView
Glorious DaySattelmeierdisplay onlyView
Glowing LanternBell-T.display onlyView
Glowing PumpkinCulver-B.display onlyView
God Bless LouisianaCarpenter-M.$40Bed FrstView
God Save the QueenMorssdisplay onlyLeftView
God Save The QueenMorss$18Bed k2View
Godzilladisplay onlyView
Going Grand at the StrandDouglas-H.display onlyView
Gold and BoldHoustondisplay onlyView
Golden SweetPierce-G.display onlyView
Goose FeathersDouglas-H.display onlyView
Gordian KnotHansen-D.display onlyView
Gordon BiggsCrochetdisplay onlyBed P2View
Goudeau pattern seedling$5Bed H2. 5.5” Peach with Green throat appliqué gold and I with border of patterned raspberry five branch 25 bud 30 inches height good rebloom. Similar to web of intrigue but better scapeView
Grace And StyleJoiner-J.display onlyBed P4 View
Grancy Greybeard display onlyFringe treeView
Grandise Fantasydisplay onlyView
Grand MarshalBrown-E.C.$10Bed M2. 3 avail. Great bud countView
Grand MerciKirchhoff-D.$4.5Bed FrpalmView
Grandpa's Little SweetheartHerrington-K.$20View
Grand WazooHansen-D.$40View
Grapefruit TruffleKirchhoff-D.$15Bed M2. 3 availView
Grape MagicAter-M.display onlyLeftView
Grape SensationTrimmerdisplay onlyView
Gray-crowned CraneLambertsondisplay onlyBed J2View
Great American Pie PanSmith-Harry-P.$20Bed M5View
Great Balls of FireHarrydisplay onlyBed P3View
Great WhiteStamile$15View
Great White DovePierce-G.display onlyBed L2View
Great White Hopedisplay onlyView
Green ArrowGossard$10Bed M5 Fans smallView
Green DerbyHerrington-T.display onlyBed N4. Limited View
Green InfernoGossarddisplay onlyView
Green Morning GlowCarpenter-J.display onlyBed L5View
Green RibbonsHerrington-H.$25Makes small fans View
Green TokenShooter-E.display onlyView
Green Valleydisplay onlyView
Grey WitchReed$6Hard dormant. Makes small fans View
Grove Park TerraceSimpson-E.display onlyView
GuadalajaraCarpenter-J.$20Bed L5 1 availableView
Guarding GnomesHansen-D.$15View
Gulf Moon Glowdisplay onlyFaggard, 2017. (Albert Faggard, R. 1994) Seedling FBT-31-91. LA, 40" (102 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards light lavender blue, edged yellow; style arms green, yellow edge and claws; Falls yellow green, heavily veined green, hint of lavender around edge, darkening toward center, long yellow green signal; slight spicy fragrance. 'Easter Tide' X 'Old South'. Plantation Point 2017View
Gunmetal MagicSalter$12Bed FrhmView
Guy's Swan SongPierce-G.display onlyView
Gypsy JazzTrimmerdisplay onlyView
Halloween GreenHerrington-T.$30Bed M3View
Ham Town SpicePinkhamdisplay onlyView
Hands FreeScott-E.display onlyRight backView
Hang SixStamile$8Bed N5View
Happy Halloween seedlingdisplay onlyBed J4. Pod happy Halloween. 5 inch orange with dark eye and edge.Three branch nine bud tetraploid rebloomView
Happy KathyHouston$25View
Harlequin display onlyView
Harmony's Fire Womandisplay onlyView
Harmony's Red Robindisplay onlyView
Harper LynnBell-T.$25View
HarrodsMunson-R.W.$5Bed M1View
Hat's Off to SueHerrington-T.display onlyView
Hawaiian TropicPolstondisplay onlyView
HawkmanGossarddisplay onlyView
Heartless - notHensley-D.display onlyView
Heart PumpingJoinerdisplay onlyBed L3View
Heather HerringtonJoiner$10Bed N5View
Heather's Red WagonHerrington-T.display onlyView
Heavenly Angel IceGossarddisplay onlyBed J3View
Heavenly Bengal TigerGossarddisplay onlyView
Heavenly Danger ZoneGossard$15Bed G6potView
Heavenly Dragon FireGossarddisplay onlyBed L2View
Heavenly Mr FantasticGossard$10View
Heavenly Pink TwisterGossarddisplay onlyBed p4View
Heavenly ShockwaveGossard$20View
Heavenly Snow BirdGossard$18View
Heavenly Snow WhiteGossarddisplay onlyBed J5View
Heavenly United We StandGossarddisplay onlyBed P4. 1 avail. View
Heaven's DeclaringMorss$10Bed L5View
Heidi EidelweissMillikan-B.display onlyBed J2View
HelicoprionHansen-D.display onlyView
Hello ScreamerHansen-D.display onlyBed L5View
HemanGossarddisplay onlyLeftView
HemanGossarddisplay onlyBed L5View
Henry E. Huntingtondisplay onlyView
Herd o' NerdsOwen-P.display onlyView
Here's to You Bill RobinsonSalter-E.H.display onlyView
HF Youngdisplay onlyView
HF Young Clematis/Japanese Irisdisplay onlyPhoto date 4/17View
Hidden MotiveDeVitodisplay onlyView
Hide and Seek SummerFowler-K.display onlyView
High BlazeJoiner$15Bed N1View
Highland LordMunson-R.W.$8Bed J2View
Hold On My FriendCarpenter-J.$20Bed J3View
Holiday FlourishSalter$16Bed L3View
Homeward BoundSpalding-W.display onlyBed L2View
Honey Crunch CupcakeHerrington-T.display onlyView
Honey LipsShooter-E.display onlyView
Horns and ThornsLambertsondisplay onlyView
Hot Danishdisplay onlyView
HotlantaWaldropdisplay onlyBed FtstView
Hot Springs HottieGoudeau$12Bed N5. Note bloom is more pink than aHS pictureView
Hot WheelsCalhoun$4.5Bed J3View
Houston 12display onlyBed P4. 2.5" red. Good scapeView
Houston 3display onlyView
Houston 5display onlyBed M4. 2.5"View
Houston Double display onlyView
How Beautiful Heaven Must BeCarpenter-J.display onlyBed M5 1 availableView
Huckleberry CandyStamile$4.5View
HumungousaurGossarddisplay onlyLed p5View
Hurricane Hangover Bradforddisplay onlyView
Hurricane WaveClinarddisplay onlyView
Hush Moneydisplay onlyView
I Believe in PinkHansen-D.display onlyView
Ice Queen display onlyView
Ida's MagicMunson-I.display onlyRight backView
IditarodWeston-J.$12Bed J2View
If Looks Could KillBell-T.display onlyView
Illinois MajesticWaldropdisplay onlyView
I Luv LucyWilkersondisplay onlyView
Increased ComplexityGossard$15Bed M5. Smaller, blooming size fansView
Incredible PedestalEller-N.$15Bed Frhm. Small fansView
Incy Wincy SpiderHerrington-T.display onlyView
Indian SkyFarrisdisplay onlyBed M4View
In ExcessAlexander-S.$12Bed K3View
Infernodisplay onlyView
Inherited WealthCarr$7Bed M3View
In High RegardRice-JAdisplay onlyView
Inner SpiritPierce-G.$25Bed FrhmView
Iridescent SplendorMarchant$20Bed M5View
Iris22-001display onlyKay Cline seedlings. Pod Godzilla. 4 blooms. Early. Periwinkle blue.View
Irish AngelPolstondisplay onlyView
Irish WarriorSalter$12Bed L3View
I See How You Look at MeGossarddisplay onlyView
Island BreezeBell-T.display onlyView
Island HoppingShooter-E.$12Bed P3. Small fansView
Italian SummerBell-T.display onlyView
It is a Beautiful DayHansen-D.$15View
It's A DreamPetitdisplay onlyBed L3View
It's a KeeperHarry-P.display onlyBed P1wSView
Itsy Bitsy SpiderBishop-H.$10Bed potk6. Makes very small fansView
I've Got FlairPierce-G.display onlyView
Ivory TitanSelman$25Bed p3View
I Want TomorrowBestdisplay onlyView
Jalapeno CrunchSalterdisplay onlyBed P4 View
Jason SalterSalter-E.H.$15Bed P4View
Jaw DropperJoiner-J.display onlyBed p5View
Jay FarquharCarpenter-J.display onlyBed N5View
Jay TurmanKirchhoff-D.$8Bed M4View
Jazzy TuneJoiner-A.$18Bed L2 Bed K5View
Jeanne Deaver's DreamTrimmerdisplay onlyBed L5View
Jean SwannJoinerdisplay onlyView
Jedi Dot PierceWedgeworthdisplay onlyMid View
Jelly filled donutEller-N.display onlyBed P3View
Jelly Roll TruffleKirchhoff-D.display onlyMid rightView
Jenny Come RunningPowell-K.display onlyView
Jerry HyattHanson-C.display onlyView
Jerry's GirlElliott-S.display onlyBed p5View
Jewel Of JupiterSalter-A.$15Bed FrhmView
Jimmy's Large DoubleRossiedisplay onlyLeftView
Jim Smelley 2display onlyWhite with wire red edge and red spots. Extended green throat. View
Jim Smelley's 1display onlyView
Jim's SmileTownsend-J.display onlyBed J2View
Joan JacksonKirchhoff-D.display onlyView
Joan SeniorDuriodisplay onlyView
Jody's Kayak$10Seedling of a red Volunteer x Velvet Ribbons. 8" near black unusual form. 45" height. Tetraploid, View
Jody's Yacht$8Seedling of Red Volunteer. 7" violet with darker eye. 3 branches, 15 buds. Good rebloom.View
Joeb's ArrowHouston$30View
Joe WillieBunting$15 Bed P3View
Johnson 1display onlyBed N4. 5” peach with black eye and edge. 16”h. 8 buds. Ee. Opened well with 40 degree nightView
John ToddPetit$20View
Jokerdisplay onlyView
Jolyene NicholeSpalding-Guillorydisplay onlyFront, left View
Joseph Hudson MemorialSalter$30Bed K5View
Josephine display onlyView
Jubilee SunriseFalckdisplay onlyBed Q5. 2019 Fall Guest plants NationalView
Judge JudyDavisson-J.display onlyView
Judy Hill Red display onlyBed M4. Lost name red. 5” Bright red with star shaped yellow eye. 3 branches 25 buds, 36 inches high. Good rebloom, extra early Tet. Good landscape Daylily. Multiplies quicklyView
Julia Childsdisplay onlyView
Jumping JackMaryottdisplay onlyView
Jumping Jack FlashWilkersondisplay onlyBed N4View
Jumpin' JanElliott-S.display onlyCost 5. 2021 show sale Hattiesburg View
June Williams MemorialKinnebrew-J.display onlyBed J5View
Jungle FeverBenzdisplay onlyLeftView
Just a LadHouston$15Tiny flower and fans are smallView
Kaleidoscope PuzzleCarpenter-Carpenter$20Bed FrstView
Kaleidoscope ThunderstormCarpenter-M.display onlyView
Kansas City KickerSalter$12Bed P2. View
Karen StephensKinnebrew-J.$15Bed M5View
Katie AndresRossiedisplay onlyLeftView
Katisue HerringtonHerrington-H.$15Small fansView
Kay's Big Reddisplay onlyFront by palmView
Kay’s Big Reddisplay onlyBed M5. Pod Panama Scarlet. 7 inch red with green to yellow throat two branches eight bud tetraploid blooms all summer 28 inches heightView
Kay's Double Veined seedling display onlyView
Kay's Flamenco Queen seedling display onlyView
Kay's orange reddisplay onlyView
Kay's Pinkdisplay onlyView
Kay's Pink 2display onlyView
Kay's Pink 3display onlyView
Kay’s pink UF$15Bed G3. Seedling. 7 inch hot pink. unusual form with extended green throat. Five branches 18 bud. Diploid. 48 inches high. Good rebloom. Wire white edge on sepalsView
Kay's Reddisplay onlyView
Kay's Red & White Doubledisplay onlyPool potView
Kay's Red & White Double 2display onlyView
Kay's Seedling 1display onlyView
Kay's Whitedisplay onlyView
Kay's White Red Edgedisplay onlyView
Kelly AndresRossiedisplay onlyLeftView
Kennesaw Blue SapphireWaldrop$25Bed p5. Great rebloomView
Kennesaw Mountain Lemon SorbetWaldrop$25Bed L5 1 available View
Killer BeesElliott-S.$15Bed FrstView
Kindness is MagicHansen-D.$50View
Kingdom of HeartsSalterdisplay onlyMidView
King KahunaCrochetdisplay onlyBed P4View
King of Swan LakeTownsend-J.$10Bed K5View
Kings and QueensBell-T.display onlyView
King's CotillionMunson-R.W.display onlyView
King's FavorBell-T.$12Bed N5View
King Solomon's TreasureHolmes-M.display onlyView
Kissed by MoonlightDouglas-H.display onlyView
Kiss My GritsSmith-FRdisplay onlyView
Kiss the SkyLambertsondisplay onlyView
Kitty WellsStamile$20Bed J3. One the best near white View
Lacy All OverStamile$25Bed L4. A great near white.View
Lacy DoilyJoiner-J.display onlyView
Lacy MarionetteTarrantdisplay onlyLeftView
Lady AlvatinePetitdisplay onlyView
Ladybug Bea You Too FullHansen-D.display onlyView
Ladybug Belle de JourHansen-D.$15View
Ladybug LancelotHansen-D.$15View
Ladybug Sara MartinHansen-D.$18View
Ladybug's Two MoonsHansendisplay onlyView
Ladybug Sunnys EyesHansen-D.$15View
Lady DragonTrimmer-J.display onlyView
Lady NevaAlexander-Moodydisplay onlyBed M1View
Lana LisaHerrington-H.display onlyView
Land Of CottonJoinerdisplay onlyBed P3 View
Land Sakes AliveJoiner-J.$15Bed Zl4View
Larger than LifeSalterdisplay onlyBed Frpalm View
Larry GraceSalter$10Bed P2View
Larry's ObsessionPetitdisplay onlyBed L4View
Larry's Twilight BiteGossarddisplay onlyView
Late to the ShowHolmes-S.display onlyView
Latte Frenzy$15Bed J3. Pond coffee to go X or fly frenzy. 4.5 inch pale peach double with grayish blue overcast. Crusted. Two -3 branch, 20 bud, budbuilder.28 inches height. Dip medium seasonView
Laugh At MeHansen-D.$12Bed L5. Bright green throat and teethView
Laughing SkiesStamiledisplay onlyBed L4 Fans small but blooming sizeView
Laura HarwoodHarwood$12View
Laurelwoods Midsummer MasqueradeRidderdisplay onlyView
LaurianaMunson-R.W.$8Bed N3. 3 availableView
Lava FlowSmith-FR$12Bed M4 Great Rebloom here. View
Lavender ArrowheadStamile$6Bed N1View
Lavender Blue BabyCarpenter-J.display onlyBed FrswView
Lavender Blue Baby seedling with Teeth$15Bed , Lavender Blue Baby x Purple Cartwheels. 6" dark rose with silvery blue watermark. Green throat. 3 branch, 15 buds. White edge with small serrated teeth on petals. Teeth are unusual for diploids. Great rebloomer, into AugustView
Lavender Blue Baby UF Seedling$8Pod Lavender Blue Baby. 5" unusual form. Buds 8. Rebloom. 20" height. Diploid View
Lavender HandlebarsRoberts-N.display onlyView
Lavender HeartthrobStamiledisplay onlyBed L1View
Lavender LightningHansen-D.$15View
Lavender SplatterHansen-D.$15View
Lavender ZiplineSalter-E.H.display onlyBed P3 View
Lawdy LawdyStamile$40View
Leaping LeprechaunsHerrington-H.display onlyView
Leap to GloryEller-N.display onlyView
Ledgewood's Dragon flyAbajiandisplay onlyBed FrstView
Ledgewood's JumpstartAbajiandisplay onlyView
Legacy Of LifeJoiner$12Bed L4View
Legacy Of StyleJoiner$25Bed N4View
Legro Indian ChiefGrovenstein-L.&E.display onlyBed P4View
Lemonberry TruffleKirchhoff-D.$15Bed J5View
Lemon Chiffon CupcakeHerrington-T.display onlyView
Lemon Creamdisplay onlyView
Lemon CurlsWaldrop-D.$10Bed p4View
Lemon MadelineMorss$7Bed H2View
Lemon Stardisplay onlyView
Let It RipJoiner-J.$15Bed M1View
Let LooseStamile$12Bed N5View
Let Me Count the WaysCarpenter-J.display onlyView
Let's Do LunchGoudeau-G.$15Bed M5View
Lexington AvenueMunson-R.W.display onlyView
Lighter Than AirSalter$15Bed P2 3 availView
Light WorkerHansen-D.display onlyView
Like a Gee SixHansen-D.display only BedP5View
Like Moon Scenedisplay only2022 NO plant swap. View
Lil' Black BudsBegnauddisplay onlyView
Lili BlumeElliott-S.$202023 fall Penny for club. .2020 guest plant for National 2021View
Lillian's Baby for a DayManningdisplay onlyView
Lillian's Big OwieManningdisplay onlyView
Lillian's Can't Beat ThisManningdisplay onlyView
Lillian's Cunning LiesManningdisplay onlyBed Q5. Display only. Guest plant 2021 NationalView
Lillian's Eye Am on FireManningdisplay onlyBed Q5. Display only. Guest plant 2021 NationalView
Lillian's Eye CheatedManningdisplay onlyView
Lillian's Faults and AllManningdisplay onlyView
Lillian's Gurly GurlManning$12Bed M5View
Lillian's Hot and SpicyManning$30Bed Q6View
Lillian's illusive EyesManningdisplay onlyView
Lillian's Ivory TowerManningdisplay onlyView
Lillian's Jack TempleManningdisplay onlyBed FrstView
Lillian's Joann RothManningdisplay onlyView
Lillian's Katelyn JoyManning$15View
Lillian's Legends and LiesManningdisplay onlyBed N4 View
Lillian's Pretty and PrissyManningdisplay onlyView
Lillian's Rainbow at DawnManningdisplay onlyView
Lillian's Thin IceManningdisplay onlyBed L5. Small fansView
Lillian's Vapor TrailManning$35Bed J5 Performs great in spite of small fan size here.View
Lillian's White LiesManningdisplay onlyBed K3View
Lillian's Woman's TouchManning$15Bed Frhm FrhmView
Lily Farm Coconut Cream PieCarpenter-M.display onlyBed p5View
Lily Farm Cotton CandyCarpenter-M.display onlyView
Lily Farm Nod to the MentorCarpenter-M.$25Bed FrstView
Lily Farm Roman ChariotCarpenter-M.display onlyBed p5View
Lily's Golden CurlsWaldrop-D.$25Bed p5. Fans small View
Lime FrostStamiledisplay onlyView
Lime in the CoconutHansen-D.display onlyView
Lime PeelStamile$15Bed L4View
LimitlessPierce-G.display onlyView
Lincoln AndresBush-C.display onlyView
Linda Terrio or Orange ThunderTerriodisplay onlyMidView
Linda the Green Eyed LadyZahlerdisplay onlyView
Lindsey IsheeTownsend-J.$18Bed L2View
Lines at MidnightSalter-E.H.display onlyView
Lines of SplendorTemple$4Small fansView
Lion Kingdisplay onlyView
Lipstick LipsBradford-P.display onlyView
Liquid CrystalOwen-P.display onlyView
Little AlabamaStamile-G.-Piercedisplay onlyView
Little Boss ManHerrington-T.$22View
Little DeekeGuidry$8Bed M4View
Little Dream CasterStamile-G.display onlyView
Little DreamerStamile-G.display onlyBed M4 Fans smallView
Little GigglesBell-T.display onlyView
Little JoyLewis-J.display onlyLeftView
Little Mystic MoonSalter-E.H.$13Bed J3View
Little Peter PiperStamile-G.$12Bed Frsw. Small fansView
Little Red BantamSmith-FR$15View
Little Red DumplesAnderson-H.$12Bed M3 FrView
Little Rosy CloudWinniford-E.$10Bed L1 FrhmView
Little WartSpaldingdisplay onlyMidView
Little Wild ThingStamile-G.-Piercedisplay onlyBed FrswView
Living LegendBell-T.$15Bed p5View
Living on LoveBell-T.display onlyView
Liz's Blue Suede ShoesSalter-E.H.display onlyView
Lobster Pot BoilSalterdisplay onlyView
Lofty ImpressionsSalterdisplay onlyView
Lola BranhamBurkeydisplay onlyView
Lonesome DivaPetitdisplay onlyView
Lone Star Big JohnPayne-L.H.display onlyView
Lone Star Wagon WheelPayne-L.H.display onlyView
Longboard ChickHansen-D.display onlyView
Long Vuedisplay onlyView
Lonnie Leroy CarpenterCarpenter-J.display onlyView
Look Here GirlHansen-D.display onlyView
Look Here MaryCranshaw$10Bed M5 Bed K3View
Looking GoodPetit-Goffdisplay onlyView
Loris' MonkieGarrett-L.display onlyView
Lotta HotPinkhamdisplay onlyView
Lotus PositionRice-J.display onlyView
Loud WhisperHansen-D.display onlyView
Louisiana JonesWilkerson$18Bed L5View
Louisiana Pixie Salter-E.H.display onlyView
Louis The SixteenthPetit$8View
Lovely LadybugHansen$10Bed N4View
Love Me Two TimesHansen-D.$18View
Love StruckDeVitodisplay onlyView
Love That GlowPierce-G.$30Bed Frpalm. Small fansView
Love to Joe MarohlElliott-D.display onlyBed Q6View
Love TunnelHansen-D.$10View
Loyalty to RoyaltyPryor-J.display onlyView
Luci d'ArgentoGarrett-L.$15Bed L5View
Luck Of The DrawSalter$12Bed N4View
Lumps of CoalCouturierdisplay onlyView
Lunar ChroniclesSalter-E.H.display onlyView
Luther Burbankdisplay onlyView
Lyndell's Fourth of JulyTomlinsondisplay onlyView
LynnstarAnderson-H.$15Bed N4View
Mach OneMauckdisplay onlyBed P3View
Mac's Blue Heavendisplay onlyView
Madisson HolleyHolley-B.display onlyView
Mad MaxWilson-Schottdisplay onlyBed M5View
Mad Max Seedling$4Six. 5 inch peach unusual form spatulate with extended green throat 18 inches height. Three branch, 12 buds, extra early, evergreen. fast increaseView
Magical ExplosionGossarddisplay onlyView
Magical SwirlsShooter-E.display onlyView
Magical Touchdisplay onlyView
Magnificent GrapeStamile$15Bed K5View
Mahogany CavalcadeSalter-E.H.$18View
Mahogany CrystalSalter-E.H.$15Bed N3View
Mahogany SpringSalter-E.H.$25View
Majorca IslePetit$25Bed L4View
Making An ImpactJoiner-J.$25Bed L2View
Makon ClineCline$25Bed P5. Pod busting loose. 8 inch ivory unusual form, spatulate, extended green throat white midrib, medium season, dip 42 inches height six branches 21 buds. Rebloom, semi-evergreen. Won Best Unusual Form at the Hattiesburg Show 12/22.View
Maleny DebutanteAlexander-S.$8View
Malibu SunsetReimerdisplay onlyView
Mandarin CorsageStamile$10Bed L2View
Mandarin CowboyHansen-D.display onlyBed J3View
Mandarin SeasStamiledisplay onlyView
Mandeladisplay only2022 Fall Amaryllis Man. 2023 fall Amaryllis & Caladium Bulb Co.View
MandolinMaryottdisplay onlyView
Marietta Full HouseWaldropdisplay onlyView
Marietta HeartbeatWaldropdisplay onlyView
Marina del ReyPierce-G.display onlyView
Marion TyusEller-N.$15Bed P4View
Marked By LydiaTempledisplay onlyBed J3View
Mark of the KingSalter-E.H.$20Cost 10 sf. 2020 Salter sale Hattiesburg View
Mark's BouquetAgosta$12Bed P4. 6 availView
Maroon Six$14Bed J3 Seedling Pod is seedling of seedling Jody‘s yacht X Velvet ribbons. 9 inch dark burgundy with darker chevron eye. Curled sepals. Extended green throat. Two Branches, eight bud, 34 inches high. Tetraploid. Re-bloomView
Marsh IslandBradforddisplay onlyView
Martha Ann McwilliamsPetit$18Bed N4View
Martha Lynn CarpenterKovach$20View
Martini's ArruebarrenaRossiedisplay onlyLeftView
Marty DeBoltBreshears$12Bed p5View
Mary Frances RagainCarpenter-J.display onlyBed M3View
Mary's GoldMcDonell-H.display onlyView
Master and Bold RulerPierce-G.display onlyBed FrhmView
Master ChiefPierce-G.display onlyView
Master DisasterGossarddisplay onlyView
Master of SparksHansen-D.display onlyView
Matchless FireSchindlerdisplay onlyView
Mater SammichCline$25Bed G3,P3. Won best extra large at Gulfport, Mississippi Daylily show 5/28/22. View
Matterhorn display onlyView
Matt MeadowsHansen-D.display onlyView
Maurepas Cream LaceRossiedisplay onlyView
Maurepas Lemon LimeRossiedisplay onlyLeft edge midView
Maurepas Peach CobblerRossiedisplay onlyView
Maurepas Pink on PinkRossiedisplay onlyLeft View
Maurepas Purple SkyRossiedisplay onlyRightView
Max's MiracleGossard-D.display onlyView
Mayan JadeHarry-P.display onlyView
Mayan PoppyMunson-R.W.$4.5Bed N3View
Mayans' DawnPierce-G.display onlyView
MayelleElliott-S.$25Small fansView
Mean GreenDavisson-J.display onlyView
Mecca TruffleKirchhoff-D.display onlyBed P3View
Memnoch's BrideMarchant$15View
MemphisTrimmerdisplay onlyBed L4View
Meringue MirageAppsdisplay onlyView
Mermaid HarborHansen-D.$20Bed FrstView
Mermaid WishesSalter-E.H.display onlyBed FrhmView
Merry MoppetSalter-E.H.$12Bed p4View
Merry Old Land of OzHerrington-T.display onlyView
Mesa VerdeStamile$18Bed J3View
Metallic MontageLambertsondisplay onlyView
Michael MillerStamiledisplay onlyView
Michigan NikkiHansen-D.$15View
Michille RichardsonHansen-D.display onlyView
Micro ChipTrimmer-J.display onlyLeft frontView
Micro ChipTrimmer-J.$10Small fansView
Micro DotsTrimmer-J.$10Bed L4View
Micro WaveTrimmer-J.$10Small fansView
Midnight EmissarySalter-E.H.$20View
Midnight In The GardenBrooker-G.display onlyBed H2View
Midnight MagicKinnebrewdisplay onlyRight front. Note also says Jim Smith BarfieldView
Midnight MagicKinnebrewdisplay onlyBed k2View
Midnight RaiderStamile$10Bed FrswView
MikadoStout$6Bed L4View
Mike LongoKinnebrew-J.display onlyBed M1View
Millions of PeachesCline$15Cline, 2021. Pod Little Red Dumples. 3" peach, green throat. Faint stipple pink halo, Medium season, rebloom, diploid. 4-5 branches, 25 budsView
Mimi WardYance$18Great landscape plant.View
Mini MightJoiner-J.display onlyView
Minstrel's FireSalterdisplay onlyBed L1 FrpalmView
Mint OctopusStamiledisplay onlyView
Mirror WatersRossiedisplay onlyLeftView
Miss Apache - not$10Bed N5. Red unusual form. White midrib.View
Miss Connie Kerr VogtDeVitodisplay onlyView
Mississippi Bill RobinsonSalter-E.H.$25View
Mississippi ManTrimmerdisplay onlyBed L5View
Mississippi MementoSalterdisplay onlyBed M1View
Mississippi Red DragonCarpenter-J.$15Bed K3View
Missouri MemoriesHansendisplay onlyLeftView
Mister HomerShooter$12Bed J3View
Mister LuckySellers$10Bed L4View
Mobjack Bay Color StormDuPauldisplay onlyView
Modern MarvelJoiner-J.$15Bed Frst. Small fansView
Moment of SolitudeBumgardnerdisplay onlyView
Monica Lee SmithGeorge-J.$18View
Monkey BusinessWilkerson$15Bed J5View
Monkey HipsBachmandisplay onlyBed FrstView
Monkey MakerTompkinsdisplay onlyMid rightView
Mont Blancdisplay onlyView
Monticello MelodyFearneyhoughdisplay onlyView
Moonlight On the BeachDouglas-C.$25Bed J2View
Moonlight SailStamiledisplay onlyBed L4View
Moon Scenedisplay onlyView
Moses' FireJoinerdisplay onlyBed J5View
Mossberry Avenuedisplay onlyView
Motor City's BurningAdams-R.display onlyMid right View
Mountain AlmondBillingsleadisplay onlyLeftView
Mountain Mandisplay onlyView
Mountains Bow DownBell-T.$15Bed L1View
Mount Edgecombedisplay onlyMt. EdgecombeView
Mount Herman Morning BeautyCarpenter-J.display onlyView
Mouse TrapSalter-E.H.display onlyView
Mr ObviousGossard$13Bed L5View
munchkin eyeddisplay onlyPool bed. 4.5” Yellow with orange appliqué on my green throat to branch 12 bud rebloom dipView
Murphy's SqueaksCline$15Bed K5, Pod bali water color x Helix.12 to 14 inch.unusual form spider, violent with darker Chevron eye, Green extended throat, 28 inches high, three branches 12 buds. early season. tetraploid. Rebloom.View
My Friend Dickdisplay onlyView
My Heart Belongs To DaddyWilkerson$15Bed K5View
My PetJoiner$8View
My Pet DragonSelmandisplay onlyView
My Soul's DesireGossard-D.display onlyView
Mysticadisplay onlyView
MystifyBestdisplay onlyView
Mythic ShoresSalter-E.H.$15Bed FrstView
NannersWilkerson$12Bed L5View
Napa Valley FrostSimpson-E.$12View
NarwhaleLambertsondisplay onlyView
Natchez LaceSalterdisplay onlyView
Nature's CrownPetit$15Bed P4 View
Nell CrandallGuidrydisplay onlyView
Nell MccreeryJoinerdisplay onlyBed N5. Very large bloomView
New Day SunshinePierce-G.display onlyView
New York FolliesSpalding-W.$10Bed P2View
Nicole's Elephant EarHarrydisplay onlyView
Nicole's Heat seekerHarrydisplay onlyView
Nicole's Melts My HeartHarrydisplay onlyView
Night and DayLambertsondisplay onlyBed FrstView
Night EmbersStamiledisplay onlyBed N5View
Night WingsWilliams-J.display onlyView
Nile JewelSalter-E.H.$10Bed J5View
No ID 5” peachdisplay onlyBed k5. Lost tag. 5 inch peach with ruffled edge, green to yellow throat. Eight bud. Tetraploid. 28 inches high. Medium to late seasonView
No ID Blue Eyedisplay onlyBed 5 inch lavender with blue eyes and double edge blue and gold. Two branch 10 and 33 inches height. TetraploidView
No ID red spider$5Bed P3. 4.25 inch red spider with darker I green to yellow throat. 16 to 22 inches height. Medium season. Re-bloom. Two branch eight budView
No Ordinary JoeHerrington-T.display onlyView
Northern Bright EyesNetherton-J.display onlyView
Norwegian FantasySalterdisplay onlyView
Not in Kansas AnymoreHerrington-T.display onlyView
Now and ZenHanson-C.display onlyView
No WordsPierce-G.display onlyView
Now that's cheezy Pierce-G.display onlyView
Now That's OrangeElliott-S.$15Bed P3. Small fansView
NTS1$10Bed K5. 5 inch, rosey purple with darker eye. Green throat, white serrated edge. 2 branches. Eight bud. Good rebloom. Tetraploid 26 inches highView
NTS 12display onlyBed K5. Townsend ceiling. Rose with darker rose hi green to yellow throat wire gold edge tetraploid medium season sixView
NTS 7display onlyBed K5. Townsend seedling,5.5 inch pink with heavy ruffled gold edge and yellow throat, darker eye and edge, tetraploid 20 inches height, buds 10,medium seasonView
NTS 8display onlyBedK5. Townsend seedling. Rose with bluish Eye, bitone slight pattern, wire gold edge 18 inches high medium season tetraploidView
Nutmeg SpiceJoiner$8Bed L1View
Nymph display onlyView
Off the RailsHansen-D.$40bed Q6View
Off to See the WizardHerrington-K.$15View
Oh, Camille!Douglas-H.$30Bed Q5View
Olivia StormDouglas-H.display onlyView
Olly Olly Oxen FreeWilkersondisplay onlyFans on the smaller side mend G6potnView
Once in a Wild MoonSalter-E.H.$20Bed P2View
One Cool DudeDouglas-H.display onlyView
One Eyed WillieHerrington-T.display onlyView
One Hot MamaWilkersondisplay onlyView
One Step BeyondBenz$12Bed L1View
Only the BoldSalterdisplay onlyView
Oodles of RufflesBell-T.display onlyView
Opa KlausWaldropdisplay onlyBed M5View
Optical DelightGuidry$8View
Orange DeliciousEller-N.$18Bed J2View
Orange Sovereign display onlyView
Orange ThunderTerrio$12Bed J3View
Orange Thunder or Linda TerrioTerriodisplay onlyMidView
Orange VelvetJoinerdisplay onlyRight edge front View
Orange VelvetJoiner$7Bed N1View
Oriental ImpressionsSalter$18Bed L3View
Orlando TruffleKirchhoff-D.display onlyView
Other Side of HeavenPetitdisplay onlyView
Our Friend PhyllisFalck-J.$15View
Outrageous FortuneStamile$12Bed K3View
OxymoronGates-L.$12BedP3. 1 availView
Packed To PleaseJoiner$15Bed K5View
Paco BellSalterdisplay onlyView
Panama CityTrimmerdisplay onlyBed p5. 1 avail. View
Panama ScarletMunson-R.W.$9Bed N3 k2View
Paper MagicianSalter-E.H.display onlyView
Parrots HiltonTrimmer-J.display onlyView
Passion For RedStamile$12Bed N4View
Path of the StormSalter-E.H.$25Bed Frsw. View
Pathway to LifeYancedisplay onlyGuest plant for National 2021View
Pathway to MiraclesGrace-L.display onlyView
Pat NeumannTrimmer$10Bed k2View
Patsy ClineSmith-FR$25Bed N5. View
Peach BouquetWaldrop$30View
Peacock KingRossiedisplay onlyMid rightView
Peacock MaidenCarpenter-K.display onlyMidView
Peacock MaidenCarpenter-K.$10Bed L1View
Pea Green with EnvyHerrington-T.display onlyView
Peak Bloom May 5 2018display onlyView
Pearlfisher PinkKirchhoff-D.$6Bed L2View
Peggy JeffcoatJoiner-J.display onlyBed P4 View
Pencil Thin MoustacheHansen-D.$15Bed L2View
Penny's LoveCline$50Bed H6. 9” white dip. 40” height green throat mediumView
Penny's PassionRoberts-K.display onlyView
Penthouse Santa Luciadisplay onlyView
Peppermint TruffleKirchhoff-D.display onlyView
Perry and His HaremDouglas-H.display onlyView
Persian MarketMunson-R.W.display onlyView
Persian RubyTrimmer$12Bed p3View
Peter FernyhoughKirchhoff-D.$10Bed L2View
Peter SheaDougherty-H.display onlyCost 20. 2020 fall trade Tracey StewartView
Pete's Mississippi FriendSmith-J.K.display onlyView
Piano ManTrimmerdisplay onlyView
Picobello Majestydisplay onlyView
Picotee display onlyView
Pieces Of AprilPetit$10Bed L5View
PigletGoudeaudisplay onlyRight backView
Pigment of ImaginationNorris-R.$15Bed p5 Color ChangerView
Pimiento PepperJoiner$15Bed FrstView
PinchedAnderson-H.$6Bed N5. Great bud count. Small fansView
Pineapple MoonTrimmerdisplay onlyBed J3View
Pinewood Green FlashKorth-P.-Korth-L.$35Bed Q6View
Pink - Amaryllis Mandisplay onlyView
Pink AmbrosiaStamiledisplay onlyRignt, backView
Pink AmbrosiaStamile$8Bed M3View
Pink Beautydisplay onlyView
Pink Bursting Loose$8M4. Pod bursting loose. 6 inch pink bitone with green throat, white midribs. Three branches, 18 bud, 24 inches height. Diploid . Medium season, rebloom.View
Pink double$12Lost ID. 6" pinkView
Pink EmbraceCrochetdisplay onlyMid right View
Pink EnchiladaRoberts-N.$8Bed N5View
Pink HeroDougherty$8Bed M3View
Pink Ice BalletCarpenter-J.$8Bed L2 Bed N3View
Pink Lemonade PartySalter$17Bed L4View
Pink NouveauHansen-D.display onlyView
Pink PalisadeSalter$35View
Pink PeppermintJoiner-J.display onlyView
Pink Pirouette$40Bed P5. 5.5 Pod Johnson purple double seedling. Slight bitone. Sepals pale peach. Dip. Mid season. Great Rebloom. Three branch, 16 bud. 26” heigh. Seedling 18-66. Penny has in Sally Lake bedView
Pink PromenadeScott-E.display onlyRight backView
Pink Rain DanceRoberts-N.$8Bed L4View
Pink Rivaldisplay onlyView
Pink rosedisplay onlyOwn root roseView
Pink Ruffled LaceRossiedisplay onlyLeftView
Pink Ruffled LaceRossie$15Bed P5View
Pink SpringsHansen-D.$18View
Pink Suede HuesJoiner-J.display onlyView
Pink Surprisedisplay onlyView
Pink WhisperKlehmdisplay onlyView
Piping Hot LavaShooter-F.display onlyBed M3View
Pirate's PromiseSalterdisplay onlyView
Pizza PieLambertsondisplay onlyView
Planet MaxReed$10Bed J3View
Platinum PlusPeck$5Bed H2View
Please Say YesCarpenter-J.$12Bed L4View
Plumberry TartKirchhoff-D.display onlyView
Plumcake PattyDavisson-J.display onlyView
Pocket ChangeCrochet$6Bed M1. Small fansView
Poetic VoiceStamile$8View
Pointing FingersHansen-D.$15View
Point Of ViewRoberts-S.$10Bed p5View
Points of PrideSalterdisplay onlyView
PojoWinniford-E.display onlyView
Pop Pop LouisPierce-G.display onlyView
PorcelainHubendisplay onlyView
PortofinoGrace-Smithdisplay onlyView
PoseidonKirchhoff-D.$15Bed Frpalm Bed M4View
Powered by the WindTassindisplay onlyRight backView
Powerpuff GirlsGossarddisplay onlyFans are small. Blooming sizeView
Pretty Amadeusdisplay onlyView
Pretty Nymph display onlyView
Pretzel PowerStamile$101 availableView
Prickled PetalsJoiner$10Bed P1View
Prickly SensationMaryottdisplay onlyView
Princess Of The HuntSalterdisplay onlyBed M5View
Princess PeachSeifertdisplay onlyView
Prismatic PurpleSalter-E.H.display onlyView
Proliferation method air layeringdisplay onlyView
Promenade One and AllCarpenter-J.display onlyView
ProtegeMaryottdisplay onlyView
PugsleyTrimmer-J.$12Bed FrstView
Pumpkin And SpiceSalterdisplay onlyBed J5View
Pumpkin GiantStamile-Piercedisplay onlyView
Pumpkin ParkTrimmerdisplay onlyView
Pure IndulgenceCarr$12Bed P1View
Purple CartwheelsBomar$10View
Purple CheerAnderson-H.display onlyBed M5 a hard to find AndersonView
Purple De OroDeGrootdisplay onlyView
Purple Eyed PosyHansen-D.display onlyView
Purple GrasshopperRoberts-N.$14Bed p5View
Purple Pixie GumdropSalter-E.H.display onlyView
Purple PoodleOttodisplay onlyView
Purple StarfishGossard$15Bed P3View
Purple TarantulaGossarddisplay onlyView
Purple WalrusRice-JAdisplay onlyView
Queen of GreenTrimmer$20Bed P3View
Queen of ShadowsSalterdisplay onlyView
Queen Of The GardenPetitdisplay onlyView
Queen of the UnderworldHansen-D.$30View
Queen's Tears, Stick Catusdisplay onlyView
Queen's Treasure Salterdisplay onlyView
Queen's VioletSalter-E.H.display onlyView
Radiant SimplicityBegnauddisplay onlyBed J3View
Rainbow ButterflyGossard$15Bed FrhmView
Rainbow DragonGossard$18Bed p5. 1 availView
Rainbow EyesStamile$10Bed M3View
Rainbow Over GeorgiaPerkerson$8Bed M3View
RamWhatleydisplay onlyView
Raspberry CupcakeHerrington-T.display onlyView
Raspberry MountainStamile$15Bed J3View
Raspberry PicoteeStamiledisplay onlyBed N5.View
Ratchet GirlHansen-D.$10View
Razzle Dazzledisplay onlyView
Razzle Dazzle ThemPetitdisplay onlyView
Reach for ItHansen-D.$12View
Reaching For The ButterNall-S.display onlyBed M5View
Reality ShiftEller-N.display onlyBed p5View
Reason for Pleas'n'Pierce-G.$40View
Rebecca's SmileHenry-M.$15Bed J2View
Red ConvertibleFalckdisplay onlyView
Red EditionPierce-G.$35Bed H2View
Red garden monster Salterdisplay onlyView
Red Heat ResisterTerrio$15Bed M5View
Red Heat ResisterTerriodisplay onlyMidView
Red Hot Chili PepperWaldrop$15Bed M5View
Red PinnacleWebster$10Bed K3View
Red RazzmatazzKlehmdisplay onlyView
Red RevolutionBell-T.display onlyView
Red RulesSalter-E.H.$20View
Red, White and BoldSalterdisplay onlyView
Red Wine RomanceKinnebrew-J.$15Bed M5View
Refreshing JewelPierce-G.display onlyBed P5View
Regal Mistressdisplay onlyView
Regina SitkoKulpadisplay onlyView
Rembrandt Van Rijndisplay onlyView
Remembering GraceMaryott$15Bed N1View
Remembering Nashville Morssdisplay onlyView
RenditionMaryott$15Bed P2. 2 available View
Renee’s Delight seedling$5Bed G4. Pod Renee’s delight. 5.5 inch, peach pink polychrome, green throat. 3 branches, 12 buds. 26 to 30 inches height. Excellent rebloom. Very hearty. tetraploid. Wire gold edgeView
Renegade LadySalter-E.H.$8View
Replaydisplay onlyView
Retro AfternoonSalter$25Bed L3View
Rhythm and RhymeHansen-D.display onlyView
Richard J. HowardRidderdisplay onlyView
Right FriendlyJoiner-J.$15Bed FrstView
Rilona display onlyView
Rim Of FireSalter$20Bed FrswView
Ring On My FingerGrovenstein-L.&E.$8Bed M2. 3 avail. Small fansView
Rings of WonderStamiledisplay onlyMidView
Riot ActOwen-P.display onlyView
Rippling RipplesLambertson$10Bed P2View
Rise AboveHansen-D.$18View
Rise Up RoseSalter-E.H.display onlyView
River RipplesHansen-D.display onlyMidView
Roaring FireWaldropdisplay onlyView
Robert SearlesStamiledisplay onlyView
Rochester Lilacdisplay onlyView
Rocket CityHardy$5Bed k2View
RococoBiery$6Bed K6pot. Makes very small fansView
Rolling Oaks Cheddar RufflesCline$18Bed L5. Pod Santa Fe style by cinch. 6 inch gold with extra ruffled gold edge metallic 22 inches height medium season 2 branches, 10 buds. tetraploidView
Rolling Oaks Coconut IslandCline$20Bed H4. Cline, 2022. Pod Somewhat Peculiar. 5.75 near white. Piecrust ruffled Edge, gr th. Early 26" height. 3 branches, 15 buds. Semi evergreen. Tetraploid View
Rolling Oaks Coconut TwistCline$30Bed K6. 5.5 near White unusual form. Green throat. White, midribs. 3 branches, 15 buds, 30 inches height. medium season. diploid. Seedling 20-104View
Rolling Oaks Cover GirlCline$30Bed F6. Pod Johnson purple double seedling x Amanda’s Little Red Shoes. 6 inch pink double with Green throat and yellow eye.Dip. 25 inches height. 2 branches, 10 buds. Medium season. Rebloom. Evergreen. Won doubles contest and is on the cover of the book Double Daylilies . Seedling 20-64View
Rolling Oaks Double IvoryCline$30bed Frhm. Kay Cline, 2021.Bed Q4. Pod King Kahuna. 8" pale peach unusual form double. 4 branches, 16 buds, diploid, 28" height. Medium season, rebloom . Won Best Double at the Hattiesburg Show 6/22.View
Rolling Oaks Double PeachyCline$30bed L6se pod: Thing of beauty. 5.5 salmon pink double, 2 branch, eight buds, 28 inches height. Green to yellow throat. Ruffled petals. Diploid. Seedling 22-043View
Rolling Oaks HoneydewCline$20Bed K5. Cline 2021. Pod smiling ladies x Rose F Kennedy. 7.5 to 8 inch pale yellow/ivory with extended green throat. white mid ribs. medium season. Two branches, 10 buds. 22 inches height. Diploid. Rebloom View
Rolling Oaks Pink Emerald Cline$30Bed J6. Pod Rose F Kennedy. 4.49 inch hot pink with extended green throat. 21 inches height. 2 branches, 10 buds, diploid, mid Rebloom. Seedling 19-88View
Rolling Oaks Star GirlCline$20Bed G3. Pod is seedling Kays red (Panama Scarlet x Point of View). (7” Burgundy red unusual form. Pinched petals, curled Sepals. green throat yellow Star shaped eye. 4 branch 20 buds rebloom 45 to 48 inches height tetraploid. Early. Good rebloom View
Rolling RavenStamiledisplay onlyBed J3View
Romancing SummerSalterdisplay onlyView
Romeo PrinceStamile-Piercedisplay onlyBed J3View
Ron's CurlsHansen-D.display onlyView
Root Beer TruffleKirchhoff-D.$18Bed M2. 1 availView
Rose F. KennedyDoorakiandisplay onlyBed L5 1 available. Small fansView
Rose Mary DixonWilson-T.$8Bed k2View
Rose PalaceTrimmerdisplay onlyView
Rossie 3display only4" banana cream with blue eye. Double. 3 branches, 15 budsView
Rosy OutlookJoiner-J.display onlyBed N5View
Rosy Stardisplay onlyView
Rosy the RiveterSalterdisplay onlyView
Roxy RooHansen-D.$45Bed FrswView
Royal CarnelianKirchhoff-D.display onlyView
Royal CorsageStamiledisplay onlyBed HmView
Royal CypherPetitdisplay onlyView
Royal ElkLakedisplay onlyView
Royal ExtravaganzaCarpenter-J.$15Bed p5View
Royal LavenderCarpenter-J.display onlyBed N2. 2 availView
Royal SealHansen-D.display onlyView
Royal TrumpeterMunson-R.W.display onlyBed L3View
Ruby SpiderStamile$10Bed J3View
Ruby StormStamiledisplay onlyView
Ruffled ShowcaseBell-T.display onlyView
Ruffled TutuAnderson-H.$12Bed p5View
Running BlueTownsend-J.display onlyBed J2View
Running HotStamiledisplay onlyBed L4 View
Rusty GateSalterdisplay onlyView
Ruth Gets it DoneElliott-S.$20Small fansView
Ruth WhittenJoiner-J.display onlyView
Sad SackHansen-D.$18View
Saffrondisplay onlyView
SalieriMoldovandisplay onlyCost 8. 2020 fall trade Tracey StewartView
Santa CruzTrimmerdisplay onlyView
Santa Fe StyleScott-E.$15Bed K3View
Santa Fe StyleScott-E.display onlyLeft edge midView
Santa's Little HelperTrimmerdisplay onlyMidView
Santa's Little HelperTrimmerdisplay onlyView
Sara Griffin Jackson, R.N.Gaskinsdisplay onlyView
Satan's FireSanta Lucia$10Bed H2View
Satellite DreamsDeVito$10Bed H2View
Saturdays are for the BoysHerrington-T.$25View
Savannah display onlyHybrid tea. Recommend by MSUView
Savannah DebutanteJoinerdisplay onlyView
Savannah SmoochJoiner$15Bed P4 View
Scarlet Butterfly (not)display onlyNo ID. 6" purple with white teeth. May be Spacecoast Vampire Butterfly View
Scarlet MarieKropf$15Bed m2. 2 avail. View
Scarlet marvelPierce-G.display onlyView
Scarlet PimpernelRipleydisplay onlyView
Scented SensibilityHerrington-H.$501 available View
Schnickel FritzKirchhoff-D.display onlyBed p5 Fans small. Short scapes, best for front of bedView
School Bus DreamsBell-T.display onlyView
ScottishHoustondisplay onlyView
Seas of NeptuneSalter-E.H.$30View
Sebastian on SteroidsElliott-S.display onlyBed p5View
Secret SentinelSalter-E.H.$15 Ed FrhmView
Secret WishJoiner-J.display onlyView
Sedona SquareSalterdisplay onlyBed K3View
Seedling Altered State$55.5"View
Seedling Judy Hill Red$5Bed H2. Pod lost tag Judy Hill red. 4.5 inch peach, green throat gold eye, raspberry band six branches 25 bud. good rebloom,very hearty.great little landscape DaylilyView
Seedling Mamma’s Cherry Pie$5Bed p4. Pond mamas cherry pie. 6 inch raspberry unusual form with green extended throat wire yellow edging eight blooms 24 inches height. Rebloom. Touch your boredView
Seedling Tooth and naildisplay onlyDid K6 N. East. 6 inch bright orange with small gold teeth. To branch. Tune bud. Tetraploid. 28 inches height. Medium seasonView
Seize The LightHarry$15Bed L5View
Seminole DreamKirchhoff-D.display onlyView
SenegalKaskeldisplay onlyMid right View
Sensational HeartSalterdisplay onlyView
Sentinel Pink BurstLittle-H.$20Bed p5View
Sentinel Solar BurstLittle-H.display onlyBed FrstView
Serene ThoughtsSalter$15Bed L5View
Seven EvelynCarter-M.$12Bed M3View
Shades Of The SeasonSalter$14Bed L2View
Shadow MessengerSalter-E.H.$25View
Shadows Of TwilightSalter$18Bed FrstView
Shadows WithinPetitdisplay onlyBed K3View
Shady Rest Pinky DBishop-D.$15Guest plant for 2021 National View
ShakespearesPierce-G.display onlyView
Shallow Fords Rembrandt FlatbreadGrace-Gilyarddisplay onlyView
Shallow Fords Sneakin' Up on Tie DyeGrace-Gilyarddisplay onlyView
Shallow Fords Super Natural BeautyGrace-Gilyarddisplay onlyView
Shangri La TruffleKirchhoff-D.$15Bed M5View
Shari HarrisonMcKinneydisplay onlyView
Shark's ToothMorss$4.5Bed M3View
Sharon Moon ScapeTownsend-J.$15Bed J5View
Sharp Dressed ManHansen-D.display onlyView
Shelly SueSpalding-W.$4.5Bed M4View
Shelton HollidayKinnebrew-J.display onlyView
She's Got AttitudeFowler-B.$18View
Sheza HeartbreakerHarry$20Bed L4View
Shinto EtchingMunson-R.W.display onlyLeftView
Shipwreck CoveSalterdisplay onlyView
Shock and AwePierce-G.display onlyBed FrstView
Shock AppealPetit$15Bed L3View
Shoot the MoonCochenourdisplay onlyView
Shrimp and Grits Amaryllis display onlyPollen parent Dancing Queen. 7-8" double. K. Cline, 2022 Blooms mid to late season in zone 9a.View
Signature TruffleKirchhoff-D.$18 Bed L4View
Siloam BumblebeeHenry-P.$6Bed L3View
Siloam Double ClassicHenry-P.$10Bed N2. 4 avail. View
Siloam Double ClassicHenry-P.display onlyLeftView
Silver Dreamdisplay onlyView
Silver RunLee$15Bed M2. View
Simply Fantasticdisplay onlyView
Simply GloriousCarpenter-J.display onlyBed P2View
Simply KarenJoiner-J.$18Bed K5View
Simply MauvelousCline$505” mauve double. 20 buds, 4 branches, 35” height. Reverse bitone. DiploidView
Simply SmashingSalter$20Bed Frhm Bed M5View
Sings The BluesHansen$10View
Sir Francis DrakeStamile$20Bed J3View
Sirius StarHansen-D.$60Bed Q6View
Sitting QueenPetit$12Bed k2View
Skeleton ManRoberts-N.$10Bed N5View
Skinny DippingStamile$8Bed N5View
SkinwalkerRoberts-N.display onlyView
Skip A RopeGeorge-T.display onlyView
Slade BrownBrown-E.W.display onlyBed N4View
Slender LadyCrandall$8Bed L4View
Small RemnantBell-T.$6Bed K3View
Small TempestSalter-E.H.display onlyLeft frontView
Smelley's Extra Largedisplay onlyView
Smile AgainGrace-Smithdisplay onlyBed K5View
Smile for Me PhyllisHensley-D.display onlyView
Smile-n-dalesPierce-G.display onlyView
Smiling CobraPierce-G.display onlyView
Smiling LadiesArnold-L$12Bed N3View
Smith BrothersCarrdisplay onlyBed FrpalmView
Smooth TalkerDeVitodisplay onlyView
Snow BlizzardJoinerdisplay onlyBed M5View
Socially EliteFowler-B.display onlyView
Sofiadisplay onlyView
Soft SkillsJaquesdisplay onlyDiedView
Solar SweetPierce-G.display onlyView
Solid MahoganyWebsterdisplay onlyView
So LovelyLenington-G.$10View
So Many StarsKaskeldisplay onlyBed Frsw Bed k2View
Sometimes NeverWagner-J.display onlyView
Some What PeculiarTownsend-J.display onlyBed K5View
Song In My HeartCarpenter-J.$10Bed L3View
Song Of SpringCarpenter-J.$8Bed P4. 1avail. View
Song of the SouthCorbettdisplay onlyView
Song WriterStamiledisplay onlyBed M1 Bed k2View
Sonic BloomKinnebrew-J.$15Bed FroalmView
Sour PussShooterdisplay onlyView
Southern by ChanceFranklin-M.display onlyView
Southern ClassicRea-C.$20Great rebloomerView
Southern Original Franklin-M.display onlyView
Southern SweetieJoiner-A.display onlyView
Southern WizardFranklin-M.display onlyView
South Georgia PeachesBell-T.$12View
South SeasMoldovandisplay onlyLeftView
Spacecoast Ace in the HoleKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Back in BlackGossard$75Bed M5View
Spacecoast Beyond BoldKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Big Country DreamsKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Black SensationKinnebrew-Gossard$45Bed L3. FabulousView
Spacecoast BloodwineKinnebrew-Gossard$60View
Spacecoast Blue BayouGossarddisplay onlyBed N4View
Spacecoast Blue ButterflyKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Bold ConflictKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Brandywine KissesKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast CarnivalKinnebrew-J.display onlyBed Frpalm. Small fansView
Spacecoast Catch and ReleaseKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Chomp! Chomp!Kinnebrew-J.$40Bed H2View
Spacecoast Color SchemeKinnebrew-J.display onlyBed J2View
Spacecoast Cool DealKinnebrew-J.display onlyView
Spacecoast Dark DestinyKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Dark ObsessionKinnebrew-J.$18Bed M5View
Spacecoast Dixie ChickKinnebrew-J.display onlyView
Spacecoast Double Lava JavaKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Double StandardKinnebrew-J.display onlyBed J3View
Spacecoast Double TimeGossard$75Bed M5View
Spacecoast Dream CatcherKinnebrew-J.$10Bed J5View
Spacecoast Etched InvitationKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Extreme FashionKinnebrew-J.$15Bed L4View
Spacecoast Eye Of The TigerKinnebrew-Gossard$25Bed FrstView
Spacecoast Fear the ReaperGossarddisplay onlyAwful plant habit here! Received small and shrunk to nothing.View
Spacecoast Fires of MordorKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast FirestarterKinnebrew-J.$12Bed P4View
Spacecoast Forbidden Friends Kinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Francis BusbyKinnebrew-J.$15Bed J2 H2View
Spacecoast Free BirdGossard$50Bed Q6. View
Spacecoast Gold BonanzaKinnebrew-J.$12Bed M1 Bed J5View
Spacecoast Grand DesireKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Groovy RubyKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Hammer TimeGossard$50View
Spacecoast Hollywood KnightsKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Hot TamalesKinnebrew-J.$15Bed M5View
Spacecoast Hugs and KissesKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Irish IlluminationKinnebrew-J.display onlyBed L5View
Spacecoast JawsKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Just My ImaginationGossard$60View
Spacecoast Knight MovesGossard$50Bed Q6. single fanView
Spacecoast Lemon IceKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Lemon PieKinnebrew-Gossard$15View
Spacecoast Light My FireGossard$65View
Spacecoast Little RedeemerKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Little Red Riding HoodKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Marmalade TigerKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyBed FrhmView
Spacecoast Modern SymmetryKinnebrew-J.$18Bed L1View
Spacecoast Moonlight OrchidKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Narrow EscapeKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Night MistressKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Ocean SunriseKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Playing with FireGossard$70View
Spacecoast Pumpkin SpiceKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyBed P3View
Spacecoast Red Eyed MonsterKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Red MammothKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Red MammothKinnebrew-Gossard$22Bed P3. View
Spacecoast Road KingKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Royal RumbleKinnebrew-J.display onlybed J5View
Spacecoast SatisfactionGossard$40Gossard confirmed that his registration picture for this one is wrong and is Nuclear Explosion. View
Spacecoast Scarlet DesireKinnebrew-Gossard$25View
Spacecoast Sea ShellsKinnebrew-J.display onlyBed FrswView
Spacecoast Shake Your HipsGossard$40Bed Q6.single fanView
Spacecoast Small VictoryKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Snow FlakeKinnebrew-Gossard$25View
Spacecoast SonataKinnebrew-J.$12Bed Octagon. 8 avail. Great rebloomerView
Spacecoast Stairway to HeavenGossard$50View
Spacecoast Sun ChaserKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Sunset StripKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Surprise PurpleKinnebrew-J.$8Bed L3View
Spacecoast Tasmanian DevilKinnebrew-Gossard$45Bed P5. Fans smallView
Spacecoast Technical Knock outKinnebrew-J.display onlyBed N5View
Spacecoast That's My JamKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast the Green MileKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyBed P3 View
Spacecoast Thor's HammerKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Tigertail TangoKinnebrew-J.$15Bed P2View
Spacecoast Time After TimeGossard$50Bed N5View
Spacecoast Tiny PerfectionKinnebrew-J.display onlyBed N5View
Spacecoast Turbulent SkiesKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyRotted!!View
Spacecoast Twisted MochaKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast TwisterKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Two Eyed JackKinnebrew-J.display onlyBed octagon by M2 View
Spacecoast Vampire ButterflyKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Velvet valentineKinnebrew-J.display onlyView
Spacecoast Walk This WayGossard$60Bed Q6. Single fanView
Spacecoast White Christmas Kinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast White FangGossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast White WeddingGossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast White WolfGossard$200View
Spacecoast Wide Eyed EnvyKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Spacecoast Wild RedheadKinnebrew-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Space WorldStamiledisplay onlyView
Space XStamiledisplay onlyView
Spanish MasqueradeMunson-R.W.$8View
Spanish SnowbirdKirchhoff-D.display onlyBed H2.View
Sparkling SpireLambertsondisplay onlyBed J5View
Sparks Prom QueenTaunton-J.display onlyView
Spellbound SecretSalter$15Bed J2View
Spider ManDuriodisplay onlyBed L1View
Spider MiracleHendricks-W.$10View
Spin And TwirlJoiner-J.display onlyBed P4 View
Splashdisplay onlyView
Splash DanceStamiledisplay onlyView
SpooktasticHarry-P.display onlyView
Springfield ClanTrimmer-J.$10Bed N5View
Squidward TentaclesGossard$25View
Stacked to the SkyHarry-P.display onlyView
Stack The DeckShooter-E.display onlyBed P4View
Starburst GalaxyPolston$25View
Star Of IndiaRoberts-P.$14Bed M3View
Star Over OzHerrington-K.$12Bed J5View
Stately BuddhaMunson-R.W.$6Bed N3View
Stella De OroJablonskidisplay onlyView
Stellar Double RoseBrown-C.$15Bed P4. Frst View
Stellar StitcherySalterdisplay onlyView
Steve TrimmerTrimmerdisplay onlyBed M1View
Still StandingHansen-D.display onlyView
Stimulus PackageHansen-D.display onlyView
Stop the CarGossarddisplay onlyView
Stop The ShowGates-L.$5Bed K3View
Storm At SeaSalter$15View
Storm ShelterEmmerichdisplay onlyView
StrangelingStamiledisplay onlyView
Strawberries and ChocolatePetitdisplay onlyView
Strawberry Cream Cupcake Herrington-T.display onlyView
Strawberry JazzKirchhoff-D.$8One available View
Strawberry LemonadeGossarddisplay onlyView
Strawberry TruffleKirchhoff-D.$10Bed G6potView
Street UrchinKirchhoff-D.$8Bed K3 N3. Very hardy. Good rebloom View
String BikiniStamile$8Bed J3View
Striped Amadeus display onlyDiedView
Stuck in the MiddleHansen-D.$25View
Sublime SplendorPierce-G.display onlyView
Substantial TreasureNorris-R.$35View
Suburban ClaineyWatts$15Bed k2 Bed J5View
Suburban Coach BurnhamWatts$18Bed FrstView
Suburban Coach G.Wattsdisplay onlyBed P4. Small fansView
Suburban Daddy JohnWatts$15Bed L2View
Suburban Jere RushWatts$18Bed FrstView
Suburban Jim's MementoWatts$8View
Suburban John E. WattsWattsdisplay onlyView
Suburban Judge HarrellWatts$18Bed Frhm. ToothyView
Suburban Melodye CampbellWatts$20Bed Q5View
Suburban Mister ChuckWattsdisplay onlyBed Q5View
Suburban Nancy GayleWattsdisplay onlyBed P4View
Suburban PompadourWattsdisplay onlyView
Suburban Rick TaylorWattsdisplay onlyView
Suburban TRWattsdisplay onlyView
Sugar LipsTrimmer$35Bed P3View
Sultry GirlsDavisson-J.display onlyView
Summer Stormdisplay onlyView
Summer Symphonydisplay onlyView
Summer Symphony display onlyView
Summoning the NightSalterdisplay onlyView
Sunburned ShouldersHansen-D.display onlyView
Sunglasses NeededJoiner-J.$35Bed P3. One availableView
Sunny IntervalsGoldnerdisplay onlyView
SurrealityStamiledisplay onlyBed Q5View
Suwannee SilkHouston$12Bed N3View
Sweet Love Of HeavenGrace-L.$10Bed Frsw Bed k2View
Sweet TootsieYancedisplay onlyView
Sweet TranquilitySalter$12Bed L4View
SynchronicityHansen-D.$50Bed Q6View
Tahoe Snow BlizzardGossarddisplay onlyBed J3View
Taigadisplay onlyView
Taken By StormSalter$7Bed N3View
TalladegaStamiledisplay onlyBed FrstView
Tallahassee Two StepHerrington-T.$15Bed L2View
Talquin's Broken ArrowFowler-B.display onlyView
Talquin’s Dusty RoseFowler-K.display onlyView
Talquin's Summer MemoriesFowler-K.display onlyView
Tama Glitters display onlyView
Tar And FeatherKaskel$15Bed L3View
Tattooed DuchessSalter-E.H.$18View
Tavares Double RuffleSmith-Harry-P.display onlyBed M4View
Tawny PinkBeckham$6Bed L4View
Ted's Tribute To LindaPetit$20Bed M5View
Tee Money 2$8Bed P4. 3” Cienna with maroon eye. 18” h. Ee. Opened well with 40 degree nightView
Tennessee TreasureCarpenter-J.$10BedL4. Great Rebloom hereView
Terra Cotta Stardisplay onlyView
Tessa AnnHansen-D.$30Bed Frhm. LimitedView
Tetra My Cup Overflowsdisplay onlyTetraploid conversion Bomar/Grace Conversion Most people like big and huge flowers rather they be diploid or tetraploid. T.M.C.O fits the bill holding it's 9" blooms a good way through the scape, all though the Tet seems to hold the size longer. I have never tried to hybridize for large flowers, guess i just stumbled into them accidentally but accidentally or not it sure has been a lot of fun. I would like to share the reason for why the high cost of the conversions. I have a partner with " T. MY CUP OVERFLOWS" we gave about $1500 for the diploid plants, then it was to grow and increase the plants before we could began to do the treatment. After the process of treatment begins then your in for a four month daily baby sitting job, and at times we have a high death rate of plants lost during this process, plus the cost of colchicine. But it is well worth it just for the new genetics.View
Texas Big RedCarpenter-J.display onlyView
Texas Feathered FancyCarpenter-J.display onlyView
Thanks For Last NightKovach$20Bed P4. 3avail. View
That's Just a FairytaleSalter-E.H.display onlyView
The Band Played OnStamiledisplay onlyBed J3View
The Big CrabWaldropdisplay onlyView
The Blessing of FreedomGrace-L.display onlyBed p4View
The Bravo BrigadeSalter$15Bed L3View
The Carpenter's HeartSimpson-E.display onlyView
The Extra Ordinary Bob GoolsbySalterdisplay onlyView
The Glowing FieldsPierce-G.$25Bed FrhmView
The Heart of ChristmasGrace-L.display onlyBed P4 View
The King Is ComingCarpenter-J.$15Bed L1 GrhmView
The Night KingDouglas-H.display onlyView
The One RingSalter-E.H.display onlyBed P3View
The Pink ShabangPierce-G.display onlyView
The Pressure Is OnBell-T.display onlyView
There's My GirlJoiner-J.$25Bed P3View
The Ultimate SacrificeGrace-L.display onlyView
The whole nine yardsPierce-G.display onlyView
The Wonderful Thing About TigersGoudeaudisplay onlyView
Thing Of BeautyTerry$10Bed L2 Great Rebloom hereView
Thin ManTrimmer$12Bed N5 Bed K3View
Third WitchReeddisplay onlyView
Thomas TewStamiledisplay onlyView
Three PointerMurphy-J.P.$25Bed.p5View
Tickle the OctopusWolff-D.$40View
Tidewater SnowflakeSterrett$15Bed Frst. Small fansView
Tika Coraldisplay onlyView
Tika Fantasydisplay onlyView
Tika Fantasydisplay onlyView
Tika Princessdisplay onlyView
Tika Sunrisedisplay onlyView
Timber ManTownsend-J.display onlyBed J5View
Timeless ElfSalter-E.H.$40View
Timeless RomanceSalter$12Bed N3View
Time StopperGossarddisplay onlyBed p5View
Time TestedSalter-E.H.$15Bed FrhmView
Tim HerringtonElliott-S.$20View
To Be or Not to BeSalterdisplay onlyView
To God Be the GloryCarpenter-J.display onlyView
TommystarAnderson-H.display onlyBed N5. Great bud count. LimitedView
Tool Man TimHerrington-H.$35Great scape! LimitedView
Tooth and NailBenz-J.display onlyBed L2View
Topguns Apache War PaintScott-B.$18View
Topguns Bandit's BandanaScott-B.display onlyView
Topguns Double WinemeisterScott-B.display onlyBed L2View
Topguns the PatriarchScott-R.H.display onlyView
Touch the NightSalterdisplay onlyView
Townsend pale pink ivorydisplay onlyBed J3. 6” Pale pink/ivory green throat ruffled edge very good scape. E. Tet 5 branches. 26” height 20 budsView
Townsend Pansy Blackdisplay onlyTownsend Seedling 5.5 inches. Rose with near black, large eye and edge. Two branch, 10 bud, tetraploidView
Townsend Patterndisplay onlybed J2. 5 inch peach with green to yellow throat blue patterned Eye with raspberry pencil mark wire edge raspberry. Townsend seedling number 07981. Put patterns on seedlings. Tetraploid. 28 inches height. Three branches 12 Bud rebloomView
Townsend Peach dark eyedisplay onlyBed J5. 5.5 ivory with maroon eye and edge Green extended throat tetraploid medium season six buds View
Tradition With A TwistSalter$15Bed L3View
Traffic LightYance$20Bed Q6View
TrahlytaChilds-F.display onlyView
TrainrobberWilkersondisplay onlyBed L5View
Transcendent LoveCarpenter-J.display onlyView
Trenton Derby HatOakes-M.display onlyView
Treva GeneEller-N.$15Bed p5. 1 avail. View
Tribal CouncilPryor-J.display onlyView
Tropical DelightStamile-G.$10Bed Frhm. Small fansView
Tropical Experience seedlingdisplay onlyBed L3. Pod tropical experience. 5 inch pink by tone green to yellow throat heavy gold ruffled edge with some teeth 25 inches high to branch six Bud rebloomView
Tropical Hot FlashTrimmer$15Bed N5View
Tropical PirateSalter$15Bed L5View
Tropical ShadeSalter$15Bed M5View
Tropical TrailsHansen-D.display onlyMidView
Tropical TreatDuncandisplay onlyBed N4View
True DevotionHansen-D.$15Bed N5. One of the whitest in my gardenView
Truffle SmileKirchhoff-D.$15Bed J5View
Truffle SunriseKirchhoff-D.display onlyView
Trump CardReilly$15Bed L1. Great Rebloom hereView
TumbleweedPierce-G.display onlyView
Turn Up the VolumeCorbettdisplay onlyView
Tuscawilla SnowdriftHansen$12Bed P4View
Tuscawilla SnowdriftHansendisplay onlyLeftView
Tuscawilla TigressHansen$8Bed L5View
Tutti Fruiti TruffleKirchhoff-D.$18Bed J3View
Twice KissedStamiledisplay onlyView
Twilight TextSalter-E.H.$8Bed M4View
Twist And SpinStamile$15Bed J5View
Twisted Blue Time WarpSalter-E.H.display onlyBed FrswView
Twisted TinaWoo-S.R.$15View
Twisted WhiskersJoiner-R.$25Bed N4View
Twitter BugHensley-D.$25Bed M2. 3 avail. View
Two Part HarmonyKaskel-Trimmerdisplay onlyBed M1View
Two Tandisplay onlyBed F6. Pod seedling 18 Dash 142 seedling coffee to go for inch tannish peach double three branch 28 inches height 15 bud medium season dipView
Two To TangoStamile-G.$10Bed FrhmView
Uda GuitarraHansen-D.display onlyView
UnboundHansen-D.display onlyView
Uncle Henry Of OzHerrington-K.display onlyBed J5View
Uncle Wiggily LongearsHerrington-T.display onlyBed M5 Fans smallView
Under the Violet MoonDouglas-H.display only2024 fall Abundant. Cost 20 sfView
Unique PathHansen-D.$15View
Unique PurpleChilds-F.$4.5Bed k2View
Universal EnergiesHansen-D.display onlyView
Unlock the StarsPetitdisplay onlyView
Upward MobilityPeatdisplay onlyView
Urban FantasySalter-E.H.$20Bed FrhmView
Value Beautydisplay onlyGoff, 2021, sev, 6.5 red with cream edge. Pink watermark. Photo by Patrick GuidryView
Vanilla FluffJoiner$12Bed P4 View
Vanishing MistEmmerichdisplay onlyView
Velvet EyesStamiledisplay onlyBed N1View
Velvet OnyxStamile$15Bed FrhmView
Velvet RibbonsStamile$12Bed N1View
Velvet ThronePetit$30Bed p5. Fabulous color!View
Vera McFarland MemorialKinnebrew-J.display onlyView
Victorian LaceStamile$18Bed Frsw L4View
Victoria's SecretSalterdisplay onlyBed M3View
Viennese TruffleKirchhoff-D.$15Bed M2. 1 availView
Vino Di NotteKirchhoff-D.$12Bed H2View
Vintage ModernSalter-E.H.display onlyView
Vintage VelvetSalter$20Bed K3View
Violet HorizonsPierce-G.display onlyView
Viva Glam GirlMarchant$25Bed p5View
Voila FrancoisStamiledisplay onlyBed J5View
Vt061bg Townsend Seedling$5View
Walter KennedyStamile$25Bed J5View
Wand of MagicJoiner-J.display onlyView
Warm and FuzzyHansen-D.$18Bed FrhmView
Warrior KingBenz-J.display onlyView
Warrior's QuestSalter-E.H.$15Bed L3View
Web BrowserStamiledisplay onlyView
Web Of IntrigueStamile$10View
Webster's Double WonderWebster-Cobb-Gossard$18Bed J2View
Webster's Pink WonderWebster-Cobb$15Bed P3View
Webster's Red BloomersWebster-Cobb-Gossarddisplay onlyView
Wedding CantataClementdisplay onlyView
Western ShoreSalter$15Bed J3View
Westfarms Double Princess$10Bed FrswView
Westfarms Purity$10Bed Frsw. 6" near white. Diploid.View
Westminster LaceSalter$12View
Whammer JammerHansen-D.$10Bed N5View
Whammer JammerHansen-D.display onlyRight backView
What FunSalter$15Bed N5. LimitedView
When Donkeys FlyBell-T.display onlyView
Whimsical WitchSalter-E.H.$8Bed J5. Often doubles here View
Whirling WhitePierce-G.display onlyView
Whispers UndergroundSalter$22Bed P3View
Whistle BlowerJoiner-J.$15Bed M2. Small fans. 1 availView
White Butterfly Ginger$5The butterfly ginger lily is a half hardy perennial, flowering plant. The blooms are strongly scented and quite intoxicating. The plants are part of the marginal rainforest community in tropical Asia. As such, providing partial shade and organic rich, moist soil is key to growing Hedychium ginger lilies. Several species are available for the home gardener. They produce spikes of flowers in hues of red, white, gold, and orange. The flower sizes vary among the species but each has a deep spicy scent. Flower spikes may be up to 6 feet tall and each flower lasts for only one day. The foliage may get 4 to 5 feet tall and has a wide, sword-like form. Foliage will persist until a cold snap kills it to the ground. An important bit of Hedychium ginger lily info is that the plant should not be grown in Brazil, New Zealand, or Hawaii. It is an invasive species in these areas and has naturalized in some regions Read more at Gardening Know How: Hedychium Ginger Lily Info: Tips On Caring For Butterfly Ginger Lilies
White LemonadeLoughry$10View
White PerfectionStamiledisplay onlyView
White RenaissancePetit$20Bed J5View
White Temptation Sellersdisplay onlyView
Wild And FreeStamile$15Bed p5View
Wild and WonderfulStamiledisplay onlyView
Wildfire TangoKirchhoff-D.display onlyRight frontView
Wild WookieStamile$9Bed M1 Bed J3View
Willa JeanNetherton-J.display onlyBed P2View
Wilson SpiderWilson-Oakes$8Bed N3View
Winds Of LoveRoberts-N.$8Bed n5. Small fansView
Windsor LaneSalterdisplay onlyBed FrhmView
Wine countryPierce-G.display onlyView
Wings of SpringBell-T.display onlyView
Winter TreasureSalter$15Bed N5. 1 availView
Wiregrass GreenstarCooper-E.$12Bed N5View
Wisest of WizardsSalterdisplay onlyLeftView
Wishy WashyJoiner-J.$15Bed FrhmView
Wisleydisplay onlyView
Wizard's SecretLawler$15Bed L4View
WolverineGossarddisplay onlyBed P4 1 availView
Woman in RedHansen-D.display onlyView
Wonder Of It AllCarr$18Bed L4View
Woodlea WonderSmith-Harry-P.display onlyView
Worth It AllCarpenter-J.display onlyBed L2View
Worthy OneWilddisplay onlyView
Wow are YouHerrington-H.display onlyView
Wrapped In MoonlightDouglas-C.$12Bed Frsw. View
Wrecking BallHansen-D.display onlyView
Written on the WindPetitdisplay onlyBed J3View
Yazoo Jim TerrySmith-Barfielddisplay onlyRightView
Yellow MoonlightGrovenstein-L.&E.$6Bed L2.View
Yellow ViperGossard$10Bed k2View
Yoga ManHansen-D.$35Bed P4View
You and EyeBuntyndisplay onlyView
You are JoyBell-T.$22View
You've Got SoulJaquesdisplay onlyView
Z23-002display onlyLarge orangish redView
Z23-003display onlyView
Z23-006display onlyExtra large. Dark red.View
Z23-007display onlyView
Z23-008display onlyView
Z23-009display onlyView
Z23-010display onlyBed Q6 SE. Large red. View
Z23-011display onlyBed n4 en white with pinkView
Z23-012display onlyBed M3 se. Large reddish orangeView
Z23-013display onlyBarn. Extra large white pink. Greenish yellow on petal edges.View
Z23-014display onlyBarn. Similar to moon scene, nicer. View
Z23-015display onlyBarn. Double, reddish orange with white midribView
Z23-016display onlyBarn. Double, white with pink veins. Pod: Shrimp and GritsView
Z23-017display onlyBarn. Pod: Flamingo Queen View
Z23-018display onlyBarn. Large reddish orange double View
Z23-019display onlyBarn. Reddish orange and white doubleView
Z23-020display onlyView
Z23-021display onlyBarn. Reddish orange double View
Z23-023display onlyBarn. Double. Reddish orange with wide white midribView
Z23-024display onlyBarn. Double. Reddish orange and white View
Z23-025display onlyView
Z23-026display onlyBed N3 SW. large redView
Z23-028display onlyBarn. Double. Reddish orange. Wide white midrib.View
Z23-029display onlyBarn. Double. Red and white View
Z23-030display onlyBarn. Double. Red and whiteView
Z23-031display onlyBarn. Double. White and redView
Z23-033display onlyBarn. Flamingo Queen x Inferno View
Z23-034display onlylarge orange red double. Pod Kay’s orange red extra large. Greenhouse View
Z23-035display onlyBarn. Double. Reddish orange and whiteView
Z23-036display onlyBarn. Double. Red and whiteView
Z23-038display onlyBarn. Semi double. Red and white View
Z23-040display onlyGreenhouse. Double. PinkView
Z23-042display onlyDouble. Reddish Orange View
Z23-043display onlyBed P3. Double, reddish orange. Wide white midribView
Zombiedisplay onlyView
Zundles JubileeFalckdisplay onlyView
Zuni EyeRoberts-N.display onlyView